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What if Hillary Wins???

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posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 10:33 PM
The NWO wants her, she was at Bilderberg 2 times, the last time it was in 2006 in Ottawa, Canada.

Obama is corrupt as well, he's not the ``change`` he's saying he is, he's fake.

The only candidate who's against the NWO is Ron Paul, just watch the media anger against him for proof.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by PleiadianC

If Hillary wins we all lose but why you think... Over the past 20 years or so a power base has been built around 2 families, the Bushes and the Clintons as a result we have had 20 years of their control. 4 years bush senior, 8 of Bill and another 8 of the idiot. What if Hillary wins... she is after all the candidate of the status quo from the Democratic party. Lets say we have 8 years of Hillary... what does the other power base do then, run Jeb? and after a term or two of him, Chelsa will be old enough to run... does anyone catch my drift? We could potentially have another 20 years or more of bouncing back and forth between two families... does this sound familiar... it was the circumstances that led to the Roman civil war and the rise of the Ceasars and the end of the republic.

Having so much power in the hands of just two families does not bode well for our country. THAT is why I am opposed to Hillary.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:28 PM
you guys are like a bunch of parrots repeating everything you hear at your grandmother's hair salon. If we get Hillary, here's what we will get:

Foreighn Policy Team: Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Former UN Ambassador Richard Holbrooke. (unlike the Obama advisors, they supported the war and avoided any exit strategy until 2005 so in this area I'm a bit more enclined to support Obama, however she like many others acted on the information they were given and of course we know now it was a big fat lie, so I'd also like to lay some of the blame if not most of it at the people in the Bush/Cheney circles and levels of govn't who perpetuated and promoted these absolute fabrications) Former Clinton National Security Advisoer Sandy Berger. A little further back we will probably see cabinet positions filled by Gen. Wesley Clark and Joseph Wilson a former ambassador. Jack Keane, Steven Simon, Lee Feinstein are some other names I think we can look forward to seeing in a Clinton White House.

Bottom line is, that if we Get Hillary Clinton, nobody has to freak out and move to some log cabin deep in the woods, or move to canada for free health care. In fact we stand a good chance with a stronger democratic majority in the congress combined with an Clinton-Obama administration of getting a significant update and improvement on our healthcare situation. It may be a ways off from what our good neighbor's to the north enjoy, but after nearly 50 years of various attempts at change, I think we may finally see some. She's sharp, experienced, but most of all, we get a cabinet made up of some of the brightest and most experienced people around, and they are anything but similar to the ilk of what we have running things now.

As for the lifting of the silver ware, vicious lies, rumors, and more smear tactic stuff direct from Limbaugh himself...and I would venture to say that she was quite wise to attend a bilderburger meeting two years in a row. These are the people she will need to deal with at the official level after all. But just because she attends doesn't necessarily mean she is one; I mean does anyone have any conclusive evidence that she is one? Lots of business leaders and political figures as well as members of distinguished academic circles meet to talk about world affairs, many who are not members will be invited to speak or to be a guest. Don't freak out and let your paranoia get the best of's really not that big of deal. Even if she is dead set against their overall agenda, she would be a fool not to build relationships and interact with them...that's what politics is: negotiations, concessions, and acceptances...someone has to do this kind of work, and I believe her team can handle it.

[edit on 14-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:43 PM

Having so much power in the hands of just two families does not bode well for our country. THAT is why I am opposed to Hillary.

Two families that are worlds apart on the issues. Why can't America talk about the issues again? The issues are first, and then second in importance is the cabinet whom the President appoints. Obama has hundreds of foreign policy advisors, just like Clinton does, although his from what I have read tend to be a bit more progressive and younger but more in terms of style rather than substance. No matter which one we get, we as a nation will begin a course in a new direction. There will be a tremendous amount of mopping up and fixing, if not re correcting the long laundry list of mistakes, blunders, and outright crooked doings of the Bush/Cheney folks. Beyond this I think we will get some major improvements in foreign policy and foreign relations building. reversals in relaxing of various regulatory measures towards environmental and occupational safety improvements. Social restructuring in terms of improvements to health care, education, and wealth fare. Perhaps the biggest challenge they will have to face though, will be a downturn in the economy that seems to be evident...significant draw downs in Iraq, but not a fast pull out...

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Odessy
you know, you talk about voter fraud with hillary? where have you been. i suppose the republican owner of the electronic voting machines (diebold is the company) had nothing to do with the elections of george bush...even when he came out publicly and said "he will do everything he can to get george bush elected". florida in 2000, ohio in 2004... there have been republicans that have went to jail because of election fraud in ohio. start with your own party...the jig is up and i wouldn't vote a republican for dog catcher if it ever came to that.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by skyshow

skyshow...i agree with you, but i'm afraid this is how it is going to be this year and it's only going to get worse. there is a good reason why karl rove (turd blossom as he is called by bush) went back to texas...he is planning to keep democrats out of office at any cost and he needed to get out of the spotlight. and the media has accomodated him nicely. we all better get prepared for alot of crap coming out of fox TV and the republican national committee (RNC). i have a feeling the GOP is going to make the swiftboating of john kerry look like a summertime picnic.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

Oh and did you hear about all the caging lists, and the switching of registrations in New Mexico? So in one of the counties made up almost entirely of democratic natives, 90% (not the exact statistic...but it's obscenely high) suddenly and for the first time in their lives switch over to become republicans LOL Then that one Precinct in Ohio where about 1,200 voted but Bush got over 4,000 votes and Kerry got a few hundred....again, not the actual story exactly, but there were many many many examples like this in Florida, Ohio, New Mexico and like 95% of all the hanky panky was perpetrated by guess what party? If you guessed Republican, and conducted the research, you would find out that you are absolutely correct. Ding Ding Ding!!!!

I forgot to mention the lines in democratic precincts in Ohio where waits were hours long because voting apparatus was moved to Republican precincts where lines were shortened and expedited...

A good source for all of this is from Award Winning BBC investigative Journalist Greg Palast and "Armed Madhouse". By far the best read regarding these issues and this crooked administration and phony war to jack us all up with high gas the book he will have the actual statistics regarding the cases I talked about, and the sources for where he got his information. It's kind of an irony that Europeans have been watching and talking about our elections fraud over here for more than 8 years now...and it's been among the top stories, but you have to really dig over here to find it, and it's rarely spoken of in the news...(we're talking actual documented fraud, not alleged....).

[edit on 14-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by skyshow

yeah cracks me up to hear republicans talk about corruption, but it's also sad... it's like nothing bad has happened the last 7 years.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by skyshow

now the democrats will have to raise taxes to pay off the credit card of public debt the republicans have us drowning in...and of course that will be their mantra "democrats raise taxes" it's like giving a 15 yr old girl your platinum visa card and letting her shop forr 7 years in a mall.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 03:47 AM
If Hillary wins, I guarantee one of the first things she will do is begin anti-gun legislation. In which case, a lot of people, especially myself, will be very pissed.
I think that will be the breaking point for many Americans. I however, don't see this happening. I feel that Hillary will be exposed, the voting fraud will be exposed, and we will probably end up with John Edwards as president. (I know it sounds crazy, but just you wait and see..)

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 02:14 PM
Hey everyone, Thanks for replying...
I made the thread just before I went to NYC and I just got back.
I haven't had a chance to read any replies but i'm gonna do that now and post back shortly.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

You make a valid point... and I start to wonder if votes actually matter anymore.

Also, just to add if anyones up to discuss it:
I just think its rather Ironic that we are going to have the first woman, or black president in out history ever this year...
This is all my opinion, but i think regardless of who is running, a democrat will win the election just because of how much bush f'ed up...
so, don't you think its strange that no matter what, history is going to change this election???
Like, its not an argument of whether its going to be the first woman president up against a white man, or a black man up against a white man... its either going to be a woman or a black man as president this year...
It just seems really "set-up" to me that no matter what, history is going to change this year.
we are either going to have the first woman president, or the first black president... and thats that... (IMO of course)

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 02:57 PM
They're all puppets for the NWO, it really doesn't matter who wins.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 09:44 PM
If Hillary sees her shadow on Pennsylvania Primary Day (22-Apr-2008) ie wins PA. We will have 18 more weeks of Freezing Political Maneuvering until the DNC National COnvention in Denver on Aug25th.

Florida and Michigan will become huge and the main impediment to a REDO is money,
I wouldn't be surprised if HRC's election commitee pays for the REDO.

Neither Obama or HRC has enough Primary and caucus votes to get the nomination it all
boils down to the Super-Delegates and they can be bought or enticed or heaven forbid use
their intellect to vote for their Choice du Jour.

Chris Mathews today showed a poll that shows only a ticket with Hillary on top and Obama as VP, has a solid chance 92% favorable, the next closest ticket was 60%.

If PA and Florida and Michigan go for Hillary that would not give her enough votes
to outright win but it sure would pursuade the Super-Delegates to vote for her on the first ballot as New York, California, Ohio, Fla, Mich and PA are in her camp, assuming she sees her shadow.

The DNC convention will be brokered, white smoke is passe to signal who will emerge from the room (they say they don't smoke anymore). Oh to be a fly on that wall.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 10:20 PM
Better the devil you know...

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 11:11 PM
If Hillary surprises people by beating Obama, the same thing will happen as when we were surprised when Bush "beat" Gore in 2000. Nothing at all.

A few people will complain, probably people like us, but nothing will happen. People are complacent, and just don't care. Now, I'm not endorsing either candidate here, and I don't see that it will make a lot of difference who the USA elects (McCain, Obama or Clinton) since they've all made it pretty clear where they stand. If I had an American vote, it would not go to any of those 3. I don't really care who wins anymore, since all the candidates that actually stood for the American people have either dropped out or no longer have a chance.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 01:32 AM
A dead man can do this job.

Vote Pat Paulson!!!

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 01:34 AM
I don't know exactly what will happen but I will advise anyone who can afford it to leave America because if she wins, American "Democracy" will be a sick joke that no longer deserves our allegiance.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 01:50 AM
I have a bad feeling the Michigan and Florida votes will count and put the witch over the top. Obama's name was not on the ballot for Michigan and I think florida and michigan broke the rules on purpose to give hillary the edge if needed.

All i know is one thing, whoever wins will be the antichrist who leads us to WWIII and possible extinction.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 03:15 AM
If hilary gets the nod i think there will be more than enough dead peoples vote in the south to take her over the top in the presidential election.

Vince F. will always be a hanging chad.

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