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The Real Truth About the Annunaki (not for skeptics)

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posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by TheSonOfMan

All the Annunaki are not the same and do not have the same intentions. The Neph you see mentioned in the bible were just a juvenile bunch who couldnt follow orders. Ibliss/satan was the rebellious one,he is the real e.t threat that we face.He lost his stay in heaven (nibiru) and was so angry afterwards that he vowed to take his revenge on humans(adam) and this is why the world is as it is today...

Its is the vengfull satan wispering into the ears of humanity causing us to futher our own destruction because thats what he wants. Almighty god has permiited satan from physical contact with us..he can only attack you mentally and spirtaully..but he has no physical control ,this is why the government/illumnati do all his dirty work in the physical realm...If you read the qur'an this is mentioned as " the jinn and men" jinn are spirits created before humans were,satan was among these jinn.

Whoever is completely devoted to god will never be at risk from the Jinn,but the weak minded,un-spiritual human beings are the most at risk and will all more then likely be tossed into hell because this is the punishemnt for rejecting god/faith.I am only a warner to a people who will repent and believe.

Nibiru is coming!. and when it does the Children of the Most high will be rescued/sealed..they will be sucked away off the planet like a gaint vaccum...aka the rapture...anybody who isnt among them will be left here to die,straight up thats how its gonna be,no if ands,or buts about get ya mind right NOW! open your hearts,spread as much love as you can,and give to the needy,and keep regular prayer,if you do these simple things you can achieve salvation..because there isnt to much time left before this is gonna happen...and i bet my life on it that it will.

The powers that be (nwo) know this event is coming but they are so intrenched in demonic behavior even if they wanted to be saved they couldnt be,satan has totally taken over there minds,they are mentally and spiritually blinded...they will just take everyone left behind after the rapture and kill them or use them as slaves(this is there plan)...this will be the worst period in earths history and never to be repeated.

If you wanta chance to be saved i suggest you convert to islam,not the kind of islam you see and hear about on talking about the true untainted islam...just go to whatever bookstore is in your area..and grab a copy of the qur'an majid and read it with good intentiions and i will garuntee it will change your life...and you will have a better chance of survial in this life and the hereafter.Once you die physcially you are not totally dead.

Nbiru was the first inhabittaion of the humans before the great rebellion of ibliss & the jinn. satan knew that one day nibiru would return and we would all be raised up for judgement...this day is coming soon..and satan wants as many people as possible not to be a be apart of it...dont be one of them...because indeed those will be the losers..and those of true devoted faith will be the winners.

Choose carefully which side you would like to be may mean your life.

In the light of the Most High God All'ah

Bless you all.
ypu know i have a lot of respect for you i like how devoted you are to your religion and want people to be converted but do it in a good way i would like you to explain stuff about islam on this sight ps im a christian

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 09:34 PM
Don't you realize......... there are more similarities in Islam, Christianity, Judiasm dogma than there are differences. Same players, diffierent emphasis, different interpretations. All three recognize Abraham, Jesus, etc. etc. etc.

Could it POSsibly be that God spoke to different peoples in different languages and PEOPLE interpreted those words within the context of their own experiences?

Could it? Could it be?

Now. If it could be...... what does the difference mean? Is it important? Does it matter, other than cultural conceptions?

I've said it for a loooooooooong time. What humanity NEEDS is a superior predator. Guess what? I think we have one. Or many. Pick your poison.

I don't think it makes two shakes of difference how I view God. Prove me wrong.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 01:48 AM
Ah yes ,Religion. How to get people fighting amongst themselves while you reap the rewards .
Your so called GOD created all these bull# religions to control people through them .To keep them in fear guilt and shame. ITS ALL BOLLOCKS .

Your god is just another invention .He's never there when you need him , but he's coming back soon. yeah right .

How many priests of all religious persuasions are child molesting perverts ? All of them .
Enki is allah is jesus is mohamed is whoever you are stupid enough to blindly believe in while they pass round the collection plate .

get over it guys and start thinking . jesus was supposed to be back within a few weeks according to his disciples . Still waiting....

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by TheSonOfMan

you should read the book of giants you shouldnt get so offended at what he says im sorry if im mistaken but from what you said i got it that you were muslim i dont think the bk of giants contradicts your scripture and will you explain some things abbout islam on some thread im interested in learning

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by reconpilot

he did come back the 40 days he stayed on earth after his ressurection and the O.T. saints ressurection stop looking for contradictions in the bible so you can feel comfortable in believing there is no God and tell me where is the rationale of believing there is no God? i used to think to myself when i was younger than i am now and just imagine if what athiests said was true than feel what i would feel after death and i got it for about a second and it was gone the feeling is a creepy one and from htat day foward i promised myself i would always believe in a God b/c if you look the only every religion believes in giving you another chance muslims believe everyone will get to heaven after theyve recieved their jjudgement hinduism believes you get reincarnated until you get to the state of enlightenment so on except christianity and Judaism

so why not play it safe and be a christian so you can go to heaven no matter what instead of playing with your soul most atheists get converted on their death bed anyway

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by argentus
there are many similarities tbtwn the three religions and i wouldnt mind beliving your theory but look at this

in islam jesus was just a prophet

in christianity Jesus was the saviour of the world

in most judaisms beliefs jesus didnt exist at all

the fight btwn the religions was started by who jesus is and that is why it matters

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by argentus
i will prove you wrong you can view God anyway you want to even if its not true but believin in Jesus Christ is whats gonna get you to heaven look at my earlier post

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by PanzerDiv
religion is what made those ancient culture stories no matter wht you believe evolution christianity islam so on you have o belive that at one pnt there has to have been only one religion on the world evolutionists dont care and christianity islam and judaism just try to prove it was theirs thats why religion fits everything we were all either extensions offthe real thing or the real thing that all of our beliefs rooted out of

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by TheSonOfMan
Until you have actually read the quran..i wouldnt be so quick to judge.

to me you sound like every other ignorant american person watching fox news every afternoon ..supporting the killing of islam.

read the book,then you can judge.

i do agree with the son of man on this all christians should have respect for islam instead of bashing it. and americans are ignorant b/c they dont want to look at the real thing the majority of them get their info from TV

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by stikkinikki
I' pretty skeptical about this whole annunaki 2012 Zach Sitchin stuff. Is there ANY scientific evidence to back up these claims or is it yet another fairy tale like scientology and christianity?
first you must realize the proof of christianity then when you realize that christianity is truthful and such you will realize how the annunaki fit the discription of many things in the bible so yes its the fairy tail stuff of scientology and christianity if thats what you want to call it

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Pledja
reply to post by TheSonOfMan

Islam is killing to,there no better than the suppose killers who i assume you think are americans.Most are those people are not really in are yet to realize that our society is a controlled society just look at religion it keeps you doing the same things over and over and it is justification.The god it speaks of is suppose to judge man

Our Justice and money sytems already do this.God isnt interested in sending anyone to hell.Would a father send his son to a murderer i think not.I suppose you think that theres a hell on every planet.All this is just simple ideology im sure a child could think of much better
No he is not but why would he let someone who believes in him go to heaven and someone who he got blasphemed by and never repented go too and by the way only christ was a son of god and remember we are only adopted if we accept him and the only way to do that is through christ youre like alot of people who believe in the politically socially accepted way of religion

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:07 PM
Blind faith and empty words are never going to save anyone. From anything. Ever. Period. Especially "faith in Jesus." That is the most absurd thing I have heard (at least recently) from any major religion, unless "faith" is being interpreted in some unconventional way. Parroting other people and agreeing blindly with them as wholeheartedly as you can is not spiritual progression, it's mainly just a psychological/sociological phenomenon that makes you feel good to be accepted, and you will die just the same when things get bad, because you will not know what in the hell is going on. There is more to learn than that.

For those who can see, there is plenty out there to see. No one is going to be able to predict what exactly will happen in the next few years, but things like catastrophic socio-economic collapse and food shortages are pretty much given at this point, and there is going to be a great divide between positive, loving people, and negative, selfish people. You have to figure out, are you here to help others as best you are able, or are you ultimately only here to serve your own senses and desires?

[edit on 20-6-2008 by bsbray11]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:33 PM
I read the whole thread (or at least most of it) and I feel generally insulted by all these different religions claiming that "they will save us from the Annunaki". It's so funny because I'm a non-religion follower (I am VERY religious; or spiritual, but not following any particular RELIGION) and I'm very deeply involved in this knowledge. I know a lot about it (or at least I think; there's always more to learn) and I really believe that many of the theories surrounding the Annunaki and them enslaving our world are very true. BUT as religious people feel offended by people saying that they have the wrong religion; I feel offended when religion is forced to me in combination with knowledge and important subject matter which in my opinion shouldn't be "tainted" by anything as brainwashing as religion.

Religion can be a good thing; if there was only one religion and everybody believed in it. This is however not the case; we've created multiple "religions" dividing this coccoon called Earth into groups of people who, in essence believe the SAME, but still preach others to follow THEM. This pains me and makes me almost hate religion whatsoever, even though I know the concept of religion is not bad; I've just seen it being misused so much.

I think this information is very important and scares people away even more when mixed with a certain religion. The Annunaki story is already hard to understand and digest; mixing it with religion seems to me like an easy way to gain followers OR scaring non-religious people interested in the subject matter away from it because they start to link the info to a certain religion.
The Annunaki story however goes much deeper than any religion whatsoever and it is most likely that many earth religions are based on this theory; not the other way around.

That's what I find funny, I never feel the urge to recruit people, they recruit themselves into my group of friends, and that's why I call them friends

Say what you want; this is where I stand, no offense, just opinion.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by enigmania

its our choice to follow him or not thats not a dictator

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by Progmusician
i respect what you ay

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 11:35 PM
i agree with jesus-freak for the most part. to the poster that referenced the child molesters...that is satan at work in the church to further blind people like you as to the truth about Jesus Christ. some people predict the antichrist will come out of the vatican. it wouldn't suprise me. the bible says even the elect will deceived in end times. God will judge us all in the end individually. i hope you come to belive in salvation through Christ alone some day before it's too late.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 05:00 PM
I don't know what I believe yet, however those that think the Annunaki theories are too far fetched and believe in the Bible or evolution, well to me those are just as far fetched. The way all the pieces fit together so nicely when doing some research has me intrigued big time. The Annunaki theories have helped me make sence out of a Bible that I never understood, as well as other religions, Greek mythology, philosophies and prophacies, etc... The pieces all fit.

One thing is very clear no matter what you believe: we need to let go of all our hate, anger, fear, guilt, shame, etc... and learn to love unconditionally as well as have compassion for all our fellow man. This is the key to our ascension.

I do believe the Illumanti still exist today as do the Greys. I believe there has been secret governments for a long time. I believe we know much more about UFOs and ETs then those in control let the public know. I believe everything is about control from money - schools, from churches - work , etc... I believe TV was the greatest weapon those with power ever made as it not only serves as entertainment to distract the public, but the mass public get there news from this lil box as well. Media is controlled just like everything else.


posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

How many threads are there on the Annunaki? Sitchin must have a huge following. If the Sumerians knew about the solar system, why did they forget about Pluto's sister planet Charon? If they had depicted the double planet, that would be great evidence. They also forgot Eris, Sedna, and MakeMake.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:00 PM

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by TheSonOfMan

All the Annunaki are not the same and do not have the same intentions. The Neph you see mentioned in the bible were just a juvenile bunch who couldnt follow orders. Ibliss/satan was the rebellious one,he is the real e.t threat that we face.He lost his stay in heaven (nibiru) and was so angry afterwards that he vowed to take his revenge on humans(adam) and this is why the world is as it is today...

Its is the vengfull satan wispering into the ears of humanity causing us to futher our own destruction because thats what he wants.

Choose carefully which side you would like to be may mean your life.


That is so true, if you were a being who was going to live forever, but you knew you could and would be cast into a burning prison for all eternity and there was nothing you could do about it until that final day it happens, wouldn't that make you want to destroy everything that the God that will eventually imprison you has created?


In the light of the Most High God All'ah

Bless you all.


I think you are being deceived into believing that allah is God. Allah is the god that muhamed created to bring togther all the varios tribes and become very powerful as a united people. But you have some very good perspective on the ET thing.

May you find the true path that leads to salvation which is very narrow and not easily traversed.


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