posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 02:46 PM
They're now talking about a 72 hours window for a bigger one to hit.
The window should be extended due to lunar alignment (tidal forces).
The Wells quake that hit Nevada many weeks ago, occurred during the lunar eclipse, which is essentially a Full moon, with the Earth in the way. Sun,
Earth, Moon all lined up..which creates Larger tidal forces.
The beginning of the Verdi/Mogul series, occurred two weeks later, during a new moon. Again, everything all lined up, but in a different order. Sun,
moon, Earth.
Again, stronger tidal forces.
the next new moon is May 5th..About a week away.
Just sayin'
Be careful out there..Now the wind is pick up..Make sure your tents are secure!
Still no cat..