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Why dont i believe in God?

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posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 06:39 AM
I have been watching several threads about religion and gods. I have been raised in the christian faith, but i have allways been allowed to make my own choises regarding religion and politics. After carefull consideration of all the facts i decided to put my faith in science. I am not an atheist as described here on the board. So my question is to you; as a rational being raised as a christian but with free will, what is your explanation to why i do not believe in god? (not that i am sorry i dont:-))

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 06:42 AM
does you believing in him somehow matter? to you?

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 06:54 AM
I see you have a problem. You rely on science. I took lots of science courses in college so I could know he truth. I found the hard way that science takes you away from GOD. And science can never prove his existence. That's why you don't believe in GOD.

but there is hope. See the bible as fact, as a part of history. A reliable scientific study and then you will KNOW that GOD is real. You take the bible seriously and then you come to the conclusion that yes, in some ways a book, a story can actually prove there is GOD. It's all in your faith, once you will never unbelieve again!

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Daedelus
I have been watching several threads about religion and gods. I have been raised in the christian faith, but i have allways been allowed to make my own choises regarding religion and politics. After carefull consideration of all the facts i decided to put my faith in science. I am not an atheist as described here on the board. So my question is to you; as a rational being raised as a christian but with free will, what is your explanation to why i do not believe in god? (not that i am sorry i dont:-))

Love this question. I think it's a combination of reasons:

1.) This is a proof that Christianity isn't brainwashing. I'm sure you know about the principles, history and faith from your past experience.

2.) Science has an appeal. Everything seems to be visual and follow laws. As a scientist, I'd found the more I learned in the science, the more there are many interconnected patterns. One might even say engineering. I'd be careful putting your faith in it though, I work with the numbers everyday and for some reason sometimes they just don't come out. Why is this? Science is supposed to be exact and definate all the time, isn't it?

3.) There seems to be a perception that Christianity removes your individuality and your choices. I'm not sure where people get this impression, but it's not the case. God gives us a brain for a reason and He doesn't tell us who to elect president or what kind of sport we should like. He appreciated diversity...after all, He was the one who made us diverse.

4.) Christianity seems irrational to you (if I interpreted your post correctly). There doesn't seem to be enough facts and those who are Christian seem not to be rational beings. Again, not sure where this impression arose, but there are plenty of facts to be had and there are certainly thoughtful people within the faith.

You've asked the question why you're not a product of your environment. Perhaps you are! Instead of your environment shaping you towards Christianity, maybe it was your environment that pushed you away from it. That's a consideration that only you can answer though.

[edit on 8-1-2008 by saint4God]

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 08:41 AM
Well, first of all, nobody has "faith" in science. Faith is belief in something with no supporting evidence, and despite that fact.

Science is accepted, not believed in. It's the best tool we have for observing the world we live in and describing its laws.

As to why you don't believe in god, only you can answer that one.

But if I may hazard a guess, it's because the whole god shtick isn't rational, doesn't make sense, and there is no proof of it whatsoever.

Congratulations, you are rational. Nothing wrong with that at all. it's currently a bit of a hard path to walk with all the pressure from xians to conform to their quaint antique thought system, but it gets easier with time.

God is superfluous. The idea of religion is dangerous and in this day and age it does more harm than good anyway. It creates division where none needs to be, causes wars and holds back the advancement of humanity.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 01:38 PM
Question. How is this a conspiracy? Why is this not in the beliefs board on BTS? Just curious.

As to why you don't believe in God: None of my business. But I'm not sure why you think science and God are unrelated.

EDIT: I deleted the rest of my reply to this thread and moved it here since it was more relevant to the other thread. But check it out if you'd like. Whatever floats your science-is-the-only-infallible-god boat.

[edit on 1/8/2008 by AshleyD]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Daedelus

I keep hearing about those who study science don't believe in God when they are in fact studying God's work! This blows my mind. I have to ask those people what is behind the truths of science? You may say "I don't know" but I tell you it is God. ALL things are God inspired and created. Human minds can't grasp how someone can be the reason for everything but God is not a human being with human limitations and the more you try and fathom that you will better understand that he can do and make anything and everything. He created all the formulas in science to make what they make up. Nothing just happens to "be" from nothing and for no reason!

Another thing humans can't seem to understand is God was, is and always will be, no one created him. He is it, plain and simple. God is a divine spiritual power with intelligence beyond human comprehension. Humans seem to believe that there are always limits and in our existence on earth they are right but God is not bound by our limitations and just because it is too difficult to understand for some, does not make it false. I say think outside the box beyond human understanding and try to see it through spiritual eye's rather than human eye's.

You do not have to be in a religion to believe in God and have a relationship with him so if religion turns you off, that's fine but don't totally dismiss God as being real.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 10:25 PM
You do believe in "God". You don't believe in the use of the term "God". You don't believe in the symbolic representation of the unnameable one.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 10:29 PM

"Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is outside you.

[edit on 14-1-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by angel539
reply to post by Daedelus

I keep hearing about those who study science don't believe in God when they are in fact studying God's work! This blows my mind. I have to ask those people what is behind the truths of science? You may say "I don't know" but I tell you it is God. ALL things are God inspired and created. Human minds can't grasp how someone can be the reason for everything but God is not a human being with human limitations and the more you try and fathom that you will better understand that he can do and make anything and everything. He created all the formulas in science to make what they make up. Nothing just happens to "be" from nothing and for no reason!

The problem with this is science was considered to be evil or against god.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Daedelus

you probably simply see no particular reason to believe in any deity whatsoever, thus you don't.

tis probably that simple.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by evolutionz
The problem with this is science was considered to be evil or against god.

In studying the history of science (which is actually the name of a course I'd taken in college as well), it appears that millennium science (from about 800 AD to 1500 AD) incorporated in addition to astronomy, astrology and in addition to chemisty, alchemy. It wasn't until the renaissance (and maybe a little beyond) that certain pagan religions were separated from the data/statistics of science. In this way, science got a bad rap from the Catholic Church perhaps in reactionary response. Since the Protestant Reformation, many Protestants (and Catholics) had become scientists due to the pagan divorce.

Today, as a scientist, I do not see any separation or need for separation between science and God. Science is an excellent vehicle to begin understanding the Master Engineer. The more I learn about how things work, the more I see patterns, order and purpose. It's counter-intuitive to the law of entropy and fascinating to see the interaction between the two. I can also speak for many in my lab who are believers as well. There are plenty of Christians who are scientists to be had, though probably few who are vocal. Not sure yet, but when I find out why I'll be sure to bring it up on ATS.

Personally, I found more science in the Old Testament than in the studies of many other ancient civilizations.

[edit on 15-1-2008 by saint4God]

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