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Bush says markets 'strong and solid'

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posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 11:03 PM
The article may have been changed because I can't see the strong and solid quote anywhere in it now.

He may well be telling the truth though, the top 30 companies (DJIA) probably are doing quite well thanks to his cronyism and economic mismanagement. Anyone without a $1 billion+ market cap is #ed but that's not important because the Dow keeps rising.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

How can that reporter not see the complete contradiction between saying the economy is solid and doling out economic stimuli at the same time?

So everything is fine.... just take this medicine...

Yeah right, something is fishy here...

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Chris McGee

Yes the original article has been rewritten twice now, I find that interesting in itself.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Quazga
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

So everything is fine.... just take this medicine...

Yeah right, something is fishy here...

No kidding.

"We have always been at war with East Asia"

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 03:53 AM
did anyone copy the article before it was altered? id like to see the original

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 04:17 AM
It might just be that some markets are being impacted more than others, but again, we are at a crucial point. I know that all the doom and gloom isn't as widespread as people claim, especially those in disagreement with the Bush administration. There are corporate and government-facilitated markets that are experiencing an immense amount of growth. This will eventually create demand for other markets as well. However, this is something that these markets must adjust to with time.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by krill

"Bush Says Markets Are 'Strong and Solid'

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON - President Bush said Friday that while there is some uncertainty about slowing economic growth, the nation's "financial markets are strong and solid."

Bush spoke after getting an update from his top economic advisers, who are helping him decide whether to offer a package to stimulate the U.S. economy as it weathers the housing slump, rising oil prices and an uptick in unemployment.

"This economy of ours is on a solid foundation, but we can't take economic growth for granted," Bush said. "And there are signs that will cause us to be ever more diligent and make sure that good policies come out of Washington."

Sitting around a table with his economic advisers in the Roosevelt Room, the president warned Congress against taking steps that would increase taxes. "If the foundation is strong yet indicators are mixed, the worst thing that Congress can do is raise taxes on the American people and on American businesses," Bush said.

Bush met with the advisers , his first meeting with them as a group , the same day the Labor Department reported that hiring practically stalled in December, driving the nation's jobless rate up to a two-year high of 5 percent. The report, which fanned fears of a recession, indicated employment conditions are deteriorating, strained by the housing crisis and credit crunch that are sapping economic strength.

On Wall Street, stocks tumbled.

"While there is some uncertainty, the report is that the financial markets are strong and solid," Bush said. He described the nation's economic indicators as mixed.

Bush said there have been 52 straight months of job creation, but job growth slowed last month; core inflation is low, but U.S. consumers are paying more for gasoline and for food; and consumer spending is strong, yet the values of many U.S. homes are declining.

"For those of you who are paying more and are worried about your home, we understand that," Bush said. "That's why we have an aggressive policy to help creditworthy people stay in their homes."

He urged Congress to pass legislation to help homeowners refinance. Bush also called for expanding petroleum refining capacity and exploring for energy in new ways.

"We have got to understand that if we are worried about gasoline prices, we ought to expand refineries here in the United States, and we ought to explore for oil and gas in environmentally friendly ways in the United States," he said.

The White House is not ready to say if Bush will offer a stimulus package , possibly coinciding with his State of the Union address on Jan. 28.

Deputy press secretary Tony Fratto said before the meeting that Bush and his advisers are looking at ways to keep the economy open for foreign investment, open up markets for U.S. exporters, and fight efforts to raise taxes. They are also looking at shorter-term threats to economic growth, including the downturn in the housing market. Tax cuts are among the things being considered for a possible stimulus package, he said.

"We're not ready to say whether we will, in fact, have something or not at this point," Fratto said. "We need a little bit more information. There are lots of ideas out there. Obviously tax policy is an important component, but we'll see. We want to take in more data."

Vice President Dick Cheney and other White House officials joined Bush in his meeting with his working group on financial markets, an interagency panel led by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson that meets regularly to discuss market conditions and regulatory policy. Others around the table included Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke; Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Chris Cox; Acting Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Walt Lukken; Ed Lazear, chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, and Treasury Undersecretary Robert Steel.

On Monday in Illinois, Bush is expected to give a "status check" on the economy at the Union League Club of Chicago. The president, however, is not expected to tip his hand about what he might propose to reinforce the economy.

The December employment picture was much weaker than economists were expecting. They were forecasting the unemployment rate to bump up to 4.8 percent, not 5 percent."

Mod Edit: External Source Tags – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 1/5/2008 by Gools]

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 12:22 PM

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 12:33 PM
Yet another case of our bubble-boy, pathological-liar prez spewing out more hot air from his own skewed perspective of reality.

Pinochio Bush at his finest.

Worst part is, there are STILL people defending this administration. But at least that number has diminished slightly over the past year or so.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

bush says the nations financial markets are well and strong ?he must be looking at different stock market reports than i read ---yesterday it was down more than 250 points---either pres. bush is lying or doesnt want us to panic or doesnt know what he is talking about

either way i wouldnt trust him or his administration as far as i could throw them---paranoid me suspects outright treachery and a hidden agenda they are working on----the border buisness alone was enough for me to think something strange to be going on---.i am a white anglo saxon/jew--when i fly i am treated like an enemy agent by the customs/border guard personel--i dont have a criminal record and am patriotic

mexicans and central/south americans and muslims seem to have easy access across the mexican border---seems awfull suspicious that bush doesnt seem to care about this but wants to waste trillions of usa infrastucture money in iraq and afghanistan when those people will never desire the democracy bush wants to give them over their objections

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 02:39 PM

I will defend the President to the death. That's because he's a good man, and loves his country. That's why he stands up to the haters, like yourself, for the good of the country.

History will be kind to this man, because he made the tough decision to protect YOU, DementedDetective, from sure death.

Are you and your family still breathing? Yes...I keep asking that question of all Bush haters. If your answer is YES, the person to thank for that is the current President. Not the perjuring, sex-in-the-oral-office former president that you admire.

You might think it's COOL, or HIP to be contrary to the truth about this man. So be it. You're entitled to your twisted, don't-let-the-facts-get-in-the-way opinion. And there's no way for that view to change, so I won't try.

But every time someone is mis-informed, or outright LYING about my Commander-in-Chief, I will slam them for it.

Say a prayer tonight for the man with the toughest job in world. Oops...that's right you secular progressives don't believe.


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[edit on 1/5/2008 by Gools]

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 02:48 PM
LOL, how ironic that you refer to ME as demented Liam. I couldn't care less if you want to go down with your moron-in-chiefs sinking ship to your death---knock yourself out man. Just don't expect the rest of us who have seen what this mad-man has done to our country as well as the rest of the world to. Thanks.


posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 03:44 PM

step away, count to ten, take a walk, something...

i'm trying to read thru this thread, but I can't focus on the responses with you banging your GONG for bush. care to keep it down a bit? thanks D.

with that being said, i personally feel president bush's announcement was little more than an official "hang in there, everything's okay" media op geared towards bolstering joe q. public's confidence in our economy. even though several recent reports say otherwise, joe q. public saw our president saying the markets are "strong and solid"... temporary patch applied. an official attempt to lessen the impact.

i guess funding the nso buys more than just the project.


posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by LiamStemrad

Guess what. Your president's policies are more liberal than conservative. He is not or never was conservative.

No child left behind = liberal
Invading foreign countries = liberal
Patriot act and invasion of privacies = liberal
Massive spending, which is creating more government debt in the hands of foreign entities = liberal
pro big government = liberal

In the mean time... The dollar and the markets are in grave danger, and he isn't doing much about it.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 06:08 PM
From what I've heard, the market increased by 5 to 7%, it's just that you have to invest outside of this country and bring money back.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by GT100FV

To GT100FV:
The reason why we here need to be taken seriously is because we are Americans and we feel something deep within ourselves that is telling us something is not right here since Bush (or rather his father) has hijacked America. only now, in "little boy" Bushs' tenure have we felt the wrath of what ostensibly seems to be a very attack on the American populace. I'm not sure what naysayer mentioned that we have our "heads in the sand" as if an ostrich (in an entry somewhere in this part of the forum) but anyone who says that nothing is wrong with our country or the economy would be the one with their heads in the sand. As for your statement about attaining and presenting proof of the monetary misdeeds and acquisitional usurpation of "billions" of dollars, indeed we would be intellistruct before a judge of the Supreme Court, or International Court of his choosing. Of course, then we would be able to subpoena his records to see if there was any money making opportunities at our expense. I can't actually see you reprimanding the ATS members here for speaking out against an obvious tyrant. Someone even called us "liberals" (guess it means were not Democrat or Repub.) I can assure you many of us on here are neither of the 3 options gov't has given us as the only true American Way. We are outside of that paradigm. We are Truth Believers and we think for ourselves. We are not Liberals, those guys are outcasts of the same family democrats and repubs. are from, the goth kid if you will. You all bicker over policies, positions and who serves US better, when you all 3 are like siblings fighting over the same prize, the destruction of America through lies and deception so you can line your own pockets on the backs of the typical American. You say you represent America, (as something other than a liberal apparently) yet as Americans question someone who is attacking their interests and their families and livelihoods masquerading as their leader and lying all the while, you attack them and defend the tyrant. You obviously work for him in some respect. I have news for you, as proven in this last year with many of his other followers, Bush would fold on you faster than superman on laundry day if it came down to him or you. I believe you to be nothing more than a Bush cronie by proxy to promulgate more carelessness and lethargy in regards to the freedoms we have come to adore like the "FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND CHOICE AND SPEECH" that you currently have as well, yet unbeknownst
to you apparently, our freedoms have been raped by Bushs' policies to date. Our constitution has been attacked, that can be proven. As it was well said by Benjamin Franklin "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security". If you want proof of his nefarious deeds against our great nation, I need not do it all myself, I would challenge all truth believers on ATS to give GT100FV all of the proof he asks for and all others in denial like him. You're right, we can't see in his bank account, but there is much more proof of attacks on our country that can be.

Quotes from GH Bush:
If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.
George H.W. Bush to journalist Sarah McClendon, December 1992, in response to the question, "What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?"

August 18 1988, at the 1988 Republican National Convention
I will never apologize for the United States — I don't care what the facts are... I'm not an apologize-for-America kind of guy.

...gt100fv you're a blind idiot and as an American I can say it with pride!

[edit on 5-1-2008 by Phenomium]

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 09:42 PM
Just so people can get a idea of how bad it is and how bad it is going to get unless we do something about this...this is a must see.

In my honest opinion George Bush and his administration are deliberately killing this country.He has nothing to worry about though....he probably has billions in gold or Euro's.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by CaptGizmo

can you give a little summary of the video? My speakers died and I would really love to hear what is being said.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 11:29 PM
U.S. Controller General David Walker pulls the curtain on Washington's ' dirty little secret ' ~ we're going broke and it's a rapidly building tsunami created from fiscal irresponsibility and lack of leadership: Allen L Roland

David Walker, Controller General of the U.S., was recently interviewed on 60 minutes and this seven minute video of that interview should be required viewing for all concerned Americans.

Walker points out that the American people are starved for the truth about our dire financial situation as well as effective fiscal leadership ~ both of which are sorely missing in the Cheney/Bush white house as well as Congress.

Economic growth will not stop this growing tsunami which will crest by 2040 when the nation becomes flat broke.

[edit on 5-1-2008 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by LiamStemrad

I will defend the President to the death. That's because he's a good man, and loves his country. That's why he stands up to the haters, like yourself, for the good of the country.

History will be kind to this man, because he made the tough decision to protect YOU, DementedDetective, from sure death.

Are you and your family still breathing? Yes...I keep asking that question of all Bush haters. If your answer is YES, the person to thank for that is the current President. Not the perjuring, sex-in-the-oral-office former president that you admire.

You might think it's COOL, or HIP to be contrary to the truth about this man. So be it. You're entitled to your twisted, don't-let-the-facts-get-in-the-way opinion. And there's no way for that view to change, so I won't try.

But every time someone is mis-informed, or outright LYING about my Commander-in-Chief, I will slam them for it.

Say a prayer tonight for the man with the toughest job in world. Oops...that's right you secular progressives don't believe.


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[edit on 1/5/2008 by Gools]

I hope the person that wrote this was trolling, unfortunately a few million people in America still think this way.

As far as your remark about my family still breathing is concerned....

There are thousands of widows, orphans, and parents of soldiers who needlessly died in Iraq, fighting a war which has nothing to do with Al Qaida. Their families are not breathing because of Bush.

My life is still being threatenned by Osama Bin Laden because Bush failed to catch him because he diverted resources to Iraq rather than Afghanistan.

Fighting terrorism is not just done with guns, but by winning over the hearts and minds of people who could possibly sympathize with terrorists or support terrorists. George W. Bush is one of the most hated, if not the most hated, man in the Islamic world. The USA is hated now more than ever because of George W. Bush not just in the Islamic world, but everywhere.

My economic future is bleak because of Mr. Bush. He recklessly ran up the budget defecit. He could have used 9-11 as a rallying cry to revamp our nattion's energy policy and make it less dependent on foreign oil, but instead his party encouraged increased energy consumption by giving tax breaks for people who drove Hummers and not raising CAFE's.

You are right, history might be kind to Bush.

History will be kind to Bush the way it was kind to the Roman emperor Nero. Nero was despised in his day. Modern historians are a little more sympathetic towards him, blaming his dementia on lead poisoning. Similarly, historians in the future may find that Bush's mental defects were due to something in the air or water on his Crawford ranch. After all, Bush spent more time on his ranch than in Washington.

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