posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 12:06 AM
Daytime Orbs - Raw Footage
This is a 22 sec. video that I shot on Sept 9th 2007 from my home in Pennsylvania. After seeing a white object streak across the sky and then another
one I went and got my Kodak Z700 digital camera to see if I could catch anything on video. I tried to position the camera where the sun was above the
roof of my porch and not blaring out the image completly and started filming.
The objects are moving very fast and only one can be seen if the video is run at normal speed. The only way to see the other orbs, the video has to be
slowed down and advanced frame by frame. Their very faint and may only last one or two frames.
The camera is facing southwest.
Time of day is 12:35 pm
At 0:05 sec. a bird flies over the house in the footage.
1st orb - 0:12 to 0:13 sec. orb right of the sun and traveling downward.
2nd orb - 0:13 to 0:14 sec. orb directly under the sun.
3rd orb - 0:14 sec. very brief and faint.
4th orb - 0:15 to 0:16 sec. brightest orb and the only one that can be seen when the video is run at normal speed.
I don't know what these are, but I believe they were not that high in the sky to be meteors. I would guess they were somewhere between 50 and 100
feet high. The brightest object at :15 to :16 sec. was the only one I caught on the clip that was visable to the naked eye (in addition to the one's
I saw before filming). Only after watching the video frame by frame did I notice the other objects in it. If there are any questions I'll be glad to
try and answer them if I can.