posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 08:50 AM
It's true that he won't win. but he will have his chance at the national level to say some of the things that need to be said. that may not sound
like a big deal, but it is. Ten years from now, when frustrated voters look back for inspiration, their powers of hindsight will allow them to zero
in on what he said.
That's why I say that the dialogues we have now are important. In certain respects, we're speaking to the future when we hash these things out.
the solutions which occurr to us today might not be considered tomorrow, under wrose conditions.
I say, make the most of Ron Paul while you've got him. If he's your guy, write about it. Lend him a hand, if you can. Go and vote when its time.
As I write this, the primaries are one week away. Make a splash, and hope that somebody some day makes more of it than we could.