posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 01:14 PM
I'm only starting to get interested in tinkering with objects for meditation purposes. Its funny I have a metal I-Ching coin around my neck and I
used to focus energy into it, and my freind the other day..who knows way more about these little details then me.. she says, metal absorbs energy for
itself, it's not retrievable once you give it energy. And when you think about it, it is a conductor. hmmmm.
As for crystals... light/energy goes straight through it, and bounces around inside.
I read an article in "scientific american"..and anyways, they showed a picture of a glass computer cpu they're holding back from us. Its 100x
faster then our cpu's now.
Think about it man.. fibre optics... they transmit information as light, thus it travels at.. LIGHT SPEED.. whereas we use crappy electricity
pushed miles through copper metal to power everything.
Glass super cpu's... crystals can hold energy, a lot of it, and you can retrieve it at light speed I imagine for whatever purposes.
I admit 2 years ago I used to think this was all crazy but the more I thought about the more it started to make sense. I didn't see what value any
object would have, its shape, or colour... I just thought... well maybe these people just feel special having it, ha. But really... we've
established that colour is a frequency of energy, and our whole reality as we know it as affected by vibrations/frequencies, and is comprised of just
Light in my mind, is just a perception, an interpretation. Theres energy EVERYWHERE, in every thing.. Look at the electro-magnetic spectrum, it
basically implies all energy is the same, it just has different frequencies. If our eyes could process infra-red, or microwaves, thats what we would
see, but our eyes are made only to filter certain frequencies of energy.
Light goes crystal objects.. fiber optics and glass cpus are real things that we have. Crystals can therefore in my opinion hold energy, thus it can
be used.
Pyramids I dont know. I'm really interested in shapes and the complex yet simple mathematics that is the universe. Our computer run on 1's and
0's.. and look at the games we can make? Imagine a universe that runs on 1's and 0's, yes or no, off and on, light or absence of light, positive
and negative... In my oppinion - unlimited possibilities. Think about that, then think about this "random occurence", or just "random", what is
random? Its an illusion. There is a complex set of equations and variables and it determines seemingly infinite outcomes. Its just like how with a
computer program you can say pick a number between 0 and 7, and thats what the universe is doing all the time, only maybe its a number between
infinity and infinity.
Anyways, you know what I'm getting at. About crystals. Anything is possible.