posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 03:59 PM
Interesting example, however there seems to be several flaws.
(1) What image would appear if one were to merely shake the box? Remember, evolution theory is based on random selection, based on the theory, Shaking
the box should produce the desired results, without the introduction of intelligence, in the form of the scientist.
(2) The picture that does emerge, (idea) does not reside in the material of the puzzle, matter does not think, but it certainly will hold an idea in
the form of ink to convey design.
(3) What picture would one get if, as soon as two pieces are connected, the pieces disconnect, the process reverses itself. Remember all enzyme
action in the human body have to be reversible. Perhaps a very simple example of the reversible actions of the enzymes is the role of the red blood
cell. Although not an enzyme, one of its roles is to carry oxygen to the cells, reverses its role, picks up carbon dioxide from the cells, and carry
it to the lungs to be expelled. Now what would be the life expectancy, if say the reversibly were to stop? Therefore, an infinite amount of time does
not help, time is the mortal enemy, the system has to be up and running at the get go.
(4) Purposefulness, does not reside in matter, but it certainly will hold an idea, but does not think, therefore the example of the altered mousetrap
as a tie clip, and its usefulness resides in the intelligence of the person wearing it,(idea).