posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:28 PM
you guys are like a bunch of parrots repeating everything you hear at your grandmother's hair salon. If we get Hillary, here's what we will get:
Foreighn Policy Team: Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Former UN Ambassador Richard Holbrooke. (unlike the Obama advisors, they
supported the war and avoided any exit strategy until 2005 so in this area I'm a bit more enclined to support Obama, however she like many others
acted on the information they were given and of course we know now it was a big fat lie, so I'd also like to lay some of the blame if not most of it
at the people in the Bush/Cheney circles and levels of govn't who perpetuated and promoted these absolute fabrications) Former Clinton National
Security Advisoer Sandy Berger. A little further back we will probably see cabinet positions filled by Gen. Wesley Clark and Joseph Wilson a former
ambassador. Jack Keane, Steven Simon, Lee Feinstein are some other names I think we can look forward to seeing in a Clinton White House.
Bottom line is, that if we Get Hillary Clinton, nobody has to freak out and move to some log cabin deep in the woods, or move to canada for free
health care. In fact we stand a good chance with a stronger democratic majority in the congress combined with an Clinton-Obama administration of
getting a significant update and improvement on our healthcare situation. It may be a ways off from what our good neighbor's to the north enjoy, but
after nearly 50 years of various attempts at change, I think we may finally see some. She's sharp, experienced, but most of all, we get a cabinet
made up of some of the brightest and most experienced people around, and they are anything but similar to the ilk of what we have running things
As for the lifting of the silver ware, vicious lies, rumors, and more smear tactic stuff direct from Limbaugh himself...and I would
venture to say that she was quite wise to attend a bilderburger meeting two years in a row. These are the people she will need to deal with at the
official level after all. But just because she attends doesn't necessarily mean she is one; I mean does anyone have any conclusive evidence that she
is one? Lots of business leaders and political figures as well as members of distinguished academic circles meet to talk about world affairs, many
who are not members will be invited to speak or to be a guest. Don't freak out and let your paranoia get the best of's really not that big
of deal. Even if she is dead set against their overall agenda, she would be a fool not to build relationships and interact with them...that's what
politics is: negotiations, concessions, and acceptances...someone has to do this kind of work, and I believe her team can handle it.
[edit on 14-1-2008 by skyshow]