posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 08:05 AM
I joined so that I could start this thread. Been watching from the sidelines for a while.
I have been trying to get a picture of these things that I have noticed on the highways. They are a smooth fiberglass enclosure, without windows and a
large circular opening on the back They are shaped somewhat like a bottlenose dolphin and are huge! they take up the major part of an 18 wheeler.
The reason I am wondering about them is because I have seen so many of them in the last couple of years. I have literally seen hundreds (not
exagerating) And yet I have not been able to snap a picture of one of them. they are usually on the opposite saide of the freway heading the opposite
way, seen them I-10 East and West bound, also on I-49 north bound and on I-20 East and West bound.
Have seen them from California to Florida and up to Arkansas.
I'm hoping someone can verify having seen them also.
I cannot tell what they are for as they are perfectly smooth, windowless and have that huge circular hole in the back. All I can think of is
underground bunkers but who is buying these by the hundreds???
So I have made a crude drawing (sorry not a CGI master) on MS Paint
of what I have seen maybe someone can remember having seen them or someone knows what they are for.