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Did the Space Shuttle Atlantis Cancel Because of the Scrutiny Generated on ATS?

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posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by snoopyuk

Hi Snoopy, I dont think its the fact that the UK needs America's permission to be in space, the truth is we need the Americans help to get our stuff up there, along with the help of ESA

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 09:26 AM



I leave the area for a few days and this is the kind of stuff that gets posted in my absence?

C'mon john, you cannot be serious about this. You cannot expect us to believe that you (and your disciples) managed to get the launch delayed under the pretenses of a broken sensor.

People have been watching the shuttle continuously since they rolled out Enterprise out in the 70's.

There is no way such a program could get pulled off without someone else noticing. We aren't the only country who watches the skies, so why haven't any other countries come forward to demand an explanation for all of this myystery equipment up there? Do you seriously think we intimidated every other country out there to keep them quiet?

Good grief, I wish I could have gotten to this topic sooner as it seems like john went ahead and abandoned it like so may other topics he starts that get shredded.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 09:45 AM
Originally posted by COOL HAND




I leave the area for a few days and this is the kind of stuff that gets posted in my absence?

C'mon john, you cannot be serious about this. You cannot expect us to believe that you (and your disciples) managed to get the launch delayed under the pretenses of a broken sensor.

People have been watching the shuttle continuously since they rolled out Enterprise out in the 70's.

There is no way such a program could get pulled off without someone else noticing. We aren't the only country who watches the skies, so why haven't any other countries come forward to demand an explanation for all of this myystery equipment up there? Do you seriously think we intimidated every other country out there to keep them quiet?

Good grief, I wish I could have gotten to this topic sooner as it seems like john went ahead and abandoned it like so may other topics he starts that get shredded.

COOL HAND! I wondered where you went. I thought you might be checking out one of those cool new nuclear pwered Fast Attack Subs I told you about. You know, the one the d.d skin?

In this thread I asked, "Did the Space Shuttle Atlantis Cancel Because of the Scrutiny Generated on ATS?"

From your post I am not sure where to put you. Would that be a maybe? Or an outright "No"?

Nice to see you back guy. You were missed.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 09:49 AM
Is it really so hard to believe? Who knows what high-powered person lies behind a cute pseudonym on this forum? . . . I've noticed so many posts that speak as if we just simply know everything, including things we simply could not possibly know. The Internet is instantaneous transmission of information, potentially across the globe. All it takes is the right person to read one of these posts, and an entire secret could be compromised.

I don't think the issue is how phenomenally famous or important John Lear is. The issue is just what so many threads I've seen lately are discussing, which is what Agencies are actually scoped in on this website. Maybe too many people have gotten caught up in the soul-catcher to remember exactly who it is that proposed it. How many people have received Federal Aviation certificates to the degree John has? Not a huge number. The public at large may not know JL, but a lot of behind-the-scenes PTB know him. And they are aware of his opinions, I'm daring to guess.

This is ATS. Secrets the People are not supposed to be privy to are openly discussed here. Can we really be sure that one of the members here will not be someone who could publish USA Today the morning after a shuttle launch with "Startling New Evidence Of A Secret Space Station?" NASA would really not like that if they have something to hide.

The Audience is listening.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 09:57 AM
I will give you this, of all the BS that goes on here, there has to be some golden nuggets of truth that, if the right people were looking, would worry them.

I just don't think this is the case on this matter. I think this is nothing more than someone trying to legitimize their insane ramblings by pointing to something they know some might fall for.

And yes John, I know I said insane ramblings. I am not saying you, per say, are insane, but some of your ramblings are, lol.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 10:00 AM
Come to think of it, I am positive there have been some posts in this very forum that have had more truth to them than some people know, or want to know. most of it, I believe, has to do with military and government technology, and not with people living on Venus or anything, but like I have said many time before, you have to wade through 3 feet of BS before you get to something that might have a nugget of truth behind it. It's my Diamond in the Rough theory, lol.

The thing is, if you throw enough crap at the wall, something is bound to stick. Someone can come on here and spout all sorts of stuff, and eventually they may be right, but for the wrong reasons.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

If anything was posted here that was not supposed to be, what makes you think that its true? There is no way to verify it other than to take someone at their word.

I think the fact that no one here has "disappeared" leads me to believe that nothing has been revealed that is actually true. If someone here actually revealed a truth (with proof) I am sure the folks that are behind that truth would not have any problems silencing that person one way or another.

But, that is just my opinion.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by PPLwakeUP

Interesting point to consider. I wonder if it possible that they are doubling up the shuttle flights to carry the alien technology needed from area 51 and the likes in to keep the astronauts on the secret space station safe from the harmful and deadly effects of this next catastrophic solar event? Or do you suppose it is just to keep the equipment from getting fried? Either way, they will have to plan on shuttling the space station personnel to the real base very soon as this cycle has begun a few months earlier than expected.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
I just don't think this is the case on this matter. I think this is nothing more than someone trying to legitimize their insane ramblings by pointing to something they know some might fall for.
This type of thing is just disrepectful and doesn't contribute anything.

(I'm not a mod but I did stay at a holiday in express once)

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Ben Miller

Your a little overly sensitive, don't you think? Ever hang out with your buds? You guys ever jab each other or call each other names? Or do you talk like your posting an internet bulletin board where you have to "pretend" to be politically correct all the time?


[Mod Note: Please address the post and NOT fellow members' character or person]
NEW: Civility and Decorum are Required

[edit on 7-1-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by COOL HAND

I think the fact that no one here has "disappeared" leads me to believe that nothing has been revealed that is actually true.

Which could, in some ways, apply to the entire ATS website. Why is it still here, unless not one single conspiratorial statement which has ever been made here is true? Why hasn't whatever it is that destroys dissenters attacked here? Is the site protected by God?

Here is a fact I would like not to be ignored: when I first started visiting ATS around '03, I came prepared to weed through the BS, with a bit of pre-acquired knowledge under my belt, and since then I have been able to fine-tune my own understanding of how bizarre this Universe really is, at least as much as my small mind can comprehend at this time. How can there be a strong conspiracy site without clowns meandering among the true seekers? . . as mentioned, I'm prepared for that. But I am basically fringe all the way, so over-the-top statements don't trouble me in the least. I'm a person who lives by faith, and studies the intricacies of science ... I believe you can't have one without the other, at least not effectively. In my personal life I predict things based on gut-feeling, and into the 90-percentile range they actually bear out. This is true whether I said it here or not, and the point is, when I see a respected, accomplished figure make wild statements, my first question is, "why did he just say that?" and I want to learn more.

Since I already don't know the answer to whatever question-of-the-moment I'm seeking, "so-and-so is crazy, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah" with no counter-proof of it becomes almost overwhelmingly annoying to me in my quest. I'm not here for that. Can you prove that John is wrong? No, you simply start shooting tennis balls at him, perhaps hoping he will shut up? . . . ?? Instead, he continues to freely speak, on a free-speech forum, in a country which used to be a model for speaking freely.

So until the skeptics lay out the proof that JL is wrong (and I will be glad to consider that, too) or I find it out myself, I will continue to listen.

Thank you for your time.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by buddhasystem

I'll leave it to the "Ignorant_ape" to deconstruct the rant, he/she is doing a fine job of that.

No, I insist you join in BS.

There is nothing to add to what Ignorant_Ape posted about how your speculation is free of merit. I encourage you to re-read their post.

All I request is a modicum of courtesy in your responses. Words like 'troll-for-attention' are not only inaccurate they are impolite.

And I would request that you stop using the word NAZI (sometimes, multiple times in a single post) when referring to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States. You insistance in this matter is extraordinary, and I posit that such usage is not only inaccurate but very impolite, to quote yourself. Further, your recent cut-and-paste of large portions of text, across various threads (which contains inaccurate statements) was also quite impolite. I think that the members have afforded you a modicum of courtesy already, but if you want more, feel free to lead by example.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 12:02 PM
Originally posted by buddhasystem

And I would request that you stop using the word NAZI (sometimes, multiple times in a single post) when referring to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States.

I don't use the word NAZI. I use the word NAZA which I feel is more descriptive of NAZA's background and history but more acurately describes NAZA's current profiles, missions and plans.

Further, your recent cut-and-paste of large portions of text, across various threads (which contains inaccurate statements) was also quite impolite. I think that the members have afforded you a modicum of courtesy already, but if you want more, feel free to lead by example.

What you call "cut and paste" I prefer to call "separate wheat from chaff". And whatever it is called I will continue to do it.

But thanks for your suggestion, it was taken into consideration and evaluated with great care.

Thanks for the post.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Extralien
If you've never seen this film 'UFO-The Secret NASA Transmissions. The Smoking Gun(2004)'
Heres a small clip;

Did you watch this video all the way to the end?
It seems they tacked on a video of BLOOD PLATELETS under microscope.
not sure what the object is that is supposed to be the tether...
Also, note at the top-left of the video "OPIL" look up the acronym.
The other objects in the actual NASA footage look like satelites whizzing by to me.
Cool vid anyway.
Sorry for the off-topic post.

[edit on 7-1-2008 by defuntion]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
I don't use the word NAZI. I use the word NAZA which I feel is more descriptive of NAZA's background and history but more acurately describes NAZA's current profiles, missions and plans.

Yet you don't seem to approve when folks mispell your name even it if is a more accurate description of your current profiles, missions, and plans?


posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
I don't use the word NAZI.

You don't? How about this brilliant statement of yours:

The cover up of the real Venus didn't start until the early 1960's when the NAZTY NAZA NAZI'S took full control of the space program and all information within it.

located at Or this one:

Thanks for the posts ITF. Most if not all current instrumentation in Nazty NAZA NAZI's spacecraft is falsified

Did you just lie or is your memory selective or short?

I use the word NAZA which I feel is more descriptive of NAZA's background and history but more acurately describes NAZA's current profiles, missions and plans.

This is innuendo became old a few months ago. NASA's plans and missions aligned with Nazi's plans?

And you are demanding common courtesy?

But thanks for your suggestion, it was taken into consideration and evaluated with great care.

You won't. Just another one of your smirks.

Thanks for the post.

You, too.

[edit on 7-1-2008 by buddhasystem]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 12:42 PM
John Lear:

You mentioned earlier that the black triangles could not go into orbit. Please explain why. I do not doubt it necessarily; I and a witness observed very close up a massive black triangle years ago. I have described that encounter elsewhere on ATS and will not rehash it now, but I am quite curious as to why they are atmospheric ( I assume that is what you meant ) vehicles when they obviously run on anti-grav.

What limits them from space flight? You are right that not many are seen out of the atmosphere: I had not really thought about that aspect before, but it makes sense in a way. Not all anti-grav ships necessarily would have the capabilities of space flight: Their missions might be transport or other uses here closer to earth, or as I believe, that they are being used now as a means of noting how many people see them, how they react, etc. No doubt the people responsible for these things take close note of reactions to their appearance. Especially when they slowly come directly over people 250 to 300 feet up, totally silent, drifting along at a walkiong speed..and then rising and turning cartwheels into the sky!! It gets the attention pretty fast!!

Please tell us as much as you know, or can , about the back triangles: as a witness I have a real interest in them and I know many others do as well. Are there fleets of them?Purpose now and future? Country of origin if human? Any alien ships with the same configurations? Any info much appreciated.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 12:46 PM
Originally posted by COOL HAND

Yet you don't seem to approve when folks mispell your name even it if is a more accurate description of your current profiles, missions, and plans?


Touche. Good one COOL HAND!

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 12:58 PM
Originally posted by buddhasystem

You don't? How about this brilliant statement of yours:

The cover up of the real Venus didn't start until the early 1960's when the NAZTY NAZA NAZI'S took full control of the space program and all information within it.

Sorry BS I thought that when you said:

And I would request that you stop using the word NAZI (sometimes, multiple times in a single post) when referring to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States.

you were refering specifically to the my use of the word NAZA.

In any case your request is denied with prejudice.

Thanks for the post.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by defuntion

You're welcome and it's not off topic.

I've posted the sample of this video because of what happened after it was aired at conferences and became available on video.

The man being interviewed used to/still does work for a TV station and as a hobby he intercepted NASA's live video links to Earth. After he realised what he'd got, he made the documentary.

It's quite long as he goes in depth about it all and the footage is pretty damned good. There's a lot of him talking, but if you can put up with that it is worth seeing.

Anyway, After this was made public, NASA made changes to their live links as I said in the previous post. So this is one good example of what they do to stop people being informed and how they take note on who says/does what.

Do try to get the full video.

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