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Summoning Fairies

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posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 08:39 PM
I would like to know if there is anyone to summon and or see fairies? By that I mean the little people, not people with wings. I don't think they exist but I think it would just be a fun experiment since I'm writing a book. Does anyone know any methods or seen one?

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 08:46 PM
Are you referring to the Fae or the Shee (in Irish mythology)?

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 08:50 PM
actually, in 1954 my sister and i saw and talked to one underneath the
front porch....they were real...that day!!!

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 08:55 PM
I will answer your question, my friend. My name is Artemis Fowl. It's only inevitable that you remember that name...Now, onto my answer. Fairies have several rituals, one of which inclues repleneshing their magic. I recieved this information from a corrupted sprite who sold her soul to human alcohol and betrayed her underworld bretheren. She lives in Moscow, I believe: But do not bother chasing her: She's worth as much as your father when he is intoxicated and performing gyrations at your sweet sixteen. Anywho, most fairies have to find an ancient oak tree by a bend in a river, plant an oak tree seed next to it, and on a full moon. (To do otherwise is blasphemy and a sin to their kind.) This will replenish their magic. My advice is to find the nearest oak tree by a river, and plan a stake out. I was lucky, on the fourth day, there was a tiny little thing who came flying by. She was very pretty. Be careful not to mistake them for a human child, because that almost threw off my....assault. Anywho, this is a very intelligent race. Even if you were to meet them, they'll simply erase your memory. Do not bother asking me how i cheated their system; you won't have the resources to do the same.

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 08:58 PM
How did you take the step from judging people who believed in demons as schizophrenic to wanting to find out about fairies? Are you simply trying to bait the "crazy people" into helping with your book? Is you book on fairies or insanity?

For the people who say it's demons before psychiactric issues. What type of people are you?

Just curious.

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Karlhungis

I was going to ask the same exact question yesterday when this same posted started a different thread about wanting to move things with their mind. I found it odd since they had a thread saying that things on ATS needed fixed right away. Something about needing padded rooms and straight jackets, deprivation chambers, electro-shock...

But serious. Who do you take someone seriously, even in small doses, when they have misrepresented ( is that a word) themselves from the get go?

[edit on 12/28/2007 by bobafett1972]

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Hyuga_masteR
I will answer your question, my friend. My name is Artemis Fowl.

Oh come on.

Artemis Fowl is the name of a bunch children's fantasy books. Like a cheesy "Harry Potter" with fairies.

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Hyuga_masteR

hahahahahahaha I'm SOOOO glad i stumbled onto this thread!

Artemis Fowl!!!

this is great. i would recommend everyone doing a quick google search of that name.

[edit on 28-12-2007 by Odessy]

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 09:34 PM
the Fae are really. my friend says he has a Fae familiar and i tend to believe him because i occsionally see her

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 09:58 PM
1,910,000 sites with that name in it!!!


And some more laughter............

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 10:01 PM

How did you take the step from judging people who believed in demons as schizophrenic to wanting to find out about fairies? Are you simply trying to bait the "crazy people" into helping with your book? Is you book on fairies or insanity?

Actually if you stopped to think about it. You would understand that demonic possession causes mental changes that can be harmful. As I said I doubt they are real. I just am curious to see what would happen if I were to do this. Now, if someone were to ask about summoning a demon I would think that's cool. But people come here talking about being possessed or seeing demons. Demons told me this that. Now that is a serious issue. So mental stability should be sought before continuing. Especially when the demons are causing someone to hurt themselves. You seem to still have trouble grasping this concept.

Now learn to stay on topic!

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 10:11 PM
Don't know much about the summoning, but I do know that they are around... and mischievious.

Just look at any painted wall close enough, and you can see impressions of their tiny little faces.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 10:38 AM
Artemis Fowl HAHAHAHA. This guys hilarious. I'm going to check out his other posts.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 12:27 PM
Yes, you can summon the wee folk, but you have to know how to do it and you have to really know what you're doing - otherwise, they may harm you. The Fey have been cruelly and thoughtlessly treated by humans and are therefore quite leery of us. Also, many are extremely malicious and will think nothing of harming you.

To be truthful, you would need a very solid background in Magick before dealing with the Fey, and that is why I can't just give you a simple answer on how to do it; I wouldn't want to risk having you come to harm.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 01:16 PM
It's fine. I don't care if I'm harmed. If they attack me I'll punt those little gnomes. So can you give it to me? I really want to know.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 02:09 PM
Sorry, it would be against my ethics to do so. You cannot combat these little creatures in the normal way - they know magick and can wreak absolute havoc with you, including killing you. I do know of one man that happened to.
There are lots of books out there about faeries, I would suggest reading alot of them before attempting to summon them, also books on Magick would be a good idea, too.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 06:24 PM
Where can I read an article about the man who got beaten down by the litte people? Surely something like that would make headlines.

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 07:50 PM
forestlady, i would really like to talk to you about this subject, i tried sending a u2u but i dont have enough posts up yet. is there anyway to speak with you?

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
Sorry, it would be against my ethics to do so. You cannot combat these little creatures in the normal way - they know magick and can wreak absolute havoc with you, including killing you. I do know of one man that happened to.
There are lots of books out there about faeries, I would suggest reading alot of them before attempting to summon them, also books on Magick would be a good idea, too.

WEll said and I agree fully. As always you have my support F.L.
This one seems to be just not what the fey need or desire to encounter.
Thankyou for your post.

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 08:20 PM
Forrest Lady obviously doesn't know so please don't ask her. I doubt it is true anyways. If I did know how to summon one, and it happened, If I were to be killed, then its because it was my time to go. People who kill you, are doing it because they were meant to. Nothing happens until it get an OK from above.

[edit on 30-12-2007 by jca2005]

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