posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 02:22 PM
First of all, i'm not into this "ufo" thing. As a kid, I was more interested in Marvell comics and making stink bombs than looking for ufo's.
Between 1964 and 1967 I lived in a semi detached house in Reading, England, UK. It was late spring/early summer, warm weather. I was between 7 and 10
years old at the time. I went to bed one night and something woke me up, don't know what. I went to look out of the bedroom window because of being
aware of something in the garden below. When I looked out, I could'nt beleive what I was seeing. A classic scaucer shaped disk, lit up on the ground
next to the conservatory. Sizewise, it must have been between six and eight feet across. It had a cylindrical base with a seperate top bit and what
looked like bubble windows round the top. Classic shape. I thought I was dreaming, so just went back to bed.
In the morning when I awoke, I thought "what a great dream" and rushed downstairs to look in the garden just in case it was'nt a dream after all.
When I got there, there was a perfect circle on the grass about six to eight feet in diameter. The grass within this circle was yellow, as if
something had been stood on it for a long while and taken the colour out. I called my father and asked him what could have possibly done this
overnight. He offered no answer and I never told him of the "dream". This has bugged me most of my life now, not in a bad way, but i'd like to know
actually what it was I saw, if anything at all. Has anyone else seen anything like this, ever?