posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 06:53 PM
The first video seemed odd, that the picket signs blocked Bhutto as the shots were fired, but looking at the gunman only(again odd how the cameraman
didnt move his frame forward to await Bhutto to come out from behind the pickets signs, it was almost as if her was trying to keep the rear of the
vehicle and Bhutto in the frame), prior knowledge? dunno.
But back to my point after watching the first video, it seemed the best most steady shot the gunman got off was the first one, after that, he just
fired 3 rapid shot as he got slightly bumped. Ususally people like that are mobbed after the first shot, wierd. But even if she wasn't fatally
wounded, that bomb was pretty larged, everone around the vehichle was killed and the car was filled with holes.
However the pictures of her clothing and shoe and pool of bloo they show inside the care, there is really no damage inside the vehicle. Even before
seeing the latest video it looked like a single shot, the first shot, to the head that killed her. I wonder why the government didn't want to admit
it? Maybe because her guards didn't do thier job? I didn't even see any guards walking with the vehicle...., is that standard practice? I didn't
think so because after the first failed attempt on her she said if it wasn't for her personal guards she wouldn't be here. Were they pulled off?
Just like the two SS men who shoulda been on the back bumber of Kennedy's car were?
This new video just confirms it all, good find. Single head shot from close range to the back of the lower head. Lapse of security bigtime. Seems
there might be more to this assasination than meets the eye. I would think you'd place at least an armed bodyguard looking for shooters at each
corner of the vehicle, I mean that should be standard practice. If they had a guy on the left back bumper of Bhuttos car, she might still be alive
today. Just like if the Secret Service guy wasn't pulled off JFK's rear right bumper he'd most likely still be alive today. If you go on the single
gunman theory.
Something smells bad about this whole thing. What little of Bhutto that I do know I thought she was good for Pakistan, and a strong leader. Shame, the
state of that country is in now, and is gonna be; in the years to come.