Originally posted by AllSeeingI
I am afraid Huckabee could turn out to be the perfect Republican canidate in terms of electablitly. He is fanatically religious and would without a
doubt further blur the line between church and state. IMHO all major religions are bunk and I feel frustration at the persistance of the billions of
followers in the world. In the USA these fools may help elect another religious idiot to the Presidency which will only further delay the progress of
humanity and science.
Allow me to say I agree with you,
and allow me to say I disagree with you.
You're right, Huckabee would be a terrible President, and would be much of the same "West vs Islam" crap, except this time it would be genuine, it
least on the side of the West, religiously genuine. Up to now its been nations vs religious extremists, then it would become religious nation vs
religious extremists, a much more volatile situation. At least the troops would have more motivation? lol.
So I dont want him in. I've wanted Obama in since he gave the keynote speech for John Kerry at the Democratic Primary in 2004. I said to my now
ex-girlfriend as we watched in awe, "That is going to be the next President. He sounds like Martin Luther King Jr!", Lol. Then we wished HE was the
candidate, because his speech blew away Kerry's, and Clinton's.
But if Billary got the nominaton, I'd vote on the Republican side, or consider it, especially for Ron Paul. .. I almost wrote Romni by accident, Ron
and Romni are too similarly written.
It's true though, what Huckabee said about being a Christian. Allow me to explain.. [SNIP]
You see, when you aren't a Christian, then become one, it's kinda weird. The rest of your life is pre-Christian in a sense, including your habits,
behaviors, actions, relationships, and so forth. Back then, you thought all that stuff was okay to do and okay to act like that, now you know better
and feel obligated.
So .. you slowly, even subconciously remove these things, people, and relationships from your life, and its painful. it really hurts. I mean think
about it, you've been with the same person for over 4 years and then you break up, mainly because your behavior changed for the better and your
partner was jealous, and also discouraged your faith because they had none? see, it all works itself out, you dont have to make the choices. The
choices make themselves. Some things are incompatible. That is one.
And as you can and your life whirlwinds around you in change, you realize the only constant you have anymore is your self, not your ego but your self,
and not only that, but its getting more and more identifiable, and more and more stronger. Before, you needed crutches, now you are walking. It hurts
to walk for a while, but before you could not stand at all.
Theres a tangible "essence" around us all, and we do not know it. You start to notice the subtle things that give it away though after becoming a
practicing Monotheist, or Buddhist, who are psuedo-Monotheist (hahaha, you guys are going to kill me over this one!) because even though they dont
believe in "God", their teachings came from ONE man .. one teacher, one first Buddha, before the rest.
What I mean is, you'll start to notice that indeed, there is no randomness in the world. Nay, randomness cannot occur under controlled conditions,
which we are in, a controlled condition. If you roll a six sided dice perfectly enough times, eventually it'll land on each side 1/6th of the time.
Now let me ask, wheres the randomness in that? That is completely predictable. No matter what you do to that dice, youll eventually get a 100%
predictable result.
Therefore, life is NOT like a roll of the dice.
one hundred billion dice all rolling simultaineously and repeatedly, if monitored for long enough, will produce the exact same result at least once
every X number of dice throws.
[edit on 1/8/2008 by runetang]
removed drug reference
2e.) Illegal Activity: Discussion of illegal activities; specifically mind-altering drugs, computer hacking, criminal hate, sexual relations with
minors, and stock scams are strictly forbidden.
[edit on 8/1/08 by masqua]