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Nostradamus' 3rd Anti Christ looming on the horizon..

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posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by NeverWalkAlone

All the 'prophets' ever did was no different than what Nostrodamus and others of his ilk did. Just because they claimed 'God' talked to them - well, sorry, there are institutions for people like that today. Many mass murderes also claim 'God' told them to do it...

My understanding iss that most of Nostrodamus's 'predictions' have been proven false again & again in relation to modern history. Just like the 'Revelations' in the Bible, they are all about the historical period they were written in - and have zero to do with modern history.

All this superstition can make one blind to the realities of the world. Forget 'prophesies' and 'predictions' as they are all nonsense. Ths is the 21st century folks...


posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by BlackProjects
Maybe the death of Bhutto somehow paves the way to rise of antichrist.

C'mon guys! Get real. The only 'Anti-Christ' you're ever gonna see is the one in the movie 'The Omen'.


[edit on 28-12-2007 by jimbo999]

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 12:47 AM
Good old Nostradamus doesn't really impress me but something came to my attention a few weeks ago while watching a speech by the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He openly stated he is working to pave for the way of the one who is knows as Al Mahdi in Islam. Basically, the Al Mahdi is the Islamic "Messiah." It is interesting to note many religions are expecting the arrival of their "promised one" in the near future. Some sects of Orthodox Judaism say their Messiah will appear in 2012, The Maitreya of Buddhism is said to already be alive, and as stated, Islam is awaiting the Al Mahdi.

But what fascinates me most of all is what I was inspired to research after Ahmadinejad's speech. Basically, he says the Mahdi cannot appear until there is world-wide chaos due to war, religious apostasy, and moral decline. The Hadith concerning the Mahdi claims he will rule for seven years and declare peace through war. He will also control a one world government and declare Islam a one world religion while all unbelievers will be killed. I'm still trying to verify my findings but that is what I put together so far.

It is interesting that Nostradamus predict the Antichrist being an Arab but I largely consider him a false prophet. But what I find fascinating is this: The Antichrist mentioned in the Bible will reign for seven years, rule a one world religion, will only appear after world wide chaos, religious apostasy, and moral decline, will declare a false one world religion where all non believers will be killed, and will try to set up peace but will actually start a war that will kill more than all previous wars combined.

But another interesting tidbit. During his reign, he does a 180, ditches the one world religion, and declares himself to be God. He is also mentioned as being wounded, which leaves him blind in one eye and one of his arms wounded. Islam also speaks of the Dajjal (basically the Islamic Antichrist). This man will also be blind in one eye.

Of course I do not believe that the Islamic prophecies are divinely inspired but instead are counterfeit deceptions. It seems to me, though, that Jesus could have been warning us of this deception. Basically, while the entire world will think this Al Mahdi character is the true Messiah, the Bible describes in detail the very characteristics we are to look for (that just so happen to match the Islamic redeemer) and admonishes us to not believe him.

Very interesting indeed to see how the Biblical prophets warn the world of such a person and centuries later a religion springs up that says this person is coming but (contrary to the Bible who warns us that he is inherently evil) will proclaim him to be savior.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by JadePhoenix
[Well it could be anything really, anything that takes you away from Christ could be considered Anti-Christ or am I way off base here?

The Bible says "the spirit of antichrist" is already at work and has been in existence but also states that a specific human will come along who embodies this hatred. Think Adolph Hitler or Antiochus Epiphanes on steroids vs. the general disdain of Jews and Christians throughout history.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by AshleyD
But another interesting tidbit. During his reign, he does a 180, ditches the one world religion, and declares himself to be God. He is also mentioned as being wounded, which leaves him blind in one eye and one of his arms wounded. Islam also speaks of the Dajjal (basically the Islamic Antichrist). This man will also be blind in one eye.

Are you referring to the "beast" that "comes from the sea" with the 7 heads when you speak of this head wound? Would you be so kind to point me to the exact verses of Revelation speak about this? I must've forgotten since I read, or misinterpreted it when I did.

I have also read of the Dajjal being one eye blind. Interesting..

I don't know what to think about the Islamic end time prophecies. They state that the Mahdi AND Jesus (Isa) will both be on the Earth simultaneously. Not only that, but Muslims believe that Jesus (Isa) will "break the cross" when he returns and command all Christians and Jews who would then recognize him as Messiah to submit to Islam as the true teaching! Isn't that wild? The Mahdi is supposed to be like a "tag team partner" almost as it is written with Jesus, both taking on the "Dajjal" or Antichrist together. Lol.

Silliest thing I heard.. I must say..

But I write this to emphasize that no matter what happens, Jesus and Mahdi cannot be the same, single being. There has to be two according to Islam.

I do strongly suspect Mohammad to be the "False Prophet" spoken of in Revelation. I think Osama bin Laden could qualify as the "Messenger from the Bottomless Pit", but Im not sure.

[edit on 12/29/2007 by runetang]

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by runetang
Are you referring to the "beast" that "comes from the sea" with the 7 heads when you speak of this head wound? Would you be so kind to point me to the exact verses of Revelation speak about this? I must've forgotten since I read, or misinterpreted it when I did.

No, it is in the Old Testament. It specifically says he will be blind in one eye and his arm will be "withered." The context compares the good shepherd (Jesus- who the people rejected) to the bad shepherd (the Antichrist- who the people will accept) and this is what it says about the Antichrist or the "worthless shepherd:"

"Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered, his right eye totally blinded!" Zechariah 11:17

Of course this might not be literal but it is interesting nonetheless. Here is a link to the description of the Dajjal being blind from the Islamic Hadith (scroll down to Islam's Description.

I don't know what to think about the Islamic end time prophecies. They state that the Mahdi AND Jesus (Isa) will both be on the Earth simultaneously.

I agree, Islamic eschatology is a little strange but what compounds the problem is that the Al Mahdi prophecies are not in the Koran but in the Hadiths (Islamic commentaries and supposed sayings by Mohamed). But still, this could possibly allude to the false prophet. Remember, the Antichrist in the Bible is to be accompanied by a false prophet. This "pseudo-Jesus" could be the fulfillment of this. The false prophet is also described as looking like a lamb (a symbol of Jesus) but he has horns and out of his mouth comes blasphemies (meaning he looks like Jesus and seems to be like Him but his actions and message prove otherwise)

We know as Christians that Jesus does not share his throne with anyone and He warns us to turn away from anyone claiming to be Him or another Messiah. It's possible this Al Mahdi and false Jesus are the Antichrist and false prophet.

Not only that, but Muslims believe that Jesus (Isa) will "break the cross" when he returns and command all Christians and Jews who would then recognize him as Messiah to submit to Islam as the true teaching! Isn't that wild? The Mahdi is supposed to be like a "tag team partner" almost as it is written with Jesus, both taking on the "Dajjal" or Antichrist together. Lol.

Very interesting. We are told in the Bible that the Antichrist does turn on the false prophet (or if this is the case, the false Jesus) and that the false prophet also doesn't claim power for himself but points it all to the Antichrist. The similarities are amazing. Something to watch out for in the future. Jesus warned us in advance the deception would be so great that it was possible even the very elect of God would believe it if it were possible.

But I write this to emphasize that no matter what happens, Jesus and Mahdi cannot be the same, single being. There has to be two according to Islam.

Absolutely correct. Personally, I think the rapture would happen first so we won't be here to see this take place but the warning is for those alive on earth at the time.

I do strongly suspect Mohammad to be the "False Prophet" spoken of in Revelation. I think Osama bin Laden could qualify as the "Messenger from the Bottomless Pit", but Im not sure.

As I stated above, I think there are many false prophets (Jesus warned us of this too) but that the Antichrist and false prophet mentioned in the Old and New Testaments are going to be two specific individuals.

There isn't much said about the false prophet other than he can perform false signs and wonders, directs all worship to the Antichrist, and is later tossed aside by the Antichrist but from what I know of the Antichrist he will:

1) Rule for seven years (the length of the tribulation).
2) Come out of the European Union and is possibly an Arab (the prophesied Revived Roman Empire already in existence).
3) Head a one world government (all signs point to this being imminent)
4) Declare a one-world religion and puts all unbelievers to death (though this is a tenet of Islamic Extremism it doesn't necessarily have to be Islam.)
5) Later discards this religion and declares himself to be god.
6) Commit the abomination of desolation in the future Jewish temple (most Jewish artifacts have already been created and are ready to go for the future temple prophesied in the Bible)
7) Will appear to be wounded or dead but somehow recovers
8) Orders the mark of the beast (possibly some form of chip used for identification and economy and of course the technology already exists)
9) Will sign a seven year peace treaty with Israel but will renege on it in the middle of the seven years (where he will corrupt the temple as mentioned above)
10) Possibly be blind in one eye and have a withered arm.
11) Will pretend to be religious but later the truth comes out that he is too conceited to ever worship anyone else. We are told he worships a "god of fortresses unknown to his fathers" which may mean he trusts his own military might over any deity
12) Control a world economy and monetary system (the technology already exists and all world markets are so closely intertwined as is).
13) His governing center will be in Babylon (which was believed to be metaphorical until Saddam starting rebuilding the city and the construction is now being continued by others after his death).
14) Will not long for women. Not that he will necessarily be a homosexual but basically that he is so preoccupied with his new system and himself to even bother with a wife or family.

That's just a few. Of course, the Al Mahdi and the Antichrist being one and the same is just a hunch. Islam could just be a likely candidate so could the Roman Catholic church or some other new unified religious belief system. Time will tell.

[edit on 12/29/2007 by AshleyD]

[edit on 12/29/2007 by AshleyD]

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by BlackProjects
Maybe the death of Bhutto somehow paves the way to rise of antichrist.

Puhleeease!!!!! Why has ATS been inundated with all these people bearing rumours of doom and gloom lately ?????

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth

Originally posted by BlackProjects
Maybe the death of Bhutto somehow paves the way to rise of antichrist.

Puhleeease!!!!! Why has ATS been inundated with all these people bearing rumours of doom and gloom lately ?????

Because that's what is coming for you.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

Very interesting stuff there. We've got war, moral decline and apostasy now, so I don't see what's keeping him.
I'll be keeping a close eye on developments in Pakistan for a while. Remember that the Chinese word for crisis is made up of the symbols for danger and opportunity.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by resistor
reply to post by AshleyD

Very interesting stuff there. We've got war, moral decline and apostasy now, so I don't see what's keeping him.

The Bible says there is a "restrainer" that holds him back. In the original Greek, the restrainer is given as a neuter gender so many Christians believe it is the Holy Spirit. The Bible says the Holy Spirit is sealed in the heart of all true Christians so when it goes, we go. Meaning, the rapture must happen first. Of course, nothing would cause more chaos in the world than millions of true believers disappearing in an instant. But there's more.

Isaiah 17 prophecies the complete destruction of Damascus which is still a future event. We can see by watching the nightly news there is already tension between Syria and Israel. We're just waiting for this tension to come to a head.

But even more interesting is the war prophesied in Ezekiel 38. The Bible lists the exact coalition that will attack Israel but will be destroyed by God Himself. What is fascinating and defies coincidence is that the nations prophesied in the Bible by their ancient names (and explained to us by the table of nations in Genesis 10) are exactly the nations that make up the current allies with the exception of Turkey.

Basically this 2,500 year old prophecy tells us this army will be lead by Russia and we already know by watching the nightly news that Russia is an ally to the Arab nations and supplies much of their nuclear arms. As stated, we're just waiting for Turkey to join this coalition. Being that the population consists of 95-99% Muslims and even the pope himself advised Turkey to ditch their application to the E.U. and join the Muslim coalition instead, it's only a matter of time.

So, what we are waiting for is the rapture (mentioned explicitly in the New Testament and alluded to in the Old Testament) and this invasion of Israel by this coalition that is already preparing itself. This will bring forth the required chaos for the Antichrist/Mahdi to step up to the plate and take control. Fascinating stuff.

I left this link on another thread but you might want to look into it. It lists 101 out of about 1,000 end times prophecies given in the Bible. A few are still to come, some have already been fulfilled, and others are being fulfilled before our very eyes. It's about to get interesting. Pay special attention to the website author's introductory scriptures. They basically say that we will know God is real when the things he says will come to pass, come to pass and that he verifies his existence by telling us what will happen with perfect accuracy before they do. Here is the link: Click Here.

[edit on 12/29/2007 by AshleyD]

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

That's really interesting AshleyD, you have massive biblical knowledge powah!

I agree with everything as you see it, in fact, our view of the hypothetical end time scenario should it happen like .. NOW .. is almost identical.

It's not that I want to point at Islam and say, you're evil! It really isn't that. I try really hard to understand the violence and killing and female discrimination that goes on in the Islamic communities/countries, the extremism. I know all countries have murderers, but not all claim to be doing it for God, that God wants them to do it, and that God is please at the killings. This makes them unique.

And because of that one thing, it forces me, literally forces me, to look at them with contempt for true peace and love and co-existance. Also, who else could BE this army of the Antichrist depicted in Revelation and Daniel and so forth? If it isn't an Islamic army .. the only people left of large enough number and organization and intent would be maybe the Chinese, but even then, China doesn't seem to care much about Israel. Then there is Russia, but Russia would never unilaterally invade Israel without neighboring allies, ie; Islam.

So really, the picture wasn't painted by me or you, but rather, by the people themselves.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

Very interesting stuff there AshleyD I remembered some of the prophecys from when I went to church as a child...

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 03:25 PM
AshleyD..right on money as I see it as well.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by runetang
It's not that I want to point at Islam and say, you're evil! It really isn't that...

I completely agree. Everything we stated above is speculation based on putting puzzle pieces together but really it could go in an entirely different direction.

For centuries some thought the corrupt Catholic system would be the false religion and for very good reasons. Roman Catholicism has merged repeatedly with pagan beliefs, called for a unification of all religions, and preaches watered-down doctrine. The false prophet is also represented as a woman who sits on a city of seven hills clothed in scarlet and purple. The deification of Mary (completely unbiblical), the fact that Rome sits on seven hills, and that the colors of ancient Rome were purple and red.

So, it could be Islam, the corrupt Catholic church, or a new ecumenical church that is a combination of all religions into one. We'll just have to see how it unfolds.

I try really hard to understand the violence and killing and female discrimination that goes on in the Islamic communities/countries, the extremism. I know all countries have murderers, but not all claim to be doing it for God, that God wants them to do it, and that God is please at the killings. This makes them unique.

Well some interesting aspects come to mind. Because the Jews, the state of Israel, the city of Jerusalem, and a Jewish temple are all requirements for the end times it doesn't surprise me regarding the persecution they are facing. If Satan can prevent this, there goes our chance at redemption. Of course this will never happen but look at the spirit of antisemitism already at work. Extremists have vowed to wipe Israel off the map, they are requiring Jerusalem be returned to Palestinian Muslims, their Hadith orders the execution of Jews, and the rebuilding of a Jewish Temple is an international affair. I personally don't know of any religious building in the world that requires world wide approval before construction.

As for women, we are told there is a special enmity between females and Satan. Because I do not see Islam as a religion that worships the true God (and do not believe for a minute Allah is Yahweh), it doesn't surprise me women are oppressed in their society.

As to the murders caused by Islamic extremists, we are warned in the Gospel of John that "a time is coming when those who kill you will claim to do so in the name of God." This fits the persecution of the early Christians, the persecution of true Christians during the reign of the corrupt church in the dark ages, as well as today by religious extremists.

So, again, although Islam seems to be a good guess, there are other possibilities. God says He gives us just enough information that we will know what is going on when it happens but that He conceals some of the details because if Satan knew exactly what it was supposed to be or how it was supposed to happen, he would do everything he could to prevent that religion or government form coming forth.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 04:18 PM
Oops! I missed the reference to China and Russia.

Originally posted by runetang
If it isn't an Islamic army .. the only people left of large enough number and organization and intent would be maybe the Chinese, but even then, China doesn't seem to care much about Israel...

Interesting you mention China. The book of Revelation mentions an army of 200 million coming from the East. Of course, in John's time, this was about the entire population of the earth! However, today China boasts an army of... 200,000,000. But this army comes to attack the Antichrist's government- not to support him. Basically this battle is what leads up to Armageddon.

Then there is Russia, but Russia would never unilaterally invade Israel without neighboring allies, ie; Islam.

That is very interesting you bring this up. The Bible even says Russia will not be 100% supportive of this attack but will in essence be forced to lead it. This sounds mind boggling until we know about modern world events. Part of the treaty Russia signed with the Muslim Coalition is that 1) They have to join in whatever military engagement to back up the Arab forces 2) They have to continue to supply arms. Fascinating that The Bible mentions Russia's reluctance but here we are 2,500 later and can see exactly how this is unfolding.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 04:41 PM
I wonder what event will cause the Dome of the Rock to be destroyed and a new Temple to be built.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by JadePhoenix
I wonder what event will cause the Dome of the Rock to be destroyed and a new Temple to be built.

Good question. The dome of the rock is obviously the biggest obstacle to the Jewish temple but there are three different theories proposed:

1) The current mosque will be destroyed during the war of Ezekiel 38 and will open up the spot. This is plausible because this war is what brings secular Israel back to a belief in God and therefore they will demand a temple to worship their God. Currently, a temple isn't really desired by the secular majority but it will be soon when this war reignites their religious passion. Right now secular Jews just want peace at any price and don't think causing an international incident would be worth it just to appease a Jewish religious minority.

2) The peace treaty the Antichrist makes with the Jews will allow for the Jews to build their temple. Of course this won't happen until after the rapture so we won't be here to see it if the temple is a condition to this covenant.

3) The new temple will actually not be built on the current temple mount (which is the location of the two previous temples) but instead in the town of Shiloh about 12 miles north of Jerusalem. This is possible because the current temple mount in Jerusalem is destroyed by a great earthquake at Jesus' second coming. Also, the difference between the Holy City and Great City alludes to the temple being built in a separate city other than the current location of Jerusalem. Shiloh is also where the original tabernacle stood for 400 years before the official temples were built in Jerusalem.

We'll see! All we know for sure is that there will definitely be a temple in the near future. The utensils have already been made by the temple institute, Orthodox Jewish priests are already in training to fulfill temple duties, and the required red heifer is being sought after fervently. It's right around the corner.

[edit on 12/29/2007 by AshleyD]

[edit on 12/29/2007 by AshleyD]

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 10:02 PM
We live in very interesting times AshleyD for over 2 thousand years man has been awaiting the second coming and it is at our very door step

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by AshleyD

Hey AshleyD, look what Bin Laden had to say about Israel in his latest audio tape, released today:

"Bin Laden's comments offered an unusually direct attack on Israel, stepping up al Qaeda's attempts to use the Israeli-Arab conflict to rally supporters.

Israel has warned of growing al Qaeda activity in Palestinian territory, though terror network is not believed to have taken a strong role there so far.

"We intend to liberate Palestine, the whole of Palestine from the (Jordan) river to the sea," he said, threatening "blood for blood, destruction for destruction."

"We will not recognize even one inch for Jews in the land of Palestine as other Muslim leaders have," bin Laden said."

If they take their war to Israel in an all new level of intensity, causing in-fighting on the level of Sunni vs Shia in Iraq except worse! It would be Jews vs Palestinians everywhere, civilians and all.

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by runetang

i almost think that the one with the blue turban would be class'd as a king of the south found in daniel 11:40--while the king of the north would be the one to follow in hitlers footsteps.from 554 to 1814 ad we have seen the 5 horns of revelation 13 and the 5 heads of revelation 17 come and go-----all the leaders germans---even napoleons family was german/not french.hitler--(another german---austrians are a tribe of the germans) was the 6th horn of revelation 13 and the 6th head of revelation 17.we now await the 7th horn and 7th head ----no reason to believe that it will not be another german to rule a revived roman empire no matter where this german leaders family is living presently----maybe even the usa--my own suspicions are that the bush family has up to now carried the banner of king of the north partially fulfilling daniel 11:40.whether pres. bush carries on to complete the verses 40-45 or his replacement remains to be seen but i suspect pres. bushes replacement will be the final horn/head/military beast german leader of europe/roman empire revived.

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