OP, first off, I would suggest you just ignore the foes list completely. There's a glitch somewhere that causes names to appear there that are of
people that haven't even posted in some time. And I even got a U2U from a member once asking me why I put him/her on as a foe when they couldn't
recall having ever been in a thread with me. It happens.
The same with the friends list I would guess. I know who my friends are, in my head. And I don't have anybody I really consider a foe. I'm just as
likely to disagree with one of my friends as with anybody else. It's how we learn to see other viewpoints.
The ignore button may be useful to some folks, but I have a built in one in my head. If a poster is clearly so biased or confused that they make no
sense, in a little while I just tune them out. (Yes, I do at times get drawn into arguments, but only when I think the person involved is smart enough
to be worth the effort.)
Drugs are an area where care must be taken. It is easy to see the "pro choice" people when they post, even if they skirt the T&C carefully. It is
also easy to see the "haters" too. It's a topic that can get out of hand fast, so such threads are monitored closer than ones on something like
weather control would be. That's to be expected.
My first thread on ATS was on this very subject.
It garnered 20 flags and a respectable four pages. It wasn't closed by a mod, simply because it focused on an area that wasn't advocating usage, or
describing usage. I'm sure that pederasty or other "taboo" topics could be covered here just as well. It requires some thought on the part of the
OP to start a thread that has a clear intent of not breaking the T&C. If a thread has the intent of breaking the spirit of the T&C, even if they are
careful to avoid outright doing so, then that thread will almost always crash.
ATS has certain policies. I find that these policies are not so onerous that it drives me from these boards. I find that what I gain from ATS far and
away outweighs whatever restrictions are placed on me.
I suggest that you take a bit longer to watch the boards. Notice the people getting multiple warnings and being banned. Ask yourself if you would
really invite these people home to meet your family? ATS is also a family, and in this family, some subjects are considered inappropriate, if not
handled very carefully.
I hope that in some way I have given an opinion here that will resonate with you, and be of some help. I too am a fairly new member, having come on
board back in April, so maybe my perspective will be valid to you.
I wish you a long and enjoyable venture in this place that many of us consider home away from home.