posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 09:24 AM
you may have heard that satanic messages were revealed by playing pop/rock music backwards. well Peggy Kane has pioneered it much further & used it to
uncover amazing reptililan secrets. she said they were impressed when she discovered that many messages believed to be from loved ones who have passed
over, angels, ascended masters etc. were from them! in reverse speech the truth comes out.
they can now remove people & replace them with their clones, as written at when it happened in a restaurant!
(Dr. Louis Turi is mentioned in the page. He was abducted by aliens when he was younger & they allowed him access to incredible knowledge).
I had a dream where I discovered that the government had cloned someone. the clone was being programmed to memorize all the likes & dislikes of the
person being cloned.
she said that when someone takes hallucinogenic drugs they are vulnerable for manipulation by the reps. she has reversed David Icke's speech when he
talked about what happened when he took the ayahuasca hallucinogenic herb. see Someone said that when he took
ayahuasca that's when they had the chance to clone him.
her link
Instructions for Listening to Reverse Speaking
and EVP reveals more amazing rep facts. she says that for example if she hears Bush speak in reverse he'll say "it's Peggy listening
David has said that one reversal of a the white house spokesman said: "we are the people of the snake & we look after our own".
see for advice on free sound editing software.
Peggy says that the reps have manipulated Alex Jones too. I'm sure Alex would not advise people to vote for anyone unless, he was being
manipulated. has a page with people's experiences with reps. one called "Information on the Reptilians" ( ) is from someone who removes reps attached to people's physical body & the booby trapped im-plants
on the person.