posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 01:45 AM
Well there was a post that said nothing will happen if she beats Obama. Might want to rethink that a bit, especially if there is a whiff of trickery.
The Democratic Party has turned the primaries into a racial/gender race. Look at the results in Mississippi. 90% of black voters went to Obama only
70% of white votes went to Clinton. For quite a number of people it has become a race issue as the first legitimate chance to have a black president.
People forget Jessie Jackson's bids, but I digress.
Many women feel that Clinton is their symbol of equality as well. McCain is hedging on these sentiments in his "no mudslinging" tactic. Secretly he
has to to be pulling for Clinton because it would be easier to defeat her on her few merits and many flaws.
Obama is rather wise, Clinton has tried the psychological trick of asking him to be her VP. I applaud him for not taking that bait. However of the
three choices so far (Nader, heh may as well be myself) things do not too good on the homefront which is where they canidates really need to be
focusing their attention for voter support. However it didn't really help Ron Paul but frankly he ran with some bum advice. Not that focusing on a
return of traditional constitutional values are not exactly what is indeed needed but he took it to an extreme and pretty much killed his bid in the
Quite frankly all three scare the hell out me. Clinton for being how she is, McCain because no one is sure what he is really about and Obama because
there is definately something hidden there. Just my opinions but to agree with another poster no matter which we choose (or have chosen for us) 2012
will be an even more interesting year...hope those Mayans were on to something to help us out.