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From Henry Deacon: More about Vitamin D3

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posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 06:20 PM
Take D3 and tell others to do the same

In addition to protection from influenza (seasonal, bird and pandemic) and other serious conditions (certain cancers, etc), Vitamin D3 plays a very important role in cell longevity by protecting the telomeres in your cells from shortening (thus stopping the cell aging process!) :

Why Spend $20000 on stopping the shorting of Telomeres via this company's expensive process? :

"These little bits of DNA are critical to healthy cell function and have been likened to the plastic tips on shoe laces because they prevent the chromosome from fraying."

When you can take D3 instead?

Vitamin D3 May Play Role in Longevity:

Google vitamin D3 and influenza etc
Do your research.

Henry Deacon is Trying to help you.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by baynard

Baynard your thread is closely related to this one which I urge you to read and flag due to it's life saving information.

I flagged yours.

Vitamin D + Calcium reduces CANCER risk by 77%

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 09:16 PM
Are D3 and D the same, just labeled as "D?"

I have heard of the positive effects of adding more D to your diet.

We have been told in the past that too much D is bad. But now, it seems lsome folks think you can take even more of the vitamin for increased health benefits

Of course the US RDA apparently has been said to be set low for numerous nutrients.

I have yet to try upping my dose of vitamin D. I'm curious as to its effects.


posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 03:22 AM

D3 is the most effective.

The people saying D is bad are people from Big Pharma.They benefit from a poor health population.More $$$$$$$ from repeat prescriptions.

Did you not read the links?

[edit on 10-1-2008 by esecallum]

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 09:50 PM
I didn't read some of the links. I needed to log in it seems.

I just now read the 1st link.

I didn't see anything about D3 itself in the ones I did read.


posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by cybertroy

Vitamin D is fat soluble, as are A, E and K. These vitamins can be potentially toxic due to the fact that they are easily obsorbed in the liver. This is why taking Vitamin D supplements is possibly dangerous and is actually unnecessary. The best natural source for Vitamin D is.......Sunlight.

Recent studies have found that Vitamin D deficiency is related to nearly all types of cancer. In fact, just by getting enough of it you can cut your cancer risk by 50 Percent.

So when it warms up, go outside and get at least 15 min. of direct sunlight to as much of your skin as possible a day.
The problem with skin cancer comes in to play when you overexpose yourself to the sun. This leads to burning, which can lead to all kinds of nastiness.


posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
reply to post by cybertroy

Vitamin D is fat soluble, as are A, E and K. These vitamins can be potentially toxic due to the fact that they are easily obsorbed in the liver.

No recorded deaths exist from too much vitamin D as it is impossible to get an overdose of Vitamin D by natural means and the supplements only have the BARE DAILY MINIMUM.

You would need to eat the whole 50 tablets.

It is mostly propaganda by big pharma who controls most of the mainstream media.

Oh! and the American Cancer Society recommends NOT taking supplements as the bastards would lose money from SELLING chemo drugs.

See below.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 02:24 PM

What does all this mean? It means that if you take high-quality calcium supplements and get lots of natural sunlight exposure or take premium vitamin D supplements (such as those made from fish oil), you could easily have a greater reduction than the 77 percent reduction recorded in this study.

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Most people get enough calcium through their diet, the problem is most of it is not used, or absorbed, by the body. You can reduce cancer by 77% without calcium supplements.

Here is a Great article on Vitamin D

Vitamin D toxicity can cause nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, constipation, weakness, and weight loss [59]. It can also raise blood levels of calcium [6], causing mental status changes such as confusion. High blood levels of calcium also can cause heart rhythm abnormalities. Calcinosis, the deposition of calcium and phosphate in the body's soft tissues such as the kidney, can also be caused by vitamin D toxicity

So go right ahead and take your calcium supplements to the max, along with stuffing your face with Cod Liver Oil. I hope you enjoy kidney stones and all kinds of health issues from an overdoes of vitamin A and D, and a pretty little condition known as Calcinosis.

As I said earlier, the best way to get Vitamin D in your system is 15-20 min. of direct sunlight a day, without sunblock; unless you live in the far north where going outside with minimal clothing is not advisable due to obvious reasons. In which case, taking cod liver oil would be a viable solution.


posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 05:30 PM
I quote:-Vitamin D toxicity can cause nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, constipation, weakness, and weight loss [59]. It can also raise blood levels of calcium [6], causing mental status changes such as confusion. High blood levels of calcium also can cause heart rhythm abnormalities. Calcinosis, the deposition of calcium and phosphate in the body's soft tissues such as the kidney, can also be caused by vitamin D toxicity [4].

That article is worthless.

I wonder who sponsered it?

The American pro Cancer Society? they make more money from the cancer victims?

Chemo is a nice little money big bucks earner.

It say's it CAN cause toxicity.

Drinking water CAN cause death.

Too many Mcdonalds CAN cause death.

Sitting on the toilet CAN cause death.

Crossing the traffic with your eyes closed CAN cause death.

Taking too many FDA drugs CAN cause death.

Listening to the corrupt FDA advise CAN cause death by vioxx.

Your worthless article fails to cite a single death or injury.

It's scaremongering,it just CAN cause toxicity.

So CAN drinking too much water or stuffing your face with burghers.

Listening to G.W Bush CAN make you stupid.


NOT taking these supplements WILL cause increase death by cancer by 77%
as established by the studies.

[edit on 11-1-2008 by esecallum]

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 04:28 AM

In the United States, overdose exposure of vitamin D was reported by 284 individuals in 2004, leading to 1 death.

There you go. Overdose, and 1 death thanks to vitamin D. You asked for it, and there you have it. And that is in one year.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd

In the United States, overdose exposure of vitamin D was reported by 284 individuals in 2004, leading to 1 death.

There you go. Overdose, and 1 death thanks to vitamin D. You asked for it, and there you have it. And that is in one year.

What proof is there it was caused by vitamin D?

How did they over dose?


How many die from crossing the road?

What about the 560000 deaths from cancer EVERY year?

Why are you misleading people?

the wiki article you quoted says:-

The exact long-term safe dose of vitamin D is not entirely known, but dosages up to 60 micrograms (2,400 IU) /day in healthy adults are believed to be safe.[8], and all known cases of vitamin D toxicity with hypercalcemia have involved intake of or over 1,000 micrograms (40,000 IU)/day[28]. The U.S. Dietary Reference Intake Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) of vitamin D for children and adults is 50 micrograms/day (2,000 IU/day). In adults, sustained intake of 2500 micrograms/day (100,000 IU) can produce toxicity within a few months.[2] For infants (birth to 12 months) the tolerable UL is set at 25 micrograms/day (1000 IU/day), and vitamin D concentrations of 1000 micrograms/day (40,000 IU) in infants has been shown to produce toxicity within 1 to 4 months. In the United States, overdose exposure of vitamin D was reported by 284 individuals in 2004, leading to 1 death.[30] The Nutrition Desk Reference states "The threshold for toxicity is 500 to 600 micrograms [vitamin D] per kilogram body weight per day."[31] The US EPA published an oral LD50 of 619 mg/kg for female rats.[32]

None of the doses I mentioned approach those levels.

The highest to prevent cancer by 77% was was 1100 to 1500 i.u. daily.

your figures are over 40000 i.u. daily for toxicity.

Who you working for?

The same wiki entry then says:-

, scientists released a metastudy which demonstrated a beneficial correlation between vitamin D intake and prevention of cancer. Drawing from a meta-analysis of 63 published reports, the authors showed that intake of an additional 1,000 international units (IU) (or 25 micrograms) of vitamin D daily reduced an individual's colon cancer risk by 50%, and breast and ovarian cancer risks by 30%.[44] Research has also shown a beneficial effect of high levels of calcitriol on patients with advanced prostate cancer.[45] A randomised intervention study involving 1,200 women, published in June 2007, reports that vitamin D supplementation (1,100 international units (IU) / day) resulted in a 60% reduction in cancer incidence, during a four-year clinical trial, rising to a 77% reduction if cancers diagnosed in the first year (and therefore more likely to have originated prior to the intervention) were excluded.[46][47
[edit on 12-1-2008 by esecallum]

[edit on 12-1-2008 by esecallum]

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 04:33 PM
All I've done is provided you with what you asked for. One recorded incident of death caused by an overdose of Vitamin D. And a couple hundred injuries. You asked for it.

The point I'm trying to make, once again, is this. Taking supplements for Vitamin D is unnecessary. All that is needed is a daily allowance of Sunlight. Just the fact that too much vitamin d can cause calcinosis is enough for me to not take it.


posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 08:49 PM
I found an interesting article on vitamins. Obviously, they want you to buy there vitamins. I'm ok with that, nothing wrong with advertising.

Anyhow, it has a lot of little pieces of information, including vitamin D.

I'm going to put it to the test. I got my bottle of Vitamin D today and will be taking 4x their dosage. That's 4000 IU/1000% Daily Value. Dirt cheap.

I have been scared off of excess Vitamin D myself for a long time. Let's see what happens.

Oh, here's the link:


posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 05:27 AM

The 77% reduction for cancer risk is 1100 to 1500 iu daily + Calcium .

Read the article again and links again.

[edit on 13-1-2008 by esecallum]

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 11:48 PM
Actually, I opted to try 6000 IUs on the D. We will see how it goes. I'm a weight lifter, I am intersted in the idea of muscle growth and Vitamin D. It was mention in the article I refered to.

I haven't noted heart burn today. Interesting. The first few I took seemed to bring about a "calm." I guess it cleared up the gloomyness? We'll see what happens over time.

I also was reading into Bob Barefoot stuff, and I'm interested in mineral supplementation.


posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 10:40 PM
A most interesting day.

I don't remember heartburn again from earlier today. Lifting in the gym was more pleasurable on some of my joints. I took two extra vitamin D tablets before I went to work out. I have felt extra "good" today. I can't say every moment was like a Barney cartoon, but man I felt more cheerful many times. I felt more "with it."

Is this mother nature's anti-depressant/multi purpose kick butt supplement?

This is like the "secret" supplement that has been underutilized and right under our noses.

I need more time to confirm positive results, though from my particular dosage. I want to see what happens over time as well.

What can this cheap little "wonder" do for people?

It appears there could be some heavy suppression of Vitamin D's true potential when it comes to the Medical Establishment.

I have a friend who's wife who has Lupus. The docs have her all messed up. She's on drugs that mess with her immune system so bad that she will be limited as to how much social interaction she can do. Her house has to be hospital like sanitized. It's messed up folks. One of her medicines she was or is taking could cause Shingles. With "help" like that I would have to try other means for relief. To think that Vitamin D may help bring her relief for pocket change every month; well, Big Pharma makes me sick sometimes.

Sad thing is, what if she took the Vitamin D idea to her doctors. Sadly, they might shoot down the idea because of "potential toxicity," with higher doses. (I'm assuming higher doses would be asked for with something like Lupus.) And, they are the ones doing the major poisoning of her body.


[edit on 14-1-2008 by cybertroy]

[edit on 14-1-2008 by cybertroy]

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 11:28 PM
Well, I have put it to the test yet again. I am now taking 10,000 IU of Vitamin D, this is 2500% daily value.

I think I may be losing some fat. There is some calcium in the supplement as well, so that may be contributing to what I think I'm seeing in the mirror. With 10 tablets, I'm getting 120% daily value of calcium.

I have been feeling pretty good. I'm not on up on a cloud or anything, but things seem better overall.

I did notice a pair of pants I presumed to be black, are now looking dark blue, though I still have a bit of uncertainty. I have had problems on and off with colors. Perhaps vitamin D is helping with further improvement of my color perception? I do have a stripe on a shirt collar that I presumed to be black, now looks to be a dark blue.

Again, more time needs to be invested. I had a few aches, headaches, and pains in the initial start of extra vitamin D mega-dosing, which I'm not sure what the source was. Could have been disrelated? Perhaps just a pain, and because of the negative press about Vitamin D megadosing, I thought it could have been because of D. I don't notice those pains now. Who knows? Could have been part of the "healing" process?


posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 12:16 AM
I keep noticing my hearing seems to be more precise. My hearing wasn't really bad before, but now I can pick out lyrics in songs easier.

I'll be listening to music and finally be able to clearly hear what is being said in some sections of a song.

Pucker up FDA and Big Pharma, my cheeks are ready for a kissing, if I find out for sure mega dosing Vitamin D is safe for me, and quite an amazing Vitamin when used this way. Are you hiding Vitamin D's full potential from the world?


posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 11:24 PM
I hope to provide some insite, by becoming the "Guinea pig."

I have added more vitamins and minerals to the megadosing mix.

I bought a simple bottle of "Equate" brand, which is similar to Centrum silver. This is a one a day vitamin. I take three a day, in addition to the normal vitamin pack I take in the morning. I try to make sure I have a source of enzymes (right now using mung bean sprouts) available when I take my vitamins, to hopefully help with absorption.

I also take one iron tablet a day. I don't want to megadose this, because apparently there can be a problem. And I haven't read otherwise that it is good to megadose iron. I think Selenium can be a problem too. This came from a site that supported the idea of megadosing.

I'm looking at adding more copper and more magnesium.

Anyway, I have noticed a little while back that the pain from hernia(s) have seemed to lessen. And I don't seem to be having as many problems with them. I have one area I'm thinking was a hernia, because of having to push intestines back in. It was never a big hernia. I have also had other pains in my abdominal area that are not bothering me as much. I think I noticed improvement before I added anything else on top of mega-doses of Vitamin D.

Does this mean that one of the causes of hernias is deficiency in vitamins and minerals, etc.?

Colors again, seem to be standing out and seem to be more vivid.

My ongoing sinus congestion issues seem to be much improved as of late.

I also added butter to my morning and night time protein shakes, for extra fat and Vitamin A.

As allways, I need more time to evaluate what is happening.


posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:36 PM

So much for the crappy scare stories that mega dose vitamins kill you.

Just shows how easily people are brainwashed by the FDA and their cronies.

An article on whale to showed how 66 blind kids had their vision restored after mega dosing on vitamin A.


[edit on 23-2-2008 by esecallum]

[edit on 23-2-2008 by esecallum]

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