posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 05:13 PM
sure, but you have to be willing to cross the line and do you own work, look at the Nuremberg trials and Milgram's experiments influenced thereof,
and the Stanford prison/guard study (which they had to shut down a little too intense for some of the participants lol) could also
work for a corporation almost any will do, really entrench yourself into that mentality, corporate personhood should never have been allowed but here
we are with whole organizations of people turned into slaves to money at any cost, you could also go to south america, rife with fun for you to learn
from just join a faction, DEA, CIA, whatever fascionistas have control over whatever country you're in, drug cartels, etc...if you really want to
know about these things, do them...oh nearly forgot, all those experiments the Nazi's did, what we are doing to animals and people in clinical trials
and even outside of that to whole societies in Africa and Malaysia, you needn't look further than your own backyard or even your own closet to see
just what you are capable of...I offer no judgement, I really don't care, delusions allow people to go about their business as usual, sometimes
ignorance is bliss sometimes not
people who assign labels to others really should examine themselves first lest they forget what happens when you stare into the abyss or intend to
fight monsters...assumptions in the face of the unknown