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evil as a matter, dimesional representation

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posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 02:15 PM
ok im not a scientist nor do i know any thing about physics or stuff like that these are just some things ive been thinking of do you think its possible that evil is a matter , not a state of mind i mean do you think that some where in the universe there is a place constructed purely of evil not living nor dead just evil as a matter, also do you think it is possible that we are extra dimensional beings and are physical bodies are representation of what our other dimension (spirit) is. Please share your thoughts and theories with me like i said i have no evidence or supporting facts these are just theories

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 04:46 PM
In the physical world everything is positive and negative. For everything good there's always something that can go wrong.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 06:15 PM
im a scientist

do you think that some where in the universe there is a place constructed purely of evil not living nor dead just evil as a matter

no, because "evil" is an abstract concept, that can only be defined in relation to something else. I have not yet met a person who is qualified to definitively decide what the exact boundaries of good and evil are. You need two sides for a coin to exist in the first place anyways.

do you think it is possible that we are extra dimensional beings and are physical bodies are representation of what our other dimension (spirit) is.

sure, sounds just as plausible as anything else. check out this site/movie for a more scientific approach / explanation:


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