posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 11:39 AM
the only sushi i have had is DIY sushi kits made myself. I use tuna instead of raw fish though.
love wasabi though. i gotta have enough so it makes your eyes water and temporarily hold yer breath while the heat passes.
people ask why i like it, i say its a bit of a wake up call kinda like a slap in the face but more tasty
squid/octopus is great but it has to be cooked very quickly and properly or it is like rubber. you also have to remove the skin.
it also helps make it tender if you get it all cut up ready and soak it in regular milk for an hour before cooking.. something about the milk
tenderising the meat and making the flavour more subtle (but you dont taste the milk, its drained off b4 cooking)
the tentacles are great if you fry them till they go crispy, almost like bacon. you can easily cut the suckers off if you dont like em and it leaves
you with a nice meaty leg.
but occy' or squid needs to be cooked *VERY* quickly on each side. any more than 30 sec on one side is too long and over cooked squid will always go
rubbery even if its only overcooked by a minute or two.
calamari rings are the ultimate. mmm yummy