posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 02:01 PM
So I did and now my post has gone, so I guess i'll have to retype it.
Hello Ruggedtoast here - I came here mostly because I was interested in rods. So I learned a lot about rods and now I know theyre not real. Too bad
eh. Too bad for me. Actually I was quite upset, I really wanted rods to be real. Maybe Ill just keep on believin in em anyway. Rods. Why not, there
might be a few out there anyway, flying around. Its possible right - no one really knows. Me, you, I dont think so. Even the encyclopaedia britannica
aint too hot on rods.
So thats me. Other than that il guess im interested in aliens and lunar cities. But Id give both of those things up to see a real ROD!
Thanks for listening.