posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 03:07 PM
Wow this is really old news, I heard of this like 6 years ago. I thought we were a little more up to date here. The first link on this thread doesn't
even work so I cannot comment on the 9-11 predictions. Perhaps they were taken off because they were true, perhaps they were just B.S., who knows. Did
this information matter anyway? Did anyone use it to stop 9-11? Did anyone even make an attempt to use it to stop 9-11? No. I personally think the guy
on Art Bell was a nut case and he set the stage for the loss of transmission with his statement that they would triangulate his call soon. Just seems
too convenient to me. But the big question remains, if he or anyone else provided information regarding 9-11 and it was not acted upon, or at the
very, very least made known t the public by Art Bell or whoever he spoke to, then my problem is with that individual, and he is just as guilty as
those whom perpetrated the mass murder of our brothers and sisters. Do I think the government was involved, absolutely, there is way too much evidence
supporting that. Has that changed anything? No. The American people do not care if they are brutalized, swindled, lied to, and even murdered. So what
do you do? The best thing that can happen to this country is a complete and total economic collapse, and you know what, that may not even be enough to
wake the idiots up who call this place home. Sitting here and crying about what has happened is doing no-one any good other than those responsible,
for so long as you are distracted enough to not take action, they win and you lose. You want to make a name for yourself? It isn't gonna happen here
friends. Man up and organize people and take control of your government. Talking, crying, whining, and trying to find people to point fingers at has
not been too effective to this point, do you think more of the same is going to change that? Haven't we been trying exactly that same approach with
our elected officials most of whom cannot even pass a simple quiz on our county's constitution and history. Stop watching the world pass you by and
get off your behinds and do something about it.