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Thanks Deaniacs; Now Regroup!

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posted on Feb, 10 2004 @ 09:07 AM
Whether you like Dean or not, one thing is certain, the early front-runner has played an integral role in setting the tone of the presidential debate, motivating new voters and some say (or will say) denying President Bush his imminent reelection...once ordained by God himself. That Bush might lose is something even Democrats are just now coming to realize as they shift from "blaze of glory" Dean to "electable" Kerry.

What once seemed inevitable, a Bush second term, now seems implausible as Bush stumps from state to state with the same tired themes: Saddam bad, world better, economy not my fault. Watching Bush's recent efforts, it's easy to imagine that the rumors he is shielded from the press and dissent alike are certainly true. He just doesn't get it; Never has, never will.

Built up by proponents and opponents alike as the "common man" President, at one time America's cowboy hero could do no wrong. Even the most laughable of fumbles simply made Bush more endeared to the soccer mom's, bible thumpers and liberal elite haters that considered him the "breath of fresh air" the conservative movement needed. Bush was, after all, breathing.

Then came Dean, a rally point for angry college students and disenfranchised Democrats alike. Dean set the tone for Bush bashing early. Grown ups that balanced budgets and owned guns were finally allowed to speak ill of the wartime commander. And the press loves a conflict so it made one: Dean versus Bush. Over a year until the elections and the press declared Bush the winner. Whoops, the people hadn't spoken yet, and the press had made them mad.

Dean got them registered and angry, the press said Dean couldn't win, so the people (as we speak) are electing an "electable" candidate. I mean seriously electable, a veteran of the military and numerous campaigns alike, Kerry has been around. He's certainly been savvy enough to adopt the heat of Dean, yet in a more civilized demeanor, and rake in those conciliatory votes from people that may really like Dean, Edwards or Clark, but want to beat Bush more.

And there's your theme: Beat Bush. Not be right on the war, not be an outsider, and certainly not be the most likable or interesting character...just be electable with the least to criticize. In other words, be breathing. Yes, Kerry and Bush have their similarities as well as differences, though contrary to many posters suggestions, there's little chance that a Skull & Bones conspiracy is in play here. It's the voters, Stupid.

The bandwagon is passing by Deaniacs. My hat's off to the guy and his supporters for their part in turning 2004 from a "statement year" into a victorious one for the Democrats, but there's a point of diminished returns where if you're anti-Kerry, you're pro-Bush.

'Tis the way of the world friends. Welcome to the real one. See you at the Kerry/Edwards victory party.

posted on Feb, 10 2004 @ 05:11 PM
Im actually on my way to the Dean HQ's in Milwaukee here in a little bit were Dean will be. I am going not because I support him, but to experience the primaries and learn more about such issues. I will let you know how everything turns out and the amount of people who were there. Should be a good time.

posted on Feb, 10 2004 @ 05:31 PM
you cant call bush a hitler if you say the election was rigged. hitler was democraticaly elected.

posted on Feb, 10 2004 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Dreamz
Im actually on my way to the Dean HQ's in Milwaukee here in a little bit were Dean will be. I am going not because I support him, but to experience the primaries and learn more about such issues. I will let you know how everything turns out and the amount of people who were there. Should be a good time.

Very cool. Give us a full report. Start a thread if you see anything conspirical or get insights into something we don't get from the press!

And KrazyIvan what the hell are you talking about?
Did you repsond to the wrong thread?

posted on Feb, 10 2004 @ 07:35 PM
I do not want Bush for another 4 years, but I am certainly not voting for any of the democratic candidates. They officially suck.

If Bush is elected for another 4 years, I think that would be sufficiant to cause major division in this country. Not to say it is not already, but I think it is being kept mostly tame by the fact that they might get him out. If not, then the # will hit the fan.

posted on Feb, 10 2004 @ 08:50 PM
Not to be comabtive or rhetorical, but I think the person
who began this thread has an opinion that is:

A) Traditional
B) Conventional
C) Defunct

Howard Dean had a clear message that was not pandering and was not gained thru polling and posturing. It is clearly a stretch to believe that his
supporters will simply throw their weight behind a
person like John Kerry.

The agenda pushed thru the media is:
change the debate from issues to a Bush Vs. Kerry race.

They would like to gloss over issues like John Kerry's
voting record, his connections with big $$$ defense
contracts, and his other insider Washington dealings.

I urge all Howard Dean supporters to not change their vote to the front-runner.

I for one will not vote for special-interest man Kerry.

[Edited on 10-2-2004 by darkwraith]

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by darkwraith
I urge all Howard Dean supporters to not change their vote to the front-runner.

I for one will not vote for special-interest man Kerry.

That's perfectly fine DW. I'm not changing my vote for John Edwards, but I'm also not doing Bush's job for him by bashing frontrunner Kerry.

I have to ask what exactly you plan to do when this is all over, or rather what you would like to see the remaining 14% of democrats that support Dean do.

Elect Bush by default? Not vote? Write in Dean? What?

Bottom line, if and when it comes down to it... will you support Kerry or Bush? You most likely will have to make that choice at some point. Some unyileding Deaniacs concern me since they will be all Bush needs for reelection...those that refuse to vote, or write in Dean, or run around up to the last minute bashing Kerry.

You do see that's the dysfunctional thinking on their part don't you?

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 05:39 PM
Well---just when are we supposed to make any progress in this country?

Status quo forever until we die? Politics as usual?

The conglomerates win and we are insignificant cogs in the big machine?

So you tell me, Kerry voted for the war, the Patriot Act,
the tax cut for the rich, etc.----

How is he any different than your average Republican?
How is he different from Bush?

[Edited on 12-2-2004 by darkwraith]

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 11:18 PM
I have to say that alteast Dean was a straight shooter for a liberal. He eliminated more than half of the classic liberal side-stepping on most anything from thier favorite color to foreign relations.

Of the other candidates, Clark was freaking scarey. I mean jeeze, just lie so people can say you lied about something long ago that they'll soon forget. They have him on tape stating he voted republican and that he was a republican, but respons nope! lol I am glad he is out (too clintonesq lol).

Kerry is goin to do a lot of dancing around his HYPER liberal voting reccord.

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 07:53 PM
This board is full of neo-con weenies.

Notice the Howard Dean people are referred to
as 'liberals' and 'Deaniacs' (in reference to some mental

Howard Dean is a moderate, not a liberal.

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 05:06 PM
The following article from News Max contains hints that the Republicans just might have enough ammunition on Kerry to make him 'unelectable.'

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 02:42 PM
I really like Dean and feel I will probably vote for who he supports if he completely withdraws from the Democratic primaries... I am very concerned about Kerry though, as while he does appear to be electable, he is also a bonesman (which is apparantly overriding presidential oaths).

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