posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 11:43 PM
Originally posted by almighty bob
I'm God and so is my wife!
In fact, by default, if there is God then God is everything and everyone.
That depends on definition of features that God of your choices has. Those features can be just about anything, as different religions and world views
explain those features differently, thus leading into different interpretations. You cannot really use an exact definition of any word in these cases,
you'll have to dig deep into religious texts to get context.
If we think that every man, woman and black cat is a god of himself, we'll have to accept that whatever features gods have, they cannot be everything
and everyone.
And to answer the rock question, go out and find a massive rock that you are unable to pick up. There. A rock created by God that You (You being God)
are unable to pick up.
I had never thought about his before, but finnish language actually has different words for different sized rocks. There aren't many, but big ones
are called "lohkare", which roughly translates to "big chunk of rock". "kivi", on the other hand, is roughly translated "a rock that is smaller
than a chunk". Given that rocks too big to lift are called with a different name in our country, there really aren't any rocks that I couldn't
somehow lift. Sorry, but in my country gods can pick any rock! :-) Weight, height, width or material means nothing! In the beginning, there was a
word, and that word was a rock that was light enough to lift. Therefore creation was, umm, possible.
(sometimes I wonder how much bull# I am able to write to a single paragraph, but this actually contains very little of it despite it looking so
amazingly hilarious:-)