posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 10:55 PM
Its amazing, living in a free world. We have freedom of speach and all that... offcourse aslong as you agree with the majority.
All i can say is, i hope hes wrong, but from everything else im seeing its looking more and more uncurtain. Its one of those things, untill the # has
hit the fan we wont see who through it, whos pulling the srtings.
Im not quite sure i buy into the idea that he is trying to feed his market for whole food products, as these products are good for you, and its a
blody elaborate story to tell just to sell his product. Normally a sales gable would go more along the lines of, "roll up roll up, now what we have
here ladys and gents is a product that will completly change your lives, its a hover, with a sander that can also massage your back. Now if you would
let me into your home i will demonstrate with a free carpet shampoo..."
"So... the world.. is pritty #ed and its about to get worst, and you see the govermant, yeh its all down to them. They want it to happen, and theres
alains aswell, and we'r kinda at war with them. But they dont want you to know this, as its all some evil plan dreamt up by beings not of this
dimetion. Oh yeh and ther'e poisoning you,, your.... food, yes, you see, making you stupid. So by my food its good for you..... Oh and
they have evil baboons too, unfortunatly though we dont sell anything to help you with that one."
Do you see where im coming from, although lookng at it put like that, i can kinda see where you coming from with the whole its abit out there,
although it has been said that the truth is often stranger than fiction.
Just one last thing, it is well known that the food often brought from supermarkets and convienients stores, that is pre prossed and packed is full of
un-natural adatives and preservatives. Which arnt good for you, on top of that, its not fresh so, so much of the nutrients is lost anyway. The reason
they are still bought? Because they are cheap. If you buy your fruite and veg from your organic grocers on th eother hand, yeh you will pay more, but
you get a hell of alot more nutrients for ya money. I have experienced this first hand for myself the difference between the two different eating
habbits if you will, when i moved out, got a house with some mates, we brought cheap crap from tescos everyweek, it was cheap, value foods &
microswave meals the lot, after a while i was feeling very run down alot of the time. alsorts of minour illnesses. Since moving out of there i have
got myself a part time job on the side working in a restuarant, where they cook organic foods etc, all freshly prepared, where i get most of my meals.
The difference is amazing. And that is all that is different from my previous lifestlye habbits, the quality of the food i eat.