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Fake Bin Laden?

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posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 08:46 PM
Hello everyone,

If you've noticed, I'm actually relatively new here. I was suggested to come here from my other forum stomping ground (an online game forum) after I posted the following under the Misc. forum topics. I guess you can consider this an invitation into how my mind analyzes situations.

Anyway, this is what I had posted before and now I'd like to share with everyone here:

Title of thread: Fake Bin Laden?

Ok, I'm going to indulge my Tinfoil hat by putting on this link and asking people what they think:

Note: No, I don't know one way or the other whether the article has any credibility in its speculations. That being said however, I do tend to have an open and very objective mind. I like to analyze and even over-analyze. Why? because I simply can't be happy until I get a clear picture of any given situation. (I blame my dad since he was a cop and he always taught me to look for any and all possible causes/answers to a situation)
I'd like to add that, no I didn't simply start believing this just because "another tinfoil hat nutcase said it" I had been wondering about what is presented in that link ever since I first saw the tape. Comparing and contrasting both the image and the video that Fox was showing at the time.

Whether what the link says is true is anyone's guess, this is just one more piece of the puzzle for me. And I do love a good puzzle.

On another note: Did you guys know that if you go to the website, and you search for Bin Laden's record, you won't hear any mention of the 2001 trade center attacks? (I did because, hey, they're offering a 25mill reward! come on! that's a nice chunk of change, granted, I don't have a chance in hell to get it, but hey, it's nice to dream.)
Here's the link to the fbi site:

he's "the most wanted terrorist in america" and yet when you read further down, you will read this:

Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.

Don't you find it odd that, for the most wanted terrorist in america, whom it is believed without a shadow of a doubt that he was behind the murders of 9-11-2001, that he in fact confessed it in the video (although the video itself can be questionable), and yet, no mention of him being behind 9-11-2001. Yeah, they mention the 1998 bombings. But not the big one? not 2001? isn't this a bit suspicious?

I have to hand it to them though, at the top of the page, it reads the following:


Granted, one CAN argue that this "covers" the 2001 attacks since they mention an attack on a federal facility. But in all actuality, they could just be referring to the 1998 attack, not necessarily the 2001 attack. Heck one can even argue that the FBI just hasn't updated their website. But come on, for 6 years? really?

My point being mainly that I find some of these things very curious indeed. and I might have to consider moving somewhere else since I probably have a satellite aimed at my house lol!

[edit on 3-1-2008 by Question]

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 09:21 PM
Interesting, I went to the link you provided and indeed there seems to be a glaring omission of the World Trade Center Attacks. Its difficult to know how to read something like this. Has the F.B.I every commented on this? Have they explained this? The Federal Building attack is to vague to cover the 9/11 attacks.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by talisman
Interesting, I went to the link you provided and indeed there seems to be a glaring omission of the World Trade Center Attacks. Its difficult to know how to read something like this. Has the F.B.I every commented on this? Have they explained this? The Federal Building attack is to vague to cover the 9/11 attacks.

I have not asked them, nor will I ask them about the omission simply for the fact that I want other people to be able to see it and I don't want them to "correct" it so to speak.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 09:29 PM
I was just wondering if they ever commented publicly on it?

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by talisman
I was just wondering if they ever commented publicly on it?

Not that I'm aware of

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 05:42 PM
Hello, Question... I have a video you might want to watch. It is more footage from the tape where those pictures you found came from.

The first part is Bin Ladens sympathy speech, after that it goes into detail on the "fat bin Laden tape" then it shows footage of the Hijackers martyrdom videos they made prior to comming to the US. It also shows the conections between these people and the message they spread (Al Queda)

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 06:29 PM
Muckraker Report investigator Ed Haas asked FBI's Rex Tomb about this, and the answer was "He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.”

Considering this was in 2006, this pretty much confirms all the tapes as fakes, even if the evidence (like wrong handed Bin Laden, or doing things not Islamic, or even, not looking much like him at all) suggested so to begin with.

If the FBI doesn't consider them as evidence, what does that say about the tapes?

Kind of funny is the (white)Washington Posts piece on this. They completely dismiss the FBI failing to recognise the tapes as evidence and claim them as proof Al Qaeda having "proudly taken responsibility for the hijackings".

Bin Laden's denial, published on the 28th of September 2001, also reported seperately on 15th September 2001 on CNN, appears to be unnewsworthy and pushed to the side due to not fitting with the "official" story.

Forgive me for thinking that terrorists will own up to things they didn't even do... But it's happened in the past (Northern Ireland for one), as their aim is to cause terror, which is easily achieved by admitting to another factions plot, not by denying you had any involvement!

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Question

Welcome to ATS!

You make some interesting points....a few little loopholes they've forgotten to plug? (The devil is in the details!)

I hope you have saved copies of these documents, not just the links to them.....In case they vanish once we began to discuss them....

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by frayed1
reply to post by Question

Welcome to ATS!

You make some interesting points....a few little loopholes they've forgotten to plug? (The devil is in the details!)

I hope you have saved copies of these documents, not just the links to them.....In case they vanish once we began to discuss them....

Unfortunately no I haven't made copies of these documents, but I'm sure I will sometime in the future. The plot definetely thickens... more questions need to be asked and answered. I'm hoping to some day make a compilation on my thoughts on 9/11 but for now, I'd rather do more research and see what people have to say.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 07:24 PM
If I'm not mistaken, my cousin told me when I was 10(1994) and we were visiting the WTC that there was FBI offices in one of the towers.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 07:27 PM
Yep, fake Bin Laden. Fake terrorists, fake wars, fake politics, fake promises, fake America. That's #ing tough, isn't it? Makes you wanna go out and proudly slave away for your fake paycheck, doesn't it? Makes you proud of your fake reputation and your fake importance of your fake life in this fake reality.

Long live the united states of plasticity.

I'm not directly implying this towards anyone... but man I would love it if 9/11 and the Bin Laden tape where he confesses was the ONLY thing that was fake.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by djpaec
If I'm not mistaken, my cousin told me when I was 10(1994) and we were visiting the WTC that there was FBI offices in one of the towers.

I think floors 9 and 10 on WTC7 may have been home to an FBI office. This page says FBI, DoD, and IRS had offices there, but Wiki just lists 2 floors under "U.S. Secret Service".

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