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Aztec prophecies, Mayan/Aztec Sun stone, My Mexican Storys. year 2012 (My opnions, and facts.)

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posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 07:38 PM
Before I start I want to make clear that the real name of the aztec's is Mexica(Meh-chi-Ka).

part 1.
Toltec legends tell of Quetzelcoatl, a white-skinned, bearded priest-king who came from the East to establish an enlightened kingdom among the Indians. Eventually he departed by boat to the West. Quetzelcoatl promised to return, and as the appointed day of his second coming approached, heavenly omens indicated that the Aztec culture was about to come to an abrupt and violent end.

Nezhaulcoyotl, a king of Texcoco whose reign bridged the 15th and 16th centuries, also was a great astrologer. He had an observatory built on the roof of his palace, and invited other astrologers in his kingdom to come to his court. There he disputed with them and taught his wisdom. When Moctezuma II was elected king of Mexico, Nezhaulcoyotl praised the nation for having chosen a ruler "whose deep knowledge of heavenly things insured to his subjects his comprehension of those of an earthly nature."
Nezhaulcoyotl gave Moctezuma II detailed warnings of a new astrological age that was beginning in the Aztec calendar. One of the omens was a famine which developed in 1507. Then an earthquake occurred after the "Lighting of the New Age" ceremony inaugurated by Moctezuma II. These were sure signs of impending disaster.

Each year thereafter until Hernando Cortes invaded Mexico in 1518, a new omen appeared. A comet with three heads and sparks shooting from its tail was seen flying eastward. In another year, another comet, described as "a pyramidal light, which scattered sparks on all sides, rose at midnight from the eastern horizon till the apex reached the zenith, and faded at dawn." This phenomenon appeared for 40 nights, and was interpreted to presage "wars, famine, pestilence, and mortality among the lords."
In 1508, Moctezuma II visited Tlillancalmecatl ("Place of Heavenly Learning"), where he was given a rare bird. In its shiny crest, he saw the stars in reflection and "fire sticks" (guns). The image changed to show the advance ofwarriors riding on horses which, since he had never seen them before, he described as deer.

Also in 1508, Moctezuma's sister Paranazin collapsed into a cataleptic trance that was mistaken for death. She recovered while the funeral procession was taking her to the royal crypt. She said that during her trance she received a vision of great ships from a distant land arriving with men bearing arms, carrying banners, and wearing "metal casque"” (helmets). The foreigners were to become masters of the Aztecs.
For several days in 1519, a comet hung over the capital city of Tenochtitlan. It was described as "a rip in the sky which bleeds celestial influences dropwise onto the Aztec world." After that, a thunderbolt struck and burned down the temple of the deity Huitilopchitli. The last omen came one night, again to Tenochtitlan. A woman's voice was heard "coming from everywhere and nowhere... crying 'My children, my children, are lost!'"
From these and other signs, the Aztecs understood their doom as originating with celestial powers. Was it then mere coincidence, or did the hands of the Fates steer Cortes’ ships to land on April 22, 1519, the very day that the Aztec calendar calculated for Quetzelcoatl’s return at the end of the 13th Heaven and the beginning of the 9 Hells? It was as though the directing forces of the world had staged the drama to be acted out by historical characters.

Anticipating the momentous event of Quetzelcoatl’s return, Moctezuma II had posted watchers on the coast to draw images of the aliens and deliver them to him. The emperor was amazed that the light-skinned, bearded figures matched the traditional descriptions of Quetzelcoatl. This case of mistaken identity caused the Aztecs to put up little resistance to the Spaniards, who soon conquered the empire. To prevent mutiny among his troops, Cortes burned the ships after they landed. The cavalry-mounted Spanish forces then quickly defeated several local tribes who resisted their invasion. When their chiefs sued for peace, Cortes gave them his helmet and commanded them to take it to the emperor and return it filled with gold. The helmet itself was an object of wonder to the Aztecs: it was almost identical to that worn by the great deity Huitzilopochtli. Marveling at the similarity, the emperor returned the helmet, filled with gold and accompanied by a warning to come no closer. But the Spaniard's greed for gold and dominion drew them inexorably toward Tenochtitlan.

Though nearly overwhelmed with superstitious fear of the mythic Quetzelcoatl, Moctezuma II is said to have greeted Cortes at the city gates with the words: "O Lord, with what trouble have you journeyed to reach us, have arrived in this land, your own country of Mexico, to sit on your throne, which I have been guarding for you this while; I have been watching for you, for my ancestors told that you would return. Welcome to this land. Rest a while; rest in your palace." Although he was outnumbered militarily by more than 1000 to 1 (Moctezuma's palace guard alone was larger than Cortes' expedition), Cortes boldly accepted the offer. In the course of ensuing events, the Spaniards seized Moctezuma II and displayed the captive king to his subjects. Reacting in anger, the people stoned and fatally wounded him. The Aztec empire fell soon afterwards.

As he lay dying, Moctezuma II had a wondrous vision. He told it to Tula, his favorite daughter. Later, she told it to the Tezcucan noble Iztlilzochitl, who recorded it:

"To the world I have said farewell. I see its vanities go away from me one by one.. Last in the train and most loved, most glittering is power, and in its hands I see my heart. A shadow creeps over me, darkening all without, but brightening all within, and in the brightness, lo, I see my people and their future! "The long, long cycles, two, four, eight, pass away, and I see the tribes newly risen, like the trodden grass, and in their midst a Priesthood and a Cross. An age of battle more, and lo! There remains the Cross, but not the priests; in their stead is Freedom and God. "I know the children of the Aztecs, crushed now, will live, and more after ages of wrong suffered by them, they will rise up, and take their place --- a place of splendor --- amongst the deathless nations of the earth. What I was given to see was revelation. Cherish these words, O Tula; repeat them often, make them a cry of the people, a sacred tradition; let them go down with the generations, one of which will, at last, understand the meaning of the words FREEDOM And GOD, now dark to my understanding; and then, not till then, will be the new birth and new career."

[edit on 26-12-2007 by Sleepy_wns]

[edit on 26-12-2007 by Sleepy_wns]

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 07:39 PM
part 2.
Toltec Prophecy of Return of Quetzalcoatl
(This is the god Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent or Precious Twin.He is the god of intelligence and self-reflection. As the Lord of the East he is associated with the Morning Star, Venus Rising. Quetzalcoatl is the brother of Tezcatlipoca. His twin-brother is Xolotl.
One representation of Quetzalcoatl is Ehecatl, the Wind God.)

Quetzalcoatl was described as a white man, with a beard, who wore long robes, and who gave a message of love, forbidding the blood sacrifice, teaching of the One Supreme God, and giving the Toltecs many material things of their culture, such as the calendar. He left the Toltecs because of the enmity and persecution of powerful religious leaders, but promised one day to return, as he had left, from the East, over the ocean. This "return" as has been explained in "Warriors of the Rainbow" (Warriors of the Rainbow, by William Willoya and Vinson Brown, Naturegraph Publishers), is by no means necessarily a return of the same physical Being, but can mean far more logically the return of the same Spiritual Message coming from another Great Prophet.

Quetzalcoatl has been described by Dr. Herbert Joseph Spinden as "perhaps the most remarkable figure in ancient American history". He established not only a religion, but taught the people all manner of arts, sciences and useful social customs. Not all histories can agree on when Quetzalcoatl lived or even if he ever lived, though most tend to agree that he did exist. He has been called St. Thomas and even Jesus Christ himself. As to when he lived, there is not much agreement either, some saying he lived in the 12th century, others that he lived at the same time as Christ. Many historians, however, agree with Dr. H.J.Spinden, who states the Quetzalcoatl established the Toltec Era on August 6, 1168 A.D. and that most Mexican year counts begin with that date. A Toltec "era" was 52 years long, and calendar dates were based on cycles of 52 years. The Toltec and Aztec years were of the same length as our years, while those of the Mayas, as is explained later, were shorter than our years by 5 days.

A. Hyatt and Ruth Verrill, in their book on America's Ancient Civilizations, tell us that most myths agree that Quetzalcoatl not only said he would return from the East but that before he returned bearded white men would come who would conquer the Indians and enforce on them a different religion. However, he said that when he returned all the ancient glory of the Indians would return.

But what of the return of Quetzalcoatl? Various Writings say he spoke of a new religion coming in the 13th era. He would return, bringing a reign of peace, and the "advent of a new spiritual order". He would return as he had left, from the East, across the sea. He would be bearded, Caucasian and wear long robes. He said he would come in the year of his birth, but the only date we are given is the year of his spiritual birth, which is the birth of the Toltec Era, as described by H.J. Spinden, or 1168 A.D. The return in the 13th Toltec Era, as foretold in the prophecies, would not be earlier than 1844 A.D.

Prophecy of the return of Quetzalquatl in the 13th Toltec Era (thirteenth 52 year cycle)
0 Toltec Era............. 1168 AD
1st Toltec Era...........1220 AD
2nd Toltec Era......... 1272 AD
3rd Toltec Era...........1324 AD
4th Toltec Era.......... 1376 AD
5th Toltec Era...........1428 AD
6th Toltec Era...........1480 AD
7th Toltec Era...........1532 AD
8th Toltec Era...........1584 AD
9th Toltec Era...........1636 AD
10th Toltec Era.........1688 AD
11th Toltec Era.........1740 AD
12th Toltec Era.........1792 AD
13th Toltec Era.........1844 to 1896

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 07:40 PM
It may be more than an amazing coincidence that 1844 was the year when millions of Christians all over the world were expecting the imminent return of Christ. The Millerites in American, for example, from whom are descended the present day 7th Day Adventists, were sure, because of the prophecies in Daniel 8:13-14 and in Matthew 24:15, that this event would happen in 1844. When nothing happened that year in the physically glorious form they imagined it would, they were much cast down and disappointed.

It is extraordinary that few or any people had the wisdom to look back into history and see that Jesus Christ had not come in the way the People of His time expected. The people in the Holy Land in 1 A.D. all expected a great Messiah, but they thought He would arrive with great glory. However, the Messiah came with spiritual glory to test them, not in the physical glory they expected. The First Century of the Christian Era was like the dawn when the first light reaches only the mountain top so that only a few see and recognize the Sun of Truth rising above the horizon. Let us look then carefully to the year 1844 and see if we cannot find that a great spiritual Being same to men in that year, but was not seen by most of them because He did not come with the Physical glory expected. If so, then He fulfilled both the Biblical prophecies and those of the Toltecs and Aztecs.

Prophecies of Chilam-Balam of the Itza-Maya
That there may have been two, not one, appearances of Prophets near the 13th Toltec Era is shown by the prophecies of the Itza-Maya. The Mayan people, so far as records show, were the first civilized people of Central America. They built great cities and two great flowerings of their civilization appeared, the first, or Old Empire, around 200 to 850 A.D., the second, or New Empire, from around 1000 to 1350 A.D. The stimulus for the civilization of the New Empire was largely due to the coming of Nahuatl-speaking people from central Mexico called the Itzas, who were either related to or descended from the Toltecs and had with them the new religion of Quetzalcoatl (translated into Mayan as Kukulkan).

The Itza-Maya had fallen away from this religion to a considerable degree by the sixteenth century, which probably was the main cause of the breakup of their civilization at that time. But that the Maya recognized the "divine source" of the Itza religion, even though it was now little followed, can be seen from a quotation which refers to their holy things being derived from Kukulkan (or Quetzalcoatl).

The Mayas had a calendar with cycles of 260 years. Since their years were only 360 days long, one of their cycles is approximately equal to 256 of our years. They called a year a "tun" and 20 years made a "katun". A Katun was named after the last day in it, which would be a day "Ahau", preceded by a number. A particular katun, like "Katun 5 Ahau" would thus recur every 256 years.

Somewhere around the year 1500 A.D. there appeared among the Itza-Maya a famous seer or prophet by the name of Chilam Balam who foretold the coming of the white men and even gave details of the diseases and war they would bring and gave the dates of great disasters that actually came true according to his calculations on the Mayan calendar. It is the translations of his book of prophecies, called the "Book of the Jaguar Priest", made by Spanish-educated Mayan Indians into Latin script, but in the Maya Language, that we see today. The oldest and apparently most authentic of these translations is called the Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimin, and it has the extraordinary prophecies that we are going to quote here. It is quite evident that Chilam Balam was not only warning the Indians of the bad days they would suffer under white rule, but also giving them hope that one day their ancient glory would come back when a new religion would come that would bring all the world into harmony.

Thus we find Chilam Balam lamenting over the loss of the priests who keep the calendar: "How can the generations of the sons of the Itza tell us the days of the prophecies and the days of the tun? How can we celebrate the rites of Lord 5 Ahau in the twelfth tun, when he comes in benign holiness. . . in Katun 5 Ahau, in the twelfth tun?"

This coming of a great Spiritual Being (probably thought of as the return of Kukulkan or Quetzalcoatl) was given great emphasis by Chilam Balam. The Katun 5 Ahau next arrived in 1594 according to the book on September 30. But the book speaks of the Indians being oppressed by the white people after 1594 so that the coming of a Great Prophet must be considered to occur at the next turn of the Katun Wheel, which would mean in another 256 years or late in 1850 A.D. The twelfth tun would appear in part of both 1862 and 1863, which would be the date of the coming of a Great Prophet "in benign holiness". To clinch this prophecy Chilam Balam gives another sign by which the coming of One or more who will unite the world shall be known. Thus he says: "Would that he might return (to) the west, uniting with us in commiseration over our present unhappy plight! This is the fulfillment of the prophecies of Katun 5 Ahau: the pottery jars shall be shattered into dust, when Run 19 arrives! At that time there will be imprisonment among the lords, when the prophecies have come true. There will be vigils in the overburdened katun. So be it. "It is very interesting that imprisonment is spoken of here. Many Christians were imprisoned for their Faith, especially during the first two centuries A.D. The 19th tun of the 5th Katun began in December, 1868. It would thus seem evident that if we found a Prophet who proclaimed a world-uniting religion in 1862 or in 1863 and was imprisoned for this in 1868 or 1869, then this would be a proof that this prophecy literally came true. This would also agree in approximate time with the Toltec prophecy of the return of Quetzalcoatl in the 13th Toltec Era. But the implication is that there would be a coming of two great Prophets one right after the other!

The book also refers to two bearded ones from the East:

"One goes forth as ambassador. Another awakens Itzamna Kauil (God of the Heavens) in the west." Also, on the same page, it says: "The temple receives its guests, the bearded ones from the lands of the Sun (the east). They are bringers of a sign from our Father God: blessings in abundance!" There will apparently be at least two important Lords who manifest themselves at this time, one as an ambassador, preparing the way, the other appearing as the one who gives the world-uniting Message. It speaks further of the sign, the blessings in abundance: "Yes this sign is your assurance that they come from heaven. These sacramental objects of yours, O Itza, these holy things of yours, derive from Kukulkan. Find your holiness in truth and penitence. Find holiness with the people of God . . (obliterated). . in the world of Hunab Ku, The One Supreme God. He comes to you from heaven in the drops of rain. It is good, what I say unto you assembled here, O Itza. Let the earth awaken when they tread upon it, and attend, in another katun later on. Sufficient unto themselves are my words, for I am Chilam Balam the Jaguar Priest. I repeat my words of divine truth: "I say that the divisions of the earth shall all be one!"

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 07:41 PM
part 3.
The Aztecs believed that several worlds had existed before theirs.
Each had been destroyed and mankind was wiped out.
These worlds were called the four suns, and the Aztecs’ was the fifth.
The Calendar Stone indicates the five periods of the history of the earth:

1)“Water Sun”: the world was destroyed by a great flood and men were turned into fish (this event occurred about four thousand years after the creation of the earth);
2) “Wind Sun”: about four thousand years later, the world was destroyed again, but by violent winds, and men were turned into monkeys;
3) “Fire Sun”" followed and almost completely destroyed the world by fire;
4) about 5,000 years later, man was almost eliminated by famine;
5) the present age would be destroyed by earthquake. (Current period)

At the center of the Calendar Stone is a symbol, 4 Olin (4 earthquake), which indicates the destruction of the world by earthquakes. At each corner of the calendar is located one of the other days that ended the world:
4 Quiauitl (4 rain) for the great flood, on the bottom left-hand corner; 4 Ehecatl (4 wind) which indicated the destruction of the world by wind, on the top left-hand corner; 4 Ocelotl and 4 Atl which showed the other destructions of the Earth, on the top and bottom right-hand side.
The Aztec Calendar is circular with fifty-two squares or years, which were the equivalent of one cycle or century.
At the end of the cycle was held a solemn feast, Nexiuhilpiliztli (completion or binding of a perfect circle of years), The round circle reached the end of its cycle and returned to its starting point. The circle was divided into four equal parts, each containing thirteen years. The first part belonged to the East, whose thirteen years were Reeds. This selection has thirteen squares containing a picture of a reed and a number of the year. These years were good, fertile, and abundant. People were healthy and participated
in lucky events.
The second part belonged to the West, whose years were Houses. Each square contains a picture of a house, and the number of the year. Unhappy events occurred during these years. They symbolized evil. The house was used to indicate that during these years the sun would hide within that house and never help the land to produce crops. These were cloudy years, with much rain, and people were without work.
The third section belonged to the North, which was symbolized by a Flint Knife. Each of these thirteen squares shows a flint knife and the number of the year. The Aztecs did not like this cycle of years either.
Many unhappy events occurred during these years, too. Also, and more importantly, the underworld, Mictlampa (the Infernal Region), was located to the North.
The flint knife represented cold, ice, and thin air. These were barren and fruitless years. Little rain fell. The people were hungry. The fourth part of the Aztec Calendar belonged to the South, and was called Rabbit.
These thirteen squares contained a picture of a rabbit’s head and the number of the year.
These years were not considered favorable by the Aztecs, but they were not as bad as House and Flint Knife, nor as good as Reed. The rabbit became the symbol because it leaps back and forth and does not stay in one place.
The Aztec Calendar is an elaborately decorated disk representing the sun.
At the center appears the face of Tonatiuh (“the shining one,” “the beautiful child,” “the eagle that soars”) with his tongue sticking out. The tongue seems to be a knife used for sacrifices.
On the sides are represented his hands, like eagle’s talons, clutching human hearts.
Because the Aztecs considered the sun and the eagle as the same, it was said that when the sun rose in the morning sky it was like the “eagle who ascends” so the Aztecs called it Cuauhtlehuanitl.
In the evening the sun was called Cuauhtemoc, the “eagle who fell." (Caso, p. 67)
Around the figure of the sun are the signs for the four former destructions of the Earth, as well as “4 Earthquake”
the day on which the present sun will be destroyed. These signs form large sculptures.
Symbols, not words, are used on the Calendar such as the head of Echecatl-Quetzalcoatl to represent wind;
the head of Tlaloc to symbolize rain; a jar of water from which rises the bust of Chalchiuhtlicue to symbolize flood; and a jaguar to symbolize fire.
A ring containing the signs for the days surrounds the figures mentioned above.
The twenty day signs circling the sun makes the Aztec Calendar a Calendar Stone.
At the top of this ring is located the head of the crocodile, Cipactli, and reading the calendar counter-clockwise, it ends with the sign for flower, Xochitl.
There are other bands which contain illustrations of the rays of the sun, and of jewels made of jade or turquoise, symbols of the sun (which sometimes was called Xiuhpiltontli, “the turquoise child”).
The sun was the most precious item in the universe to the Aztecs, so they used a jewel quite often to represent the sun.
These jewels also symbolized the color of the heavens.
Another strip represents signs for the stars, and the sun’s rays.
There are symbols of blood and flowers which are connected to the worship of the sun.
The two outer bands of the Calendar Stone form two Fire Serpents (Xiuhcoatl),
symbols of the year and passage of time, which carry the sun through the sky.
The designs on their backs do not represent anything.
The Fire Serpents have their mouths open. Between their fangs can be distinguished the faces of the gods
who use the Serpents as their disguises. They encircle the whole of the Aztec Calendar and meet face to face at the bottom of the Calendar. (Vaillant, pp. 163-4; Caso, p. 67)
A more detailed description of the Calendar, and the Aztec holidays and customs based on the Calendar, may be found in Duran’s Book of the Gods and Rites and the Ancient Calendar.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 08:08 PM
The Story's that I wanna share whit you are storys that my granmother use to tell me of our people (I am of aztec decent, my family comes from Oaxaca, Mexico).
The storys are actully pretty long, An I dont remember alot of them, Till i speak whit my granmother in new years I will have her re-tell them to me, I will post them here soon after, but for now this is the briefing of the story of Quetzalcuatl.

Well, from what I remember, She said "The great Quetzalcuatl, Gave us the knowledge and skills to build the most beutiful kingdom in this world, we were the most powerfull empire in this continent, but the devil's(Spanierds) came an destroyit, try to whippe us out, but they did not succeed, an we are still here.... Waitin for the great Quetzalcuatl to come an give us our Kingdom back, Aztlan(all the way from mexico up to the southwest USA)"
She said that when the time was right for our people to take it all back, he will show up, to what I think of this relates to the increasin population of mexicans in the SouthWest of the USA.
She also mention alot of stuff concerning the calander, and new age coming up in 2012, she said that for some it will be destruction and chaos, for others it will be a new beginning, it is not a end but a transcition.

I will be posting a few more of her story's in here when I talk to her, Ill try an record them an post them in Youtube so you guys can see her later on.

[edit on 26-12-2007 by Sleepy_wns]

[edit on 26-12-2007 by Sleepy_wns]

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 03:29 PM
Signs of the Last Days in the Koran.

You can read the Koran an you will see more that way but this is just a example.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 07:11 PM
I am a member of The Tequihua Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting Sacred and Indigenous Arts. We support rare and valuable Toltec arts reputed to descend from Atlantis, particularly as transmitted by the Hablador (Master Storyteller) Koyote the Blind. Through one Toltec line, 1000 transmissions of a powerful energy called Aka Dua will be passed on specifically to assist with the transformations leading through 2012.

We are hosting the Convergence of Lineage: 2012 Vision—Re-Discovering a Common Root event to bring together those who wish to be part of a positive and proactive approach to these changes we are now experiencing. The Convergence will be held at the beautiful Glen Ivy Center in Corona, CA on September 27th, 2008. There will be many notable speakers addressing this transformation, including Don Jose Ruiz, son and spiritual heir of Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, and the Aka Dua energy will be available to everyone in attendance. More information is available at and secure online registration may be found at

We would like to invite you and your colleagues to join us in this Convergence. We ask that you share this information with those you feel will be receptive, and if appropriate, that you might post the event on your various websites, blogs, and mailing list, so that this opportunity to connect will reach all those who hold the keys to ancient and new found wisdom .

I hope that you will join us in ushering in this new era and accept our offer of the Aka Dua energy to make positive changes. Please visit our website, or contact us directly at (951) 686-3471 between 11am and 7pm M-F, 10am-4pm Saturdays, if you have any questions. We look forward to connecting with you.

Anam Cara (Soul Friend),

Bonnie Cherrie
Tequihua Foundation member
951-686-3471 office
951-203-8834 cell
[email protected]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:09 PM
Dude that is so much info! I didn't have time to read ti all, but I will definitely come back later!

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:09 PM
My youtube channel name is Guitaoist but I'm Ben in real life.
I really believe Nietzsche is his return....(born 1844!)
He said himself he was the Anti-Christ... and he ISNT what the men of his time would be expecting. "A revaluation of all values". Sounds like not a new "religion", but a new "way of life"

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