I read 3/4ths of this thread after which I gave up because there was nothing new being presented.
So there are two general categories of posters here:
- The Anti-American (Govt) Group: This actually can be sub-divided into two groups, the 'fake video group' and the 'international waters'
- The remaining posters: These posters generally oppose any one or more of the above claims. One might also consider the 'brave captain' group who
commend the captain for his restrained actions.
IMHO it doesn't really matter actually.
There are two main points to consider..
The US has gotten itself(or been pushed into) an extremely jittery and jumpy state of affairs in the ME. Any coalition vessel in that region,
especially the narrow straits, will have the captain/commander hoping for uneventful passage.
Why? We all know why, the amount of Anti-Iranian posturing dished
out by the US is sufficient to make not only Iran, but any self-respecting non-aligned country in the region wince. Whether the posturing is
justified or not is completely irrelevant.
All captains/commanders and the likes should expect to bear witness to a bit of muscle flexing from the Iranians.
I mean, what can they expect: flower garlands and smiling faces? Or an apologetic,cowering tail-between-the-legs attitude?
I mean .. c'mon! the atmosphere there is much more electric than Russian bomber patrol intercepts!
I'm sure the smart and well-trained officers and seamen will know that their in for something that they might very well feel worthy sharing with the
grand children.
That brings me to the captain/commander. Yes, he did the right thing by not firing. Did he have the right to fire at them?
Well IMHO he 'could' have fired warning shots of their bow(s). However nobody knows if that would have further instigated the speedboats, and they
certainly seemed loony enough to be further instigated. But I also believe that he didn't do something phenomenally heroic. He just did the right
thing as every other serving officer in his place would be expected. I think the
'trigger-happy'/'shoot first- ask later' label has been stuck onto the US military too long and its about time individual actions like this begin
to remove that label.
(B)Again I think it is quite natural(and gutsy) for the Iranians to play on American reservations of exploding speedboats. Whether the gutsiness
arises from the central command way back in Tehran or some naval base commanding hotshot, is again irrelevant. Of course I'm sure the Iranians
realize that they do this at a risk of getting shot at. If they feel its worth the risk then they should go ahead by all means.
Such 'spooking' opportunities would be much less likely if war breaks out. The Americans will hope to engage anything and everything with a
stand-off/fire-and-forget capability, at least on the navel front. And why not?
If their technology enables them to do so then its completely justified. In fact
this stand off capability 'conditioning' of American forces is (IMHO) what makes these close encounters interesting and anxious for the
So there's not point arguing about WHY USN ships are there in the first place and who's waters are where. The Americans are there and they should
expect such asymmetric spooking.
Finally, I had a look at the video/audio that the pentagon released..
I was expecting someone to stand up and say 'smile, you're on candid camera!'
That radio message had 'practical joke' written all over it. Even if it was completely real or completely fake!