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2008 Marks the Year of Destruction

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posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 12:34 PM

Are you thinking that the Apocalypse means destruction, the end of the world? It actually means revelation - to understand. In the Raelian philosophy, it doesn't mean the end of the world, but the time when everything will be understood, including our origins.

However, the Elohim predict that society has a 10% chance of surviving, and that there is a 90% chance that mankind will gut himself. It's up to us Raelians to inform and educate you of Rael's mission. Rael says that the Elohim will return by 2030. As to whether or not they return because of mass destruction or love for them, only time will tell.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 01:02 PM
Okay 1908 gets me to thinking...

1908 was the last year the Cubs won the World Series. A sign of biblical proportions maybe? And why haven't they won since? Many attribute it to the Curse of the Billy Goat.

And I think we all know the biblical significance of the goat, eh? True followers vs. false followers and all...

So the Cubs seem to be resurging. Lou Piniella's done it before and this Could. Be. The. Year.

So it's the 7th game of the Series, Cubs up over the Yankees 7-0. Two outs in the 9th and one strike away from taking it all in what seems to be an inevitable foregone conclusion.

Zambrano's on the mound and he's been overpowering, on the verge of not only winning the deciding game but throwing a no-hitter. Jeter's at the plate and has had his customary playoff misery, hitting .188 for the Series. But then whaddya want for $250 mil?

Nothing short of a calamity can keep the Cubs from taking their first World Series title in 100 years.

There's the windup and the ball's headed for the plate. The crowd at Wrigley is standing, screaming, and going berserk... Jeter closes his eyes to swing and...

zuhZAMMMMM!!! World ends.

Of course, I could be wrong.

[Edit for clarification, I hope]

[edit on 1/2/2008 by yeahright]

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by birchtree
Let me start by saying wow!

First I am going to straight up disagree with you on the falling of the angels in 1908. The rebellion in Heaven took place long, long, long, before 1908. Even if it did what scripture is giving you a hundred year marker for events to occur.

Second the re-establishment of Israel can be questioned by the fact that Israel and its lands as were Given to the Israelites by God in the Ould Testament are not restored in whole.

If you are trying to match this prop to 2012 than look at this. The Anti Christ will have to show his face and mezmorize the world bringing peace and will fool many people even in the church
1. We are nowhere near peace.Period
2. Every leader is being accused of being the Anit-Christ from Bush to I dont think many people will be fooled since everyone is thinking that
3. Seven Years............3 1/2 of it will be if it ws even to start here in 2008 you would be looking at 2015...but the main point is, there is no peace
4. Nobody knows the time or hour...wars rumors of wars...false prophets......but all these things must come to pass....this means the Anti Christ will need to show himself, implement peace and gain power and prestige. All this using great miracles so it can place himself in the image of Christ on the throne......I AM JUST NOT SEEING THAT IS ANYBODY ELSE?

Note: I am unsure about the re-esablishment of Israel...Will it have to be complete as God had given it to the Israelites. I do not think anyone knows the answer to that but if so a generation is 120 years right. So that could be 120 years with in 1947 or the clock could not even started....

I will also say God could come anytime but if he is going to come Like a thief in the night, I believe no one will know when it is.....That is just a mystery no one will ever solve.

I tend to agree with some of the above statements. Although it is very clear that we are in the end of times I don't think we are as close as 2012. We are just now seeing the baby steps and there still have to be some substantial and significant events to occur. I am also inclined to belive the israel theory. As of this point in time Israel has not been restored to the former glory nor does it occupy the lands God gave them. There will still need to be some substnatial changes in the middle east before Israel is fully restored. You must also realize that even today Israel is preparing for the rebuild of the temple but in order for them to do so they will either need total uncontested control over the temple mount or some major archeolgy find that places the temple in a differant position than the current contested space.

I started a thread a while back regarding the israel theory I would appreciate more discussion on this subject.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by yeahright
Jeter's at the plate and has had his customary playoff misery, hitting .188 for the Series.
Jeter closes his eyes to swing and...

Jeter s/b A-Rod. See, that's what I get for not fact checking. Especially baseball stuff which I don't follow nearly as closely as I used to. Not that anyone's paying attention...

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by ReginaAdonnaAaron
The eminent threat to Mankind is ...

.... Barack Obama and the minions who will vote for the guy who has NO CLUE what to do as POTUS. (and that unAmerican racist 'church' he goes to ... FRIGHTENING!)

On the day Armageddon starts it will come unexpectedly.

If it's to be unexpected - as the bible says - then why are you screaming that it's immenent??

Father's patience is finally running out.

I've been hearing this for 25 years. Luck of the draw - eventually someone will scream 'this is it' and it really will be. Even a blind pig can find an acorn.

If anything, The Father's patience is probably wearing out having to listen every year to people claim 'the end of the world is here'.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 09:45 AM
With the reference to "Michael" I get the feeling that this post comes via a Jehovah's Witness. Aside from that, two things stand out in my mind as for The end of the age and Jesus' coming
(1) IIPeter 3:3-4 :
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
Luke 18:8 :
Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

Bottom Line: As long as people are expecting and believing that Jesus is about to return (setting dates) that is a good indication that He WILL NOT be returning on that specified date nor will DESTRUCTION happen on said date.
Jesus will only come when no one is looking for him and when the majority of Faith is something of the past...hence, that is why Jesus described His coming to that as a Thief in the Night...
Look back to 1988 when the little book "88 reason Why Jesus will return in 1988" and ask yourself (original Poster): Why will Faith descrease over time? Answer: Becuase of posts like yours that aid in diminishing the faith of people. All date setting does is INCREASE the SCOFFING.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by jdposey
With the reference to "Michael" I get the feeling that this post comes via a Jehovah's Witness.

Not Jehovah's Witness.
They, like all other man-made religious organizations out there are close to the truth, and yet so far away.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by jdposey

jd, I agree with you, yet on the flip side, will there actually come a day when not one single person will have predicted a date for the Return, or the destruction, etc., so that it will now be totally a surprise?

Is that likely? not to argue, just one of those things that I can't seem to get settled in my head (tho not losing sleep
). . . as mentioned, eventually luck may actually create a prophet if the Return happens coincidentally on the date someone proclaims.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Karlhungis

Let me correct you on two points.
God is not a she. Man was created in His likeness and woman was taken from man and formed.

"Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in this kingdom" (Mathew 16:18)

Jesus was in the garden the evening before His death and was praying when the sky opened and there stood two angels honoring Jesus. He was talking to them and was seen by some of His followers. He rose and was seen by His followers in His glory (HIS NEW BODY) He defeated death and Hell and was in His glory.

Israel needed to become a nation and that was 1947. In 1967 the 5 day war secured their land as a nation by the world and the UN! This had not happened in 2,000 years. This is the generation that saw it happen. This is a time of division. The sheep on one side and the goats on the other. Many will scoff this message. Sadly they will not have any choice at a certain point. Make sure you are right about your belief. Can you even amagine what it will be like to realise it was all true and the evil of this world fooled you?

Read a book called Science Speaks by Steven Stoner. It not only shows the prophecies in the Bible but there fulfillment. He was a Prof. of Math. He asked his class to figure the odds of probability on each prophecy. IF you took all the prophecies that have been fulfilled and add them together the number would be so big there is not enough paper in the world to write that number. Amagine the number to be electrons. Those electrons would fill the whole universe to equal that number. Divide that number by a billion and you still have a number so large it can't be ignored. Just look at the 48 fulfilled by Jesus in the last 24 hours of His human life. He could not choose how to die. That was mentioned in Psalms that they would pierce His hands and feet. He would be nailed to a tree. His bones would not be broken. The Romans did not use that type of punishment 1,500 earlier when it was written. They always broke the legs to make sure they were dead. Jesus died and was taken down whole. He was buried in a rich man's tomb. How could He make that happen? so much more..

Finally, all of His followers continued and were killed in horrible ways. Peter was hung upsidedown because he said he wasn't worthy to die like his Master. Only John died naturally on an island after he wrote Revelation. Would you create a lie as an eye witness and stick with it unto death? What would that gain you? They believed because they were there and saw it first hand. It's not like hitching a ride on a comet. I said first hand witness. They knew their reward was ahead. The evil of this world keeps some from looking and believing. The truth of God is love the lie of evil is hate. Goats, He is calling you throughout your life. Don't leave without your Mastercard of Faith! It's the only card you can use to get into Heaven.

Pagans have no record to quote.
No other religion has a track record even close to the books of the Bible.

In fact no other religion promices you the glory that awaits those that ask for Jesus to forgive them for their short comings. He already knows we are weak and in sin. Just ask to be forgiven even if you don't understand. God only had 10 Commandments and those Laws are still in effect. Can anyone honestly say they have never broke one of them?
Faith is the only thing that will save you. Works don't cover up anything. Works is something you do because you want to please those you are helping. This pleases God but doesn't wipe out any sin. Sin is forgiven for free, just ask Him.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by photobug

If you are trying to match this prop to 2012 than look at this. The Anti Christ will have to show his face and mezmorize the world bringing peace and will fool many people even in the church.

1. We are nowhere near peace.Period

When they say Peace, peace, peace... it doesn't mean we have peace. It is a quiet before the storm. Also God is speaking about Israel and not the whole world. His people in their land after it becomes a nation. That happened in 1947/1967.

2. Every leader is being accused of being the Anit-Christ from Bush to I dont think many people will be fooled since everyone is thinking that.

Evil is in high places (governments). Look at how fast and bad this generation of governmants are. 911- premptive wars-millions of innocent people bombed-mercury in vaccines-poison food-lies-lies-lies-fixed elections...

3. Seven Years............3 1/2 of it will be if it ws even to start here in 2008 you would be looking at 2015...but the main point is, there is no peace

Again, they are trying to bring peace in Israel. There soon will be a false peace while more land is given away for that peace that will not last.

4. Nobody knows the time or hour...wars rumors of wars...false prophets......but all these things must come to pass....this means the Anti Christ will need to show himself, implement peace and gain power and prestige. All this using great miracles so it can place himself in the image of Christ on the throne......I AM JUST NOT SEEING THAT IS ANYBODY ELSE?

We are 25+years ahead of what the common people know in science. Right now we have stuff in space that could bring fire down from the sky. They (science) are talking about creating new life (they already have) and we now can wipe off the planet. It says in the Bible if God didn't make the time short no flesh would be saved. Also, if you read some of the books written by the elite of this world they want to kill off about 80% of us to protect mother earth. The Bible talks about a man standing and his eyes melt out of his head the tongue out of his mouth and his flesh from his bones all before he hits the ground. Sounds like a nuke to me! This wasn't possible until the late 40's.

Note: I am unsure about the re-esablishment of Israel...Will it have to be complete as God had given it to the Israelites. I do not think anyone knows the answer to that but if so a generation is 120 years right. So that could be 120 years with in 1947 or the clock could not even started....

In the Bible most generations last 40 years. After they sinned while Moses was on the mountain God had them wander for 40 years until those died. Count from 1967 40 years = 2007. It also says God will try to wait to save as many as possible to convert. We are close. Jesus is at the door.

read Science Speaks by Peter Stoner. Find it on-line

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 03:42 PM
Actually, I think evey time somone sets a date...God makes well sure nothing happens on that day....if the truth be known, God won't have any man/woman, saying, "See I told you so" and thereby have all the Glory to themsleves.

Of course, this is my personal opinion and The Lord knows....I dun't know much!

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Flyers, i'm with you 110%

Obama will not save us, he will drive us further into chaos and so will hillary, and the entire rest of them. I wish people would get it thru their heads that life in the United States has ended as WE KNEW IT. There's no going back and furthermore, things are going to get a whole lot worse...and those counting on Jesus' return will be waiting for thousands of years also. Not in our lifetime!
Since the beginning of time these predictions have been made and guess what? Nothing!
Dont expect it any time soon, and when it happens, he will come life a thief in the night....And no man knows when that will be.

Our creator should have been pissed the second he created us and things didnt quite pan out like he planned. A great tribulation will come, rest assured, but no one knows when.
So we can go on speculating when it is, but i think it is yet far away.
I dont like to call it "tribulation", its more like a "change" the earth has been going through for millions of years.
Earth changes happen regularly, and these are not tribulations but mere Earth changes that happen. Continents sink, new ones are born, continents drift away at the rate of 2 inches per year! That's right! Eventually there will be at least two continental collisions, more mountains will be formed, etc. In this process, many will die. This is the way of the Earth and not something sent to punish us, i beleive.

I beleive God wants us to live. Being the sinners that we are, we are warriors, and we dont revere the great power as we should, we sin, we do what we want and thumb our noses to our very creator- still if we repent and free ourselves of as much sin as we can and try to live a normal life, we are forgiven.

The universe is expanding, the moon is separating from us at 1 inch per year, the sun is going to die, yes, it all seems we are headed towards the path of doom, but we're talking a process the Universe goes thru. I dont beleive its punishment, but just physics and the way we evolve. After we are gone, there will be strange looking things crawling around, trying to build weapons. These will be the new "intelligent life" and they will most likely suffer the same end and fate we will.
No one can tell the year of destruction, sure we look at the news and we say things are getting closer, and they are...but closer doesnt mean within 5 years.
If we go into another mini Ice age, it will not be God punishing us, it will be planet Earth going thru what its gone thru on a regular basis every few thousand years, imo.

As far as politics, yes, there is a trend and an agenda which will be carried out by both Dems and Republicans alike. The powers that be have it all planned out and i dont beleive we can get out of this trend.
Republicans, Democrats, Independents, they're all alike.
I am convinced of that now.

Who do i like and who will i vote for? I know i will get a lot of flack on this one, but i dont see anyone worthy of my vote- so i will not vote.

Sorry for getting carried away and posting stuff irrevalent to this thread.

Just some thoughts.....

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by jondular
reply to post by photobug

If you are trying to match this prop to 2012 than look at this. The Anti Christ will have to show his face and mezmorize the world bringing peace and will fool many people even in the church.

read Science Speaks by Peter Stoner. Find it on-line

It seems that we are perhaps on the same page. I see the steps being taken but there still is quite a lot that has to take place. I'm not trying to match anyhting to 2012 I do feel that we are near but not quite as near as 2012. Irregardless I won't make a prediction but I will prepare myself and my family from both a support standpoint and more importantly the state of our hearts.

I was born in '68 my father in '47 so indeed I may be the generation that fails to pass.

As far as the Israel issue It's only what my heart tells me and seems to be my own formulation after much prayer. It just seems to make sense to me. Israel may indeed have been granted statehood but their existence is still contested by many. It is also a fact that the land they now occupy is but a small percentage of what was granted to them by God. So if this theory holds any water a possible scenerio could go like this....

Israel attacks Iranian Nuclear facilities. Iran refuses to tolerate their actions as others have done before. Sides are quickly drawn and in the most impressive display of military might ever seen before Israel and it's allies quickly take massive amounts of territory at a huge cost of life to both sides. (armegeddon, no. but close) The world cries out at the onslaught and a world leader appears on scene and brokers a 7 year treaty that allows israel full control of it's God given territories or at best relinquishes gained territories in exchange for control of the temple mount.

That could start tomorrow but there are of course holes and there are other prophicies that must happen as well. My guess is were close but their is still time for some to have their eyes opened.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
reply to post by FlyersFan

Flyers, i'm with you 110%

Who do i like and who will i vote for? I know i will get a lot of flack on this one, but i dont see anyone worthy of my vote- so i will not vote.

Sorry for getting carried away and posting stuff irrevalent to this thread.

Just some thoughts.....

I tend to agree with you but not voting is'nt the answer either. You could at least vote a write in candidate or perhaps start a campaign for someone you do believe in. I believe this country needs some serious change and the current ones available arn't qualified what we need is a president for the people and of the people and one that is not afraid to tick off the powers that be. Support of the people enmass is essential.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 01:13 AM
I have a few questions about peoples expectations of the future. What is it that you really think you have been promised? If all that has ever been is resurrected in this one place and time, how are you going to keep all these strangers "out of your house"? Remember all those folks you hated, and were secretly relieved to see them buried? Well, they come back too. All souls are immortal. If all are to be granted a life of freedom and luxury, who does the scut work? Be real. How long before you get bored of being in heaven and living in perfection? The solution i see is that all these "spirits" will not get physical bodies, too inefficeint, No it makes more sense to remove our physical bodies and place us all on a spiritual plain. No t.v., sports, sex, fast food or any of the other goodies we have become addicted to. Imagine having to explain to a cow why you ate her? Find out why you want to go to heaven and what you expect to find there.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 01:23 AM
If a bus going to heaven pulled up in front of you and stopped right now and asked you if you wanted to go to heaven right now, would you get on board that bus? No other options, it is now. or never. The bus is starting to move and all that you know and love is outside that busload of strangers, What will you do?

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 09:08 AM
Do you believe in the Rapture Regina?

[edit on 4-1-2008 by TruthSeekers]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by TruthSeekers
Do you believe in the Rapture Regina?
[edit on 4-1-2008 by TruthSeekers]

Yes, I do. I understand that you do not. To each his own. I will not attempt to convince you. May God bless you and guide you.

[edit on 4-1-2008 by ReginaAdonnaAaron]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Thurisaz

3rd time I am asking!

Your reference to God/Satan etc being female???

I am not interested in going searching your links to find an answer to a question from something YOU state in YOUR thread.

thank you!

Originally posted by ReginaAdonnaAaron
You must ponder that on your own...which is why I didn't respond the first two times you asked. However I would like to clarify one thing because it was misunderstood:

Satan aka Dawn is not female nor did I imply it.

Hi Thurisaz,

I'd like to help you with that question.

The reason why it is a She is indeed not because it represents a demonic figure, but a very spiritual personality.

The reason why there will be tribulation surrounding a She is because The First Coming in the flesh will not be a man but a woman. Or to be more precise, a female humanoid.

I'd be happy to give you some cross prophetic references to ponder. If you have already read my site you will already know about some of this.

In the well-known Visionary Prophecy given to General George Washington, wars were shown to happen with the new American nation. All of them would be overcome, except one.

Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, passing which the whole world united shall not prevail against her.

The operative word in that prediction being "her."

Next, St. Malachy predicted the end of the Catholic church:

In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there shall reign Peter the Roman who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the terrible judge will judge the people.


That "terrible judge" will be The Original Creator in a feminine form

There's your answer as to why the predicted figure of tribulation is referred to as a She.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 03:01 PM
Paul-Richard has the right to his opinion, but to avoid any confusion here please note for the record that his explanation for why Father is referred to as "Her" in my original post is not one I agree with.

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