posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 10:36 PM
With their surveillance methods steadily increasing in sophistication, what chance does the average joe have in staying off the grid when he decides
big brother America isn't for him? Constantly being commanded to show ID, with violent forces tracking you, even in your own home when you commit an
act seen as suspicious from earlier observations, should be enough for any sane individual to want escape from it.
If you can fend for yourself, why should you be bothered? Nope, big brother wants to use thermal imaging, sound amplifiers, and even x-ray imaging to
sniff joe cool out when their blue helmet goons are roaming the streets to find those that are dubbed undesirables, ID circumventors and
What can one do to get by under such circumstances instead of caving to tyranny? Can the prying eye and ear techniques of brother big be overcome?
[edit on 22-12-2007 by massexodus]