posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 03:56 PM
Okay, I do not know much about Australia but a little, but consider that here in the USA you have rich States, and poor States and those inbetween.
Since I am originally from Illinois, and I do now know about Iowa, this is what I can say with some kind of surety. The middle of the State of Iowa
went with Mike Hukabee (spelling?) and the edges of the State went with Mitt Romney. The Democrats went with who they will vote for. That is because
if you looked at NBC News I think it was stated that 40% of Iowa I guess is -- Evangelicals. The rest perhaps Catholics and others, I guess, but
Catholics are here. So to me, political candidates and the News will soon forget about Iowa and go to New Hampshire (State- Spelling) and then
according to the News, seek a different population other than white by the States of Nevada (mostly maybe Hispanics) and Georgia (mostly or over 50%
Black) to get another part of the vote, and then whatever States and ending up in Florida about the end of the month.
I guess this Country should only be concerned with at most two major political candidates, at least if you do not include the Independents whom seem
to be voting Democratic perhaps instead of Libertarian.
Ah, of course the Evangelicals also will perhaps a major factor again with the Election Nationally. I really do not think in my opinion that this
Country should be so -- if I may call it this -- fanatically religion prone with some of the way that to me some of the people think.
Whether Democrats or Republicans win, it depends I guess on these religious concepts presented here like some kind of debate I call mass delusional
like Creation or Evolution. I just refuse now to wonder why anymore, and only hope that most people by the Election actually do Grow a Brain -- all of
which will be viewed Negatively by a lot of these people for various reasons. Obama may be Right when he states that he would hope this Nation would
start working together, but then he is talking about white people again in this Country mainly, probably (?).
I just concede that the rest of us thinking that we may be more normal will also have to put up with it. I am not flying high about this World, nor I
am flying too low. I am not flying at all, but just another human on this Planet. I intend to convince no one in this world, and the rest of the
world, or any such terms as Freedom Fighter (for a supposed Terrorist because they actually have no Government to support them just a religion they
have the opinion Islam is -- whether any of them are right or wrong) along with the other Governments and their soldiers and whatever this War is
really about, along with the rest of these religions whether they all think in some form that they are right or wrong.
I just consider now that perhaps they might and should not be offended to actually think that some of them are just plain wrong.