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Nibiru's 'First Phase' Due Fall 2009!

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posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by hildar

First off, the main reason we never caught the comet that came within a quarter of a parsec away from our planet is because, unlike brown dwarfs, comets do NOT emit any forms of light besides radio and maybe some inferred depending on the amount of mass. NIBIRU is a Brown Dwarf… a failed STAR, that emits all forms of light… mostly in the Infrared spectrum. This theory is not true because we know that the trajectory path of NIBIRU will not come close to the earth’s orbit. The idea of this theory, unfortunately for all you world Hitler’s, came identically from a 2005 Video Game Named, “NIBIRU.” Sorry to disappoint but if you don’t believe me… then go check for you self… no sorry, I want you to go and get the full facts. That way no one can go around telling people that the world is going to end and some idiotic American will go on a shopping spree to end their life right, just to find out you all where pulling their legs.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself
The movement of PlanetX is intelligently controlled and appears to stay behind the Sun to avoid the attention of the masses until late in the going. Got it??

You know this how?

COINTEL AGENTS claim that PlanetX is a hoax but THEY ARE LIEING since they falsely claim it would have to be prominent in the sky by now.

It would be having a massive effect on the orbits of the other planets. Venus and mercury should be appearing in the sky in all the wrong places since they orbit the sun faster than us and are often opposite the sun from us.

For about three weeks, I've been able to hear the unsettling noises of its approach in the south skies.

I was outside for hours last night imaging comet lulin, why didn't I hear anything? Sound can't travel through space anyway. The only thing I heard were coyotes, and occasionally, a cow.

[edit on 24-2-2009 by ngchunter]

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 06:33 PM
if anyone wants proof of nibiru

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 12:39 AM
Jeez! I have read 43 pages of this Planet X argument and have come to this profound conclusion. None of this amounts to a hill of beans and people should not waste one second of their life worrying about any rouge planet, red dwarf, black hole, ravenous space alien on a rampage or any other planet killing thing that may possible be headed our way because if there is there is not a damn thing anyone could do anyway. Do you think we could send Bruce Willis up in a space shuttle with a nuke to blow the thing up or should we all buy books telling us how to survive the holocaust that wiped out the dinosaurs? I personally won't be buying any books however, just in case your theory is correct sir I will be calling in sick from work on Dec 21 2012. I plan on sleeping late that day since I want to be well rested for the end of the world which I welcome since I see less and less redeeming qualities in some of my fellows humans. I feel sorry for the innocent children of the world but the rest of you well, we all have to go sometime.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by mythatsabigprobe

Just wondering if anybody reads any books. or does everybody play around on the internet all day long. If you have read all of sitchins books as well as other similar books you guys would be alot better off then listening to a bunch of nonsense you find on the computer. you can be the judge if sitchin is right or not, but please, before you come to a conclusion and judge a book or an idea, read into it some more. Nibiru is very true and very real. I believe its his end of days book thats explains when nibiru might be around next. If you are well versed in the bible that also helps. Last time nibiru was around was like 1200bc. I remember it wont be around for another few hundred years or so. it comes every 3600 years. Oh and each zodiac sign lasts 2160 years. 3600 and 2160 together are the golden ratio. Def not coincedence. Just because nibiru isnt around. doesnt mean our gods or astronauts cant come back at will, maybe thats what all the ufos are. Who knows for sure, but when need to band together and figure that out.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:28 AM
This letter isnt DEAD YET. It still emerges here in Norway.
I am going to post links here, it is in Norwegian, you will not understand it and I am not going to translate, there is just to much to translate, the NWO have chipped all of us by then, I have a feeling that time in a way have run out on us.
We are wakening Online, but not Offline. They are planting False Flags all over the place, it starts here in Norway too.
U.N. are building 'warehouses' here and SUPPOSEDLY , Russian terrorists s invading our home-computers for the purpose of Terror acts in CyberSpace. JOKE I say, just a False Flag to rain down on our Freedom of speach and the RIGHT to retrieve information OnLine..

Ok, Again, the Norwegian Warning Letter :
The Letter revisited .

And 6 months ago, our government Slipt up and 4 million social security numbers got released to the Media, what is that ? we are 4.7 million norwegians, and 4 million of those lost their personal information to the Media ? I do not buy it !!!!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by deezee

Originally posted by lordtyp0
I deal with allot of foreigners and have studied linguistics
This letter from a "Norwegian politician" just smells wrong.
It is too meticulous, it was written by a native English speaker.

Thank you for your analysis! I wanted to comment on it as well, but not from this angle.. I'm very glad you did..

Otherwise, this letter from a "Norwegian politician" just stinks of a hoax.. But i think, it is most likely, that it was created by someone, who believes in the PX thing, and thinks, it's a good way to warn people.

Believers often do things like this... They create a "hoax", but don't think of it that way. They believe it's for a greater good.. I've even seen them completelly believing in their own made up stories..

There was a similiar or identical letter a while ago, in relation to a seed vault being built in a bunker in Norway.. Someone must have read about it, and his/her paranoid brain made click.

Saying it is from a Norwegian politician, is just a pathetic attempt, at making it seem more real. I know it works on some people, but if you know, how these people think, it is very obvious..

Look here :
Letter of Waring
The Letter again
Email to Leo's Son
Leo Zagami's ExWife . Norwegian Politician

This is just SOME information about all this things in Norwegian, but my point here is for you to see that it is NOT just ONE letter to Project Camelot.
The letter ARE confirmed by several News papers and Online medias here in Norway , and you see the Web Page for the political party She is in. That Politival party runs the MEDIA in Norway, so, any dots connecting ??

Further more, there are Finninsh and Sweedish scientists also backing it all up , so I dont think we should take it so light...Sadly ..

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself
You can either prepare to save yourselves or prepare to die.

COINTEL AGENTS claim that PlanetX is a hoax but THEY ARE LIEING since they falsely claim it would have to be prominent in the sky by now.

Do you have any evidence for this, whatsoever?

Could you tell us what will happen when Nibiru gets here so we can better prepare ourselves?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
This letter isnt DEAD YET. It still emerges here in Norway.
I am going to post links here, it is in Norwegian, you will not understand it and I am not going to translate, there is just to much to translate, the NWO have chipped all of us by then, I have a feeling that time in a way have run out on us.
We are wakening Online, but not Offline. They are planting False Flags all over the place, it starts here in Norway too.
U.N. are building 'warehouses' here and SUPPOSEDLY , Russian terrorists s invading our home-computers for the purpose of Terror acts in CyberSpace. JOKE I say, just a False Flag to rain down on our Freedom of speach and the RIGHT to retrieve information OnLine..

Ok, Again, the Norwegian Warning Letter :
The Letter revisited .

And 6 months ago, our government Slipt up and 4 million social security numbers got released to the Media, what is that ? we are 4.7 million norwegians, and 4 million of those lost their personal information to the Media ? I do not buy it !!!!

Tranlsate please......??????

If only for the Aussies.


posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 03:04 AM
I just love all this Nibiru BULL COOKIES all over the net one site says its visible in the northern sky another will say the southern sky.
Lets be logical about this there are hundreds on amatuer astonomers round the globe with VERY large telescopes costing many thousands of $/£'s. Many of these people have found super nova's .comets and asteroids before the professionals SO how come Nibiru has NEVER repeat NEVER been photographed or spotted yet by any of these guy's we all know why its B.U.L.L C.O.O.K.I.E.S thats why.
Its supposed to be here in 2012 I hope in 2013 you people who BELIEVE in it have a great excuse ready.
We all know what it will be the date was calculated wrong or some lame excuse like that.
If you want to see some real NIBIRU BS in action go to youtube and search for an IDIOT called gorilla199.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by Kryties
reply to post by dalan.

It has been suggested that perhaps the planet revolves around the brown dwarf star. While the star stays out well beyond Pluto's orbit, the orbitary path of its planet "Nibiru" swings it into our vicinity.

[edit on 12/8/2008 by Kryties]

Wel if that were really true OUR sun would probably captured it by now and it would be in a proper orbit round it instead.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by wmd_2008

Originally posted by Kryties
reply to post by dalan.

It has been suggested that perhaps the planet revolves around the brown dwarf star. While the star stays out well beyond Pluto's orbit, the orbitary path of its planet "Nibiru" swings it into our vicinity.

[edit on 12/8/2008 by Kryties]

Wel if that were really true OUR sun would probably captured it by now and it would be in a proper orbit round it instead.

Worshipfull Master of Lodge Akershus Lux was due and we quickly decided to Install “Brother” Khaqan Khan as the Most Worshipfull Master of Akershus Lux Lodge and President of the Committee of Hope in the Orient of Oslo (Norway) and that was Im very soory to say a very big mistake….
Now the truth is finaly coming out I want to ask Phil , Troy and Halvor to spread such information all over the net for the benefit of the Truth Movement and mankind. These criminals of the PST including Khaqan Khan and their CIA PSYOP driven allies from Project Camelot need to be exposed now as they are directely involved with the destruction of my precious family as much as the Gulen Movement , the Jesuits and those corrupt members of the Suslu family like Ahmet Husrev Suslu directely linked with the Norwegian PST
Sinceraly & Fraternaly yours,
Leo Lyon Zagami 33o

I am the norwegian politician , we where going to meet bill and kerry together but was aressted by PSaturday, 8 March, 2008 6:18 PM
From: “fsb fsb” Add sender to Contacts
To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 17:15:52 +0000

Hello MR Zagami

i just heard your arrest by the PST secret police in norway on the net .

I to was arrested by the PST when we where going to meet BILL and Kerry in Oslo on the 16 and 17 februar

They did hold me for 7 days and told me that if i was going to tell about illuminati and planet x 2012 and underground bases they would take my children away from me and my wife would be jailed .

So had no means of meeting you or bill and kerry on that date

Bill and kerry gave me your E - mail

As you can see from their letter .

We have to get inside the masons lodges and only you can help doing so . Can you ?

i am getting monitored by the PST in norway to so i hope you get my mail

You can post this E mail with your contacts if you want to .

The illuminati exposure must go on , i knew about your wife for a long time ago that she worked with the goverment of norway butt had no means of teling you because i was monitired by the PST .

We should meet very soon my friend .

Your wife is from SV and i am to from the same party .NB NB NB !!!!!!( DO NOT POST THIS LINE IN when you give to others on the net thank you )

Its all just a cover up for what is to come before 2012 .

There are 18000 freemasons in norway that we have to expose

The illuminati are evil and they support evil as are the freemasons to

I think you say Khudafis in arabic to friends so i do the same .

hope you had a nice bithday on the 5th of march , as i know you did not beacuse of the PST .

I to had a hard time in jail when they putt me in !!!!!

We are brothers me and you

All masons in norway are judges , millitary ,police .lawyers . they are minions of the NWO

Kind regards

K .

Norwegian politican

Dear K:

We both wish you well in everything you are doing. We fully understand that you were unable to meet with us. We hope that you are safe and well. Please let us know if you can. Remember that our fax number is on the contact page of our site (001 805-435-2021).

We’re just posted this update on our What’s New page:

If you can’t access our site, we’ve copied the update below.

Leo Zagami would welcome contact with you. He is a very good man. His e-mail address is [email protected] .

May we give him your contact details? We will NOT do this without your permission.

Here’s our update below…

With our very best wishes,

Bill and Kerry

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

Are you sure breathingchem or are you injecting them.
Here is the real truth of Nibiru!

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 07:30 PM
Hello all,

It will happen like this:

1. If you will see Nibiru, it will be too late for you, it does not have to be seen to kill us all.
2. Second Sun or whatever is it called (phenomen in the skies when you see some very bright object during the day or night) will be nuclear ignition of Jupiter
3. watch the sky - if you will see some unusual phenomen in your geographical space, such as orchestral dance of colours, silent lightnings and who knows what else, pack your bargain and wait till something in your heart tell you to go
4. listen to your heart and not to Disinfo agents, that believe they will be saved when someone promised them underground ticket with no "true" data of validity

5. Time is now!

Have a nice day

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 05:15 PM
Would there still be McDonalds after the Nibiru destroys our planet?

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 06:09 PM
Have you heard the latest?

Apparently Pluto is being "wrecked" by an unknown object (actually they are saying Brown Dwarf)that is also having a effect on Jupiter and other Planets including the Sun. They actually provide cordinates to locate the object. For those that don't know there is also an Anomaly that has happened on Venus too (bright spot located on bottom on the 19th of this month). This get me to think, with the recent anouncement that the Pentagon was no longer going to share data from its spy sats of incoming objects, and the so far "un-explainable" rise in tides on the entire East Coast as of late. Not to forget this Monday the US is conducting the largest Terrorist excercise to date including 5 other countries for 5 days....

The link is in spanish so if your not fluent in this banter use google translate

[edit on 8/1/2009 by altered_states]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:49 AM
Whilst I am on the fence with 2012 and all this NIBIRU malarky, I am not so full of self importance as to think that HUMANS are the be all and end all of this universe we live in.


posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 09:12 AM

Further more, there are Finninsh and Sweedish scientists also backing it all up , so I dont think we should take it so light...Sadly ..

Basically the story is that aliens made contact with some governments 50 years ago to warn them about events in our timeline that will occur. The governments took precautions and started building underground bases. Now we are close to 2012 and things are about to occur. We'll see what happens.

The sun activity for 2012 will apparently be very strong.

Its interesting that Niburu is supposed to have a large elliptical orbit. This kind of orbit is extreamly common in the universe. What is very uncommon is the orbits the planets in our solar system have. Almost circular.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Copernicus]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Solarskye
How can we see all these planets and stars, galaxies, comets, asteroids etc.., but we cannot see this planet X.

Simple because of this...

Nibiru settled into a clockwise orbit (equal to 3,600 orbits of Earth
around the Sun). Nibiru stabilized into a clockwise orbit, equal to
3,600 orbits of Earth around the Sun until 10, 900 B.C.E., when
Nibiru arrived earlier, due to increasing drift from Solaris of
Uranus. Uranus' gravity sped Nibiru's orbit. As a result of this
close encounter between Nibiru and Uranus, one of Nibiru's moons,
Miranda, was captured by and became a moon of Uranus as Nibiru and
Uranus pulled at each other. From 10,000B.C.E. on, Nibiru's
revolution sped to 3.450 Earth years; which makes Nibiru's next
return 2900A.D. rather than 2012 as predicated on the earlier 3600-
year orbit [Sitchin, Z., 2007, The End of Days, pages 315 - 317].

2900 AD not 2012

In Sitchin's own words... that is 892 years away...

So now you have an 'official' confirmation, because it was Sitchin who first presented us with Nibiru in the first place

Do I get a cookie?

Hey greeneyedleo wheres your avatar
or are you changing clothes

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 04:34 PM
How would you comment today's explosion near Mercury, visible on Stereo A
there are stars indeed, but they are far away, and they do not explode like that. There is something else near Mercury.

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