one night I was lying on the couch in the dark .
all of a sudden a very loud male voice spoke
the voice was monotone(all one note with no variation in pitch).
the voice was also very direct and seemed rather purpose driven.
the voice was not internal...I was able to navigate
my hearing in the room to be able to focus on the area of the room that the voice was coming from.
for the record... NEVER before or after this experience have I EVER heard voices.
What did it say?
Well was no language...not one I had ever heard
it kept speaking for mabey 10 to 20 seconds before I had had enough.
I was scared sh**less...
I ran upstairs to my room where my gf was sleeping and jumped in bed like a scared child.
and strangely enough, I was asleep just like that.
without giving away all my conclusons before offering all the evidence,
I guess I should point you to my thread about
Sound, Tuning, Waves, Vortex ,Natual Science ,
Supressed Sciences.
I think that at least someof my UFO/Para-normal experiences were a series of
moments where I either recieved information or mabey
I was able to draw the information from an un-known source.
either way, all the priciples of wave propagation that I am obsessed
with now seem to be a by product of these ufo?para-normal experiences.
[edit on 3-2-2008 by Maya432]