posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 02:52 AM
Off and running...........
Potatoes peeled and boiled in salted and buttered water until just barely soft.
Chopped smoked bacon softened in pan with onion ready to go in.
Turn pan on high, add the potato and onion, hot sauce, salt, pepper, seasoning.
Grate a sharp cheddar while the pan browns.
Sprinkle over top when potatoes are browned, then fold in the cheese.
Cook just a few minutes until the cheese gets melted and a little crusty.
Serve with butter, sour cream
(14% fat), hot sauce, and a sprinkle of green onion.
Well, that's the way I do it........
I like to serve this with a smoked ham and some veggies if it's for supper, but a couple eggs and some toast makes it a hearty breakfast.