posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 03:59 PM
Well, what I am going to describe here and now boys and girls is an incident or scenario that took place back in 1938. This scenario is why,
what we know to be the truth; is locked up from society.
Well when the famous Orsen Wells put out the "War of the Worlds" scenario it was In Fact permitted by our 'Internal Government' which went
to a radio station to have, "The War Of The Worlds," scenario played out as live news footage, and that this was to gauge mankinds reaction
to a scenario such as Aliens coming to Earth and invading us. Now there were people killing themselves and towns in utter dismay. A test by our
government once again to see if mankind can handle the Truth. Yet apparenlty back in 1938 mankind was not ready for that kind of knowledge.
They can use this as testimony on why they didn't release sensitive material to the public.
Now when 1947 rolled around They originally had put that it was indeed a craft that was not of this world that crashed down on Earth.
Well the above is why it was retracted. The "Internal Government" gave a remedition of Their Truth. They gave you Worst Case
Scenario just in case. But one can see it was a decade after they posted it as a truetestimony.
But what was inconsistant in Their Truth was how they displayed it.
First they gave you SCIENCE FICTION ploy and had Orson Wells take the rap for it, when it was in FACT, Their Own inside insecurities playing on
them. They were at odds with such paramount information about intelligence higher than mankinds known database that they were pushed to the very
limits of sanity to see if mankind could actually even co-exist with the idea. They knew shortly after mankind wasn't ready.
I think mankinds intelligence has far surpassed any remedition of 1938 and has reached far into the databanks of the Unknown to solve the inner
mystery of life. Do I think mankind can handle that knowledge most definately, but its always done in Stages where awareness or intelligence can cut
through our own animalistic fears of survival and look farther out.
If we were to visit the people back in 1938 they would see what wonderful potential we have, but that we lack the moral conviction to bring
about change. But we have the ingrediants for the change if people would only listen to that Inner Conviction.
Mankind has been thoroughly introduced as a society of beings far from home through the bible, religion, new age beliefs, paranormal work, the
evolving mind, ufology, news and others.
But what it takes is the first hand knowledge of knowing you are from somewhere else, that way you canhandle visitors outside this blue orb
coming in. You must have the inside knowlede to know that God creates in the form of potential in which it actually arrived at.
Also, I would like to point out that everything that we know as parents to our children already know because all this information is imprinted into
their genetic makeup.
[edit on 1-1-2008 by menguard]