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A cold spell soon to replace global warming

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posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 05:13 PM
Here's a very well written article

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
reply to post by DocMoreau

As you so rightly put it, only with the end of profiteering will future generations enjoy the wonder that is this planet, but we need to remember that it is us that keeps buying the products, it takes every single one of us to stop. I, in gradual increments, have released myself from consumerism by the simple thought of, I may want it but do I need it. Invariably the answer is no.

What's so wrong with profiteering? Are the organic farmers of the world not profiteers? Are the folks who run ATS not profiteers?

You fail to realize the basis of the issue here. The earth has never had a utopian society. As a matter of fact society is the cause of all the issues you complain about. Although society affords us a lot of great benefits, like my HDTV or the 24" iMac I'm using, or the ability to get belgian beer at any local store here in Atlanta...

...It also causes epidemics, plagues, wars, etc. But the beautiful thing is, that humans are adaptable and wil survive any social or unsocial dynamic as a whole.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 05:26 PM
DocMoron: as Ronaldus Maximus once said, "there you go again!..."

There is no human component to global climate change...colder or warmer.

Get over that religion of your's, sir.

And in regards to "sheeple", that's exactly what those who support the notion that God would create a beautiful planet that a human could ruin are...sheeple.

We can't ruin this matter how hard we try, it heals itself just the way He designed it to.

We're in a natural cycle, sir. That's all.


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[edit on 1/7/2008 by Gools]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 08:00 PM

We can't ruin this matter how hard we try, it heals itself just the way He designed it to.

This statement reflects a complete ignorance of the extreme balance in ecological and biological systems. Yeah, maybe we can't destroy the planet, but it is very likely that we can irreconcilably alter its biology. And if that is what you want.. well then, go find another planet to screw up! Maybe you would prefer to live on lifeless, polluted rock orbiting a sun somewhere?

[edit on 4-1-2008 by whatsup]

[edit on 4-1-2008 by whatsup]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Quazga
What's so wrong with profiteering? Are the organic farmers of the world not profiteers? Are the folks who run ATS not profiteers?

If the laws of supply and demand are followed I see no problem in someone earning a living and enjoying success. I have every problem though in profit for profits sake. Monopolies, cartels and dividend hungry stock holders have not, in any way benefitted humanity in the long run. They exploit the worker, the consumer and the planet.

Originally posted by Quazga
You fail to realize the basis of the issue here. The earth has never had a utopian society. As a matter of fact society is the cause of all the issues you complain about. Although society affords us a lot of great benefits, like my HDTV or the 24" iMac I'm using, or the ability to get belgian beer at any local store here in Atlanta...

I fail to realise nothing here. Who wants utopia? I certainly don't, I simply want to breath clean air, drink clean water and eat food that has been produced locally, not transported thousands of miles and wrapped in toxic plastics. I am not complaining I am pointing out that the system is wrong and that the system needs to change if we as a species are to survive in the long term. You may be comforted by your HDTV or your 24" iMAC but I for one feel that there are more important things to our existence than consumables - I ain't looking for soma.

Originally posted by Quazga
...It also causes epidemics, plagues, wars, etc. But the beautiful thing is, that humans are adaptable and wil survive any social or unsocial dynamic as a whole.

We will not all survive, none of us may survive. Humanity has existed on this planet for a very short time and many species have come and gone before us. We are not special and it is about time we, collectively, realised that. The planet will continue without us, I would rather it didn't but as long as resources used and pollutants generated so that you can have your precious Belgian beer in Atlanta then I have very little hope for the future of the human race. You just keep taking the soma and telling yourself that its all A-okay.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 12:26 AM
Cooling is already happening in Antartic, the Scandinavian countries as well as in the north east of the U.S. It's a climate change like we never imagined. Different parts of the world effected by the change in dramatically different ways. Is it warming? Is it cooling? Is it a gravitational change or electromagnetic change due to the approach of the dark star (Nibiru)? I don't know the answers. I'm just along for the ride and enjoying the sightseeing.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by DocMoreau

I think Global Warming is a serious issue, but I also think that there are too many Born Again Christian families of 5-7 people who cannot 'survive' without their big SUVs and McMansions for anything to be done. Until these sheeple can be forced to use cleaner cars, and live a less wasteful lifestyle, the earth is doomed.

Yes, we should kill all the Christians, they are the real problem on this planet
Seriously dude, your just wanna put blame on something that the media is already putting blame on. Ever read the bible? It tells us to take care of the planet. Nobody really follows what the bible tells us to do, we just do whatever we want to and then call ourselves christians even though we look nothing like Christ. I can survive in the woods by myself, my parents taught me a bit on how to. They were pastors of a local church and never drove an SUV, but took care of other families and stored food and distributed it to other families that were having a hard time. My parents got people off the streets, out of prostitution, out of homelessness. Geez, my parents were evil eh? They should be strung up and quartered for helping others and trying to live right and give people hope. Evil, evil Christians.

From what I hear though bro, cows and trees are the biggest problem concerning "global warming" (snickering). A cow puts out more green house gases than the common SUV, guess we need to start eating more burgers eh? Kill the babies and save the trees, that's the moto of main stream media and the world.

I believe we need alternative fuel sources and need to eat to live and not live to eat, but the only difference we can make is in our own lives. Of course if we all take messures to live healthy and stuff, then the Gov will try and stop it. so either way, it doesn't matter what we try and do, nothing will help, the world will end one day and a new one will begin, something we can't stop.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

Sorry that I haven't had a chance to respond to your long winded response from the first page. I have been 1 of the over 1 million people in Northern California without electricity. The recent storm with 80 mile an hour winds left the infrastructure crippled, I live in a city of over a 100,000, and I was without power for over 60 hours. There are still people without power. But there are also people that live without electricity by choice, because it moral pains them too much. What a life!

So in rebuttal to your response, all I can offer is this. My statement before summarized: "The debate is moot until society starts looking forward instead of backwards. Until those who act like 'pigs', realize that they are in fact 'pigs', nothing will change. Unfortunately, society has too many self indulging pressures for many of these pigs to wake up. Religion, Pop Culture, its all the same if it is encouraging you to consume. Hot or Cold, it doesn't really matter, except that pigs have more body fat, so Cold is preferable, right?"

Hopefully, I have been succinct enough to prevent you from over analyzing, and then trying to rebut my statements one by one. Either tell me that I am off base, and "Big, Self Righteous, Gas Guzzling families waking up to their own ironic gluttony" being the worlds only hope is wrong. I don't see the problem with who you bigotedly called 'eco-nazi's' except that their evangelism doesn't contradict their cause. Personally any fanatic, either for 'the Lord' or for ecology, or whatever their cause is, is "WRONG" to me. That is my opinion, the same as the op-ed style post I made one the first page that you took such offense to.

Hopefully you can see the wisdom in a supposed "God-loving" family of 5-7 making the same commitment to this world as they seem to try to do towards the next. I can't imagine your grandparents wished upon you a dirtier, more dangerous planet, why do that to your grandkids so you can have the pleasure of today?

I leave you with these words of wisdom from some of the earliest Americans:

"In every deliberation we must consider the impact on the seventh generation... even if it requires having skin as thick as the bark of a pine."
- Great Law of the Iroquois

Seven_generation_sustainability Wikipedia stub


posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by jimmyjackblack

Dude, I never said kill anybody. Thanks for putting words in my mouth via your strawman arguement. Incase you don't know what that is:

A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.[1] To "set up a straw man" or "set up a straw man argument" is to create a position that is easy to refute, then attribute that position to the opponent.

You have provided our fellow members with one of the finest examples of a Strawman argument that I have ever seen. I am going to give you a star, because your statements were so unbelievable.

If you want to get mad at me, and have an online tiff, stop trying to read between the lines, with you kill Christians thing. SO corny, fight with me because I a saying this statement:

I think it a sad state of affairs that followers of modern Christianity are so 'faithful' in their convictions that they are willing to destroy the planet for their kids, and grandkids. That they allow themselves to be lured into believing that there is a 'heaven' so it alright to claim to be a Christian while you stomp on the lives of others. Although that is nothing new, Christians are notorious for fooling themselves into believing whatever fallacy their pastor can put into their heads so long as they can believe they are going to heaven. And if all the 'glossing over' of their evil deeds is not enough to get into heaven, they can always 'buy' their way in through tax-deductable donations to a state recognized religious cult.

Real Christians act, they don't talk about it.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by LiamStemrad

Wow, I guess I struck such a nerve that I being called DocMoron now...

Seems like the truth hurts, huh? Wouldn't be a shame if this were actually "Heaven", but the same old demons tricked all the gullible into waiting for the next time around, thereby turning Heaven into Hell.

Also, I am thinking it is so ironic that all of you "bashers" are so quick to demonize me, calling me names. Doesn't the bible have quite a bit to say about throwing stones? It doesn't really sound like many of you have been looking too deeply at yourselves, or if you do, you don't like what you see, and would rather attack me than learn to change.

Thats fine by me... At least I know I won't be seeing you upstairs.

[edit on 7/1/2008 by DocMoreau]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by DocMoreau
I think Global Warming is a serious issue, but I also think that there are too many Born Again Christian families of 5-7 people who cannot 'survive' without their big SUVs and McMansions for anything to be done.

So, the whole global warming thing is the fault of born-again Christians?

This is a mighty bold claim given the fact that the planet has been warming since the last ice age, 10,000 years ago.

Do you ride a bicycle and live in a burrow in the ground?

Probably not. I don't either, but neither do I own a McMansion (whatever that is) nor an SUV.

I'm guessing that if we used some method besides gross bigotry to determine lifestyles in the world today, we might find that a very large percentage of those who live in nice houses and drive SUVs are not born-again Christians.

Such blatant baseless bigotry is repulsive and really undermines your credibility and objectivity.

[edit on 2008/1/7 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

I am not perfect. Didn't mean to seem like I was up on the mountain or anything like that. Thanks for the reality check... I might be a bit high strung from the cabin fever. No, I only ride a bike or walk 60-65% of the time, and I do live in a house....

I didn't mean to single out Born Again Christians as the only gross polluters. I should include any family who fails to educate their children at home about conservation. There was a time in this country when parents understood that their children were their legacy, and tried their best to teach their kids better than today. I was only trying to illustrate an example, and from some of the stalker type backlash, I assume I struck a nerve that at some level is true. I have to admit I may have been a bit 'bigoted' in my response, probably due to the film Jesus Camp being the last film I watched before I lost power. I only meant to juxtapose a mentality that has somehow become 'hellbent' on world destruction at some level, if only to justify their faith, versus, a type of belief system where ones every action is an attempt to stretch out the slow suicide we call 'homo sapiens'.

Hopefully the personal attacks and my wild hared rebuttals can take a back seat to the real question posted in the OP. "What if its actually getting Colder?"

If others want to discuss my further refined and one-line synopsis, "Either people need to wake up to their wastefulness, or someone needs to invent cleaner ways for them to waste, because most humans are too caught up in their own dramas to do one thing about it, Hot or Cold" I am willing to discuss it. But I think it would be better to really focus more on the OP.

One last note. I apologize for hijacking the thread because of my use of examples. I still am of the belief that any gluttonous group in comparison to a conservative one will increase exponentially, because the gluttonous group has no morals to conserve, and the conservative group does have the numbers/gaul to wipe out the gluttonous group.
So once again sorry to the Op for the drama I apparently caused.

Hotter than Hell Up in Heaven, because Hell has Frozen Over,

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