posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 11:27 AM
Oh joy of joys, another ignorant manifestation of state power that is as impractical as it is impossible to enforce. Whooppee!
Seriously, how are they going to manage this? Are they going to have a team of dozens of hyper-intelligent monkeys stationed at every airport,
waiting for laptops in a little room off the concourse?
Are these monkeys going to speak fifty languages a piece, or are they just going to have one monkey for every language?
What are they going to do about encrypted files?
Are they just going to read through everything, or check for certain things?
Are they going to steal my computer and ship it back to me a year later, with all my data corrupted and obsolete anyway?
Things just get more ridiculous every day in this country.
As was said earlier in this thread, the data on my computer poses no threat whatsoever to people aboard the plane, so why search it? They search
suitcases/carry-on luggage because of bomb threats, real physical threats to the other passengers. Searching a computer though, that's just
As it is, these idiots at airport security miss half the test bombs/knives/guns that they're supposed to find, so what a brilliant idea it is to add
more responsibilities when they clearly can't even manage to complete their current duties. What brain trust is thinking all this crap up? It's
obvious that we've completely lost touch with reality here...