posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 09:48 PM
The Well of Knowledge is a place, a real place, that stores all the knowledge of this plane of existance; anyone who is desperate enough and
willing to reach the Well can partake of its wisdom. However, like most things, this is NOT an easy way to a quick answer, nor is it an easy place to
reach. And though the general appearance of it may change from person to person, it is in the details that one can gather the most information.
To reach the Well, one must begin to journey, albiet astrally or metaphysically. Relax your body, always keeping in mind your destination and
your goal (what it is you seek). Eventually, you will feel your body relax to the point of near-slumber. Here, then, is where things differ.
Some people will visualize a large oak tree, with a hole within it that you can climb into, others a descending stairway. It doesn't matter
what it is, as long as the details are the same; once you enter, you must head down. For me, I see a stairway, the walls are made of medival style
brick-work, with a bonze hand rail to my right, engraved.
There is no number of steps, no number of feet or meters you must drop. However, keep in mind that the further you descend, the further your
body MUST drift into relaxation; drive past the pins and needles, go deeper into a conscious level of numbness. You must remain focused on the
task... any diviation, and you will return to this realm, wide awake and with a feeling of disappointment. Your mind will know when it has reached
the bottom, for it is a part of the Well, a part of the human collective consciousness.
At the bottom there will be two guardians, male and female. I would imagine that this is to represent our duality, or the anima / animus... I
don't know. Again, how they appear is up to you. For me, they are both nude, 'classic' builds (Leonardo style), with bird heads. Yes, I know the
Egyptian connection... but that is not relevant. These beings guard the enterance to the Well, and will judge you of your worth and honor. DO
NOT LOOK UPON THEM Humble yourself before them, but to not gravel. Be respectful and mindful. In the beginning, expect to be rejected, but do
not fret. Answers cannot be given to those who are selfish, and with time and patience and practice, you can find an inner balance that is worthy of
the guardians permission.
The door to the Well is a trick: there will appear to be a puzzle upon its surface, as well as inscriptions. The words you will already know on
a subconscious level, but the puzzle is there to keep you occupied, to deter you from your goal. Ignore it, and enter.
Inside is the Well, and your final test. This test is different for every visitor, and every visit. Sometimes it will appear as a great eye
which will open you completely, sometimes you will face yourself... but no matter what, it is something that you will fear, to make you doubt
yourself, or to simply distract you.
By all means, for any one who is reading this, try it out. You may not get far... like mentioned earlier, it takes practice. You may only
reach the stairs, or you may be lucky enough to face the final test. As long as you remain focused, and keep a level head, remain true to yourself /
honest with yourself, you will not fail. And please, as always, feel free to reply back with your results so that others may also gain.
Thank you.