posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 08:01 AM
Originally posted by gulfstreamsalt
Drunvalo Melchizedek made a very interesting post concerning the start of an ice age by 2010 due to the rapid melting of the polar ice caps causing
the stopping of the gulf stream due to the dilution and changes in sea salt levels.
3 problems:-
An ice age takes tens of thousands of years to get underway.
The last time the gulf stream (or, rather, NAD) is thought to have shut down was
8,200 years ago - although it got 2c cooler in Europe for about 200 years,
there was no ice age and, given currently higher average temps, it's likely that a repeat event would at worse result in conditions about 1c cooler
than those typical of 20th century; nothing catastrophic and certainly no ice age.
In the past it's taken a sudden, massive, influx of fresh water to sufficiently dilute the N Atlantic to stop the NAD. Such an event cannot happen
now because there is no sufficient source of such fresh water: just slow, gradual, glacial melt.
He referenced a DND Pentagon Release paper
theoretical 'what if' scenario. There was never any suggestion such events
will happen and certainly not to the extend, or within the time frame, described in the report.
The myth that an NAD shutdown would trigger a new ice age derives from a popular misunderstanding of the
Younger Dryas - a sudden cold event that occurred at the end of the last full ice age. This too
is thought by some to have been cuased by a sudden meltwater release causing the NAD to shut down. However, at that time, Earth's orbital parametres
were slightly different to today and, most importantly, at the time there was still a huge ice sheet in N America as well as extensive glaciers in NW
Europe - including Britain. Such ice sheets and glaciers do not exist today. A repetition of the YD is not possible.