posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 10:40 PM
Someone made a thread recently about some doom and gloom in 2008 over in the Predictions and Prophecies forum. Some kind of bizarre reference was made
to Genesis 6:3 that was taken out of context, but suddenly I had an epiphany.
In Genesis 6:3 G-d makes a declaration about humanity. Here's the quote: "And the Lord said, "My Spirit will not abide with man forever, for he is
indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."
This has always been interpreted to mean that humans will only live 120 years.
Well I have to say that the Bible itself says that interpretation is wrong.
There were a number of people who lived over 120 Lunar Years. ( Note: The Bible uses Lunar not Roman Julian-Gregorian Solar Calendars)
Here's some of the 120 plus:
Shem= 600 years
Abraham= 175 years
Ishmael= 137 years
Isaac= 180 years
Jacob/Israel= 147 years
This is when I had my epiphany. Those 120 years are not Lunar or Solar. The reference to humanity doesnt mean each human will live individually no
more than 120 years. That reference is to the entire species' existence.
This could be seen as a type of Saeculum, a Roman term meaning time appointed by the gods for the existance of a people or civilization.
My interpretation is the verse refers to a "Celestial" year, which I'm still trying to figure out how long that is, and that G-d would be with
humanity for 120 of these years. In other words Humanity will exist for 120 Celestial Years and then become extinct. Even stranger is this descision
is made after the Bnai Elohim mate or breed with the humans.
The question now is how to figure how long one of these Celestial Years are. Are they 1,000 lunar years long? I highly doubt it has anything what so
ever to do with a Julian Solar Year. Could it be a Platonic Great year or an Astrological Age that make up the Platonic Year? A number of cultures
around the world also reference a type of Great Year that is around 12,000 solar years each.
[edit on 1/1/08 by MikeboydUS]