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The Truth about Consparicies in a NutShell.

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posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 02:40 AM
Here it is folxs, lets see if you can deal with it.

The first strike of the truely evil force is anti-ad properganda.

Do you know where all that "info" about all the socalled "evils" of all these American agencies is even coming from?

You guys are falling into the antiestablishment properganda and that is the true consparicy.


Please wake Up!

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 03:10 AM
What in the world are you trying to say? The real evil is from anti advertising? The real evil is anti establishment? The conspiracy is to make us anti establishment by advertisements?

Are you suggesting that the reality is infact that every story that the government gives is 100% truthful and that any notion to the contrary is a trick to get people to become anti-establishment?

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by KarlhungisAre you suggesting that the reality is infact that every story that the government gives is 100% truthful and that any notion to the contrary is a trick to get people to become anti-establishment?

No what the Government keeps secret in the name of "National Security" isn't hidden, and it isn't consparicy. It's is their job. It's what we pay taxes for.

I'm saying that all this crap about "NWO" in refrence to hidden agendias built upon The United States and it's alies is Properganda from the real evil nations that wish to destablize North America. And all the stupid Americans, that don't do thier own research personally, and just believe what they are told because "well it makes sense" are being fools working for "the enemy", that might turn out to be the establishment of the true Antichrist.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 04:14 AM
And I am saying that the true consparicy is that all this anti-american sentiment by americans is a properganda driven agenda from an unseen force.

Unseen Force = the islamic extreamists that are labbled "enemy combatances" from our own government, aka "the terorists" that are now getting stupid americans to spread thier properganda against their own country.

Also maybe special intrest groups or individuals.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 05:10 AM
'Please wake Up!'

I couldn't agree more with you.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Incarnated
Here it is folxs, lets see if you can deal with it.

Did you read all of this in the bible or did it come to you in a prophetic dream?

I'm confused as to how you think you know so much about all this "properganda."

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 01:08 PM
Well to deny that there is a vast conspiracy angainst the U.S of A and its populace is verging on the point of extreme naivete, with that much I agree. However, I also don't operate under the illusion that our "fearless" leaders are, or ever have for that matter, looking out for the best interest of the people.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
...I also don't operate under the illusion that our "fearless" leaders are, or ever have for that matter, looking out for the best interest of the people.

Politicians aren't the smartest, they are not the best, they are the only one willing to run for the offices and get elected into the offices, and there's enough red tape and government buricasicy to drive the most rightious man to drink heavy.

You say "Intrest of the People". that's a lie people make up.

Intrest of What people? What group? What personal viewpoint? Answer, None, just the generic middle of the road choices that best fit the need.

What's in the "Intrest of the People"? What's in MY best intrest is not what is in your best intrest.

Do you see what I'm saying here?

What I percieve would be in the intrest of "the people" might not be what YOU percieve as in the best intrest, or at least someone's going to percieve what ever choice is made is not in "best intrest".

In the "best intrest of the People" church officials and religious zelots would make attending church mandatory. Is that your ideal of "best intrest"?

Who's ideal is best for what people?

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11

Originally posted by Incarnated
Here it is folxs, lets see if you can deal with it.

Did you read all of this in the bible or did it come to you in a prophetic dream?

I'm confused as to how you think you know so much about all this "properganda."

I have eyes to see, and a brain to think. Also it is refrenced in several profetic works including the biblical Book of Revelation.

However, I'm not open in discussing my findings. I know I'm right about it, and I find those that can see such things often do while others just like to argue to hear their argumentitive voices.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Incarnated

Originally posted by bsbray11
Did you read all of this in the bible or did it come to you in a prophetic dream?

I have eyes to see, and a brain to think.

That makes two of us, but what logical processes are you using exactly? Lay it all out for me. I understand this is a conspiracy theory site, but I like a little more than speculation.

Also it is refrenced in several profetic works including the biblical Book of Revelation.

What isn't in that book anymore?

However, I'm not open in discussing my findings. I know I'm right about it, and I find those that can see such things often do while others just like to argue to hear their argumentitive voices.

Sounds like there's not much point to this thread then. Just a hard-head, stubbornly yelling their opinion, pretty much. Right?

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Incarnated

However, I'm not open in discussing my findings. I know I'm right about it, and I find those that can see such things often do while others just like to argue to hear their argumentitive voices.

Now here is the part that worries me. It's not wrong to search for the truth, it's only wrong to stop searching once you think you've found it. Since, as you yourself say, your not open to discussion, that means your mind is closed. Congratulations, you're now a preacher instead of a researcher.

Since you're not open to discussion, I won't waste my time discussing it with you.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 09:39 PM
I was misunderstood, by being taken out of context.

Truthfully, there's no use in discussion of perspectives of understanding biblical works of prophicy.

That's just the truth.

Prophetic writings are not given to give insite into future happenings. It's only after the event that people can see the prophicy has been fulfilled.

The rest is just theory, spectualation and jesture. However being that you want to see it. Okay well.

Nostradamus has stated that "the Christ" would be rebirthed in the United States. (suporting)

The line in revelation is when the "beast" goes after the preg woman. The beast open's its mouth and puts a flood out at the woman.

The woman is the United States.

She was given wings of an Eagle. The united states has the most powerful, air force around, and this is the Eagle and wings of the Eagle.

The flood that the beast puts out of its mouth is words.

It's said anything issuing out of the mouth is words. "Christ" returns with a sward out of his mouth, that slashes in every direction.

It's also said waters/river comes from the mouth of the Christ, and those waters are the waters of life. The words he will preach will bring about everlasting life and heaven on earth.

The great pregnant is the united states, that the christ is birth from, and the beast comes after her first with a flood of words from the mouth to devoer her. But, it doesn't work.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Incarnated

Here it is folxs, lets see if you can deal with it.

The first strike of the truely evil force is anti-ad properganda.

Do you know where all that "info" about all the socalled "evils" of all these American agencies is even coming from?

You guys are falling into the antiestablishment properganda and that is the true consparicy.


Please wake Up!

I see it.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 04:26 PM
I consider posts like this to be TROLLING. This guy is a troll, pure and simple.

1. He makes grand and inflamatory claims
2. Presents ZERO material to support his claims. Not even speculation or theory. Just pure ignorance.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
What isn't in that book anymore?

You'd be surprised. Since I started reading the bible I don't need a TV guide, or the internet, or to check the weather...its in the book!

I can't even watch a movie, I already know its beginning, middle and end.
My wife says "how do you know these things"
I say "Its in the bible!"

In fact I never heard of ATS until I read the bible, found a link in there.
I think it was Lunatics Chapter 1 verse 2.


Ok in all seriousness.

Anti-Establisment-tari-an-ism was usurped by corporate advertising long ago.
Somewhere there is documentation about this with examples, can't remember where right now, but there is, maybe in the bible, haha.
I'm fairly certain it was part of COINTELPRO.

But, there is a difference between corporate punk rock anti-social angst and real knowledge that something is wrong with our leadership and our society.

People in political office are not there because they are the only ones who have the will to serve, they are there to serve their own ideals and those of the highest bidder. Its why there are lobbyist, they know money can sway any dirty scumbag anywhere.
Many people are not allowed to serve and are forced away from even trying.
Those that have great intentions are mired in bureaucracy and often times scandal.

I agree that the OP is trolling.
They just want to preach and ATS is attracting more of these people each day, I guess they found the same link in the bible as I did.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

Im afraid you placed that explanation in too small a nutshell.

Could you please expand it to, say, a walnut sized shell so we can better understand?


posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 05:05 PM
I'd like to point out that since the middle east has had it's data lines cut, there has been an a extream decrease of such properganda.

Hasn't there been?

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 05:29 PM
In the days and months following 9/11 it wasn't the structural, or civil engineers that were sscreaming conspiracy (although they were the most equipped to see what truthers claim as "obvious" demolition)

It wasn't the First Responders or Firefighters that were claiming conspiracy in the days following 9/11 (although they were knee-deep in the rubble, and would be the first to find clues of "controlled demolition")

It wasn't the cornoners offices, or the volunteer field workers that helped at the crash sites that screamed at the top of their lungs-- CONSPIRACY! ( actually they were saddened and did their thankless jobs sorting body parts and through aircraft wreckage)

So Who.. in the days following 9/11 was it EXACTLY that was screaming CONSPIRACY?

Well, life long conspiracy theorists OF COURSE. Hmm.

More specifically Anti-semitic conspiract theorists, none of which, by the way, were even remotely qualified to competently make the outrageous claims they did. Some stuck some didn't. but all theories had to come from somewhere..

Here is where:


Believe what you want, but don't act all confused when people don't take you seriously.

[edit on 8-2-2008 by NGC2736]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 05:33 PM
I think this might clarify what the OP is trying to say:

"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. "
Donald Rumsfeld

What I really want to know is : How did Michael row the boat ashore with only one oar in the water?

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 05:40 PM
OP, im not sure I could disagree with you anymore. Instead of a drawn out rebuttal, it would be much easier to say I believe in the polar opposite of what you are trying to illustrate.

Critical thinking and skepticism is hurting us? I beg to differ. If anything, YOU are the disinfo agent, hurting all of us.

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