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We Are Finally Being Revealed-TSD -Must Read-

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posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 08:28 PM
Man is a slave to his government no more. Man is a slave to his fears no more. Man is a slave to his inabilities no more.

Through out history there have always been those with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Be it on a macro or micro scale. Be it about conspiracies, the undiscovered or even petty rumors. It is in human nature to wonder, think, and ponder new discoveries. The funny thing is, as time goes on, just as many new discoveries as there are, there are always new mysteries popping up, and for those with the unquenchable thirst for knowledge, there is nothing more infuriating, frustrating, and even irritating then having your OWN government keep secrets well impoverished away in lies, hidden files, and clouds of conspiracy. If there is one thing history has taught us, it’s that change is eminent, and people change is soon to come.

Transcendency...Who are we? What are we? The dictionary states that it means
"Surpassing others; preeminent or supreme". We are not full of ourselves but
we are here to be taken into the higher level of ourselves and to reach the
full potential that humanity has kept long impoverished and locked away. To be
apart of a home away from home, to be a part of a second family, to be a part of a life of support
and a place with not judgment but encouragement, protection without persecution,
living among the men who know no boundaries and are only constrained by the
limitations set by themselves inching forward and forward on a journey to find
ones self while helping or hurting those who stand in your way. We can nurture
you to be better, stronger, happier and live in a world beyond the one you are
used to. To become in touch with oneself and become more then anything you
could have thought possible is to become one of the Transcendent. Three things hold most people back in life. The fear of death, the fear of failure, and the fear of conscience,
to abolish those 3 things is to become something so much greater. To be
accepted into a place where no one is better or worse then the next guy,
driven by the urge that we all have deep inside of us to be apart of something
exceptional, something exceeding the current way our lives are. Even the man
who has everything in the world has nothing if he doesn’t have the capability,
capacity and competence to eradicate the boundaries that hold him back. We can
help u sever these boundaries, we all have an extraordinary gift, expertise,
and aptitude for greatness in which we can use to not only help ourselves but
the rest of Transcendent, we can all help each other and we do and we will.

Most people reading this will instantly doubt it, think it’s a conspiracy in its self, or even a cult. This, my friends, is wrong. This is just a heads up; this is neither cult nor a religion. Transcendency discriminates against no religion, race or creed. Sexual preference, views on society, or political alignment. We only are here to make the world better. To make people better. Little by little we will begin to make ourselves known to the public. You here at ATS are the first to know about us considering this is the first public announcement of many to come.

How many of you have wondered what their future is going to hold? How many of you are scared of the thought of failing, becoming what is deemed by society as a “loser” or even fear not knowing what the future holds for you? Now more then ever, there is a paradox in society, especially America. Growing up in modern America it seems there are near infinite possibilities as to what you can grow up to do and be, and this is true. But with this truth comes an even harder reality, and that is the fact that while there are so many choices for succession there are a near infinite number of choices that can lead to failure. Constantly wondering how you will fair in the real world, how will you pay your bills, support your family. Will you make an impact on the world? Does anyone even care if you are alive? How will you leave your mark in history and who will remember you for it? It used to be right out of school people knew what they were going to do, how they were going to do it and for how long. These times have changed people. Companies, government and general society DOES NOT care about you. They don’t care about how you will survive after “downsizing” or putting small businesses out of business. The growing increase of greed and the growing lack of care for individuals are exponentially expanding. Transcendency plans to help the little guy. We plan to open our own businesses run by us hiring the people who feel insignificant, isolated and wanting to know they will be able to have a steady future not only financially but in all aspects of life.

I have come here not to recruit people, but only inform them. To inform you about the eminent change that is about to occur. Everyday the lower to middle class man/woman walks around unwittingly killing themselves, and for what? A job that will eventually lead them to ponder about suicide? A house in which you will spend countless hours trying to figure how you are going to afford the next months bill? People it is time to wake up. We were not meant to live in a manner in which is both stressful and degrading. Am I saying quit your jobs and run naked in the woods? No. But know this, life wasn’t meant to be lived by throwing it away on things you hate doing. Everyday people say “ well that’s life” “Life’s a bitch and then you die” and countless other sayings that can only make someone want to pull their hair out and wonder why me. It’s time we change the way life is lived, and live it the way it was meant to be.

Note, this is only a general introduction to what we are. An organization bent on creating better opportunities, better living standards, and a better overall way of life. As we become a large tight knit group we will be able to offer more help all over. Financially, spiritually, mentally and physically. Soon we will have law enforcement, doctors, lawyers, and everyone who THINKS they are nothing more then an average Joe and Jane and we will show them what they are truly capable of. The time is now people.


More information will be released on our intentions, goals, plans and events for the future.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Gabriel Monroe

More information will be released on our intentions, goals, plans and events for the future.

Sounds like a conspiracy to me. Welcome home brother.

Could you be a bit more specific on just whats going down though?

I want to be as enlightened as the next fellow, but when they pull my shorts up over my head I get a bit confused.

Where and how should I be standing when this transcendency happens?

I'd hate to miss the boat cause I was in the shower.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
I'd hate to miss the boat cause I was in the shower.

Maybe Gabe's new group has a shower on the boat.

Do we get jumpsuits and sneakers, or is it more Business Casual?

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 08:57 PM
Well this has been in motion, in the planning stages, for aprox. Seven years. And while this sounds like a conspiracy, I assure you, it is not. Our goal is to "fix" the mistakes society has slowly created and has begun to muck in day after day. Some of the "rules" society has set are just absurd, things that are deemed the norm, not only today but in history as well, are so flawed that it is unimaginative as to how they got that way.

Everyone knows change does not occur over night (for the most part =P) which is why we are slowly starting to pick up pace. This "movement" will be on multiple different levels. Political, spiritual, physical, mental and so on. It will incorporate everything people need to become what they were truly meant to be.

Think of everyone in America who has so much potential but do not posses the money, education or ideals needed to truly find themselves. Everyone who kicks themselves everyday saying "if only I had". Our goals are to help them, help us and help everyone who is willing to be helped.

People who are great talkers but never knew how to use that to their advantage and to the advantage of others such as coaches, public speakers or motivational speakers. Or the kid who grew up with an uncanny ability to make outstanding music but never had the money or help in buying instruments or being taught how to hone his skills. The guy who thought he had a great idea but never submitted it due to ridicule and the fact he had no idea where to obtain patents. The family who owned a small corner store, only to be sent out of business by Wal-Mart is now struggling to get by. Single mothers committing suicide because they cant bare the shame of being unable to support their family. These are the things that happen everyday that people are not aware of. This is what we plan on changing.

Government keeping things secret, unfair laws, and the inequality that is supposedly non-existent will all be fixed. Within numbers there is power and that is what is soon to come.

As for suits or sneakers, there is always room for both. Hope to see you "aboard".

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 09:03 PM
What if I don't agree with what you are promoting? What if I respectfully decline your offers and ask to not be involved with this change, that I like things they way they are now in my life. What would be your response to me?

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 09:20 PM
I have always waited for the new age Salvation army. Instead of kettles in front of Wal-Mart we'll have drum circles at Macy's.

No, No, this isn't fair. I have no right to tell you that your dream is absurd or your goal is unattainable.

My prayers are with you. I hope you spread enlightenment through out the land and wake those that are sleeping. May you give joy to those in despair and shine light into all the dark corners of this world.

Your dream is the dream of all the good souls who hope to make the world a better place for all. Your dream is my dream.

God speed my friend,


posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 09:34 PM
My response would be ok. I am not here to force anyone to do anything, also I think you have gotten our ideals and goals confused, perhaps I havn't explained it well enough Mrwupy, but in due time more information will come out. Till then,


posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Gabriel Monroe

So, when you plan to help the small, insugnificant guy, how much will you be proffiting off of the businesses?

Also, why am I thinking this all sounds a little bit like new age communism?

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 09:53 PM
You bring up a good point, when you ask how much I will be profiting, the answer is unknown, I'm not going to lie. I dont what the projected financial gain for (me) would/will be. But what I do know is (if) if do gain from his/her prosperity, then it is a win-win situation.

As far as new-age-communism goes, this is nothing of the sort. We are not telling everyone to give their earnings to us then I split it up equally ect. ect. that my friend is the farthest thing from our minds. Keep in mind I am not the only one in this, as stated before this has been around for 7 years, I am merely giving you insight as to what has been already going on and being planned.

If there are any more questions I will attempt to answer to the best of my abilities.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 09:58 PM
So what is your plan?

How are you going to make this happen?

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 10:02 PM
The "exact plan" and how it will be executed is strictly known to members only, but in a nutshell, we will start off slowly by building momentum in local communities until we have reached higher status in both local and national government.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Gabriel Monroe

So what is required for membership?

Can you reveal a bit more as far as details?

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 10:15 PM
In order to join you must spill the blood of 12 different animals.
Just kidding, but in all seriousness inorder to be ordained into Transcendency you must be willing to have an open mind. As stated before there is no discrimination against rich, poor, race or religion. We don't force you to do anything you don't want to do, but one thing we do insist upon is the knowledge that we have stays between "us" as a community. Of course without rules there would be no structure, but with too many rules there is insanity. There are only a few things we ask that you do and one is when you have the capability and the means and opertunity to help a member of tsd in need, you help them the best you can. We would ask that if you were a person who was interested in joining, that you would read the book of transcendency. Once again this is not a religon or cult of any sort but rather a brotherhood who plans on being largely intertwined into the innerworkings of everyday life on both a small and large scale.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 10:21 PM
I guess I can understand how you couldn't lay out all your plans in public view because many do not seek change, while on the other hand there has to be enough information available to gain interest.


Is the book free or for sale? If you have to buy it then I would see it as more of a business than a movement.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 10:22 PM
That's the thing, it's not for sale.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 10:23 PM
Thanks for answering my questions. I have a few more.

How did your organization begin? Was it from past personal experience of yourself, or your members? How did you all meet?

You mentioned that the organization has been around for 7 years. In that time, what have you accomplished?

How do you plan to make inroads into community and then government levels?

Are you here just to reveal that your organization exists, or will you be revealing more about the inner workings?

I see you are already promoting a book. Did you write it?

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 10:47 PM
How did your organization begin? Was it from past personal experience of yourself, or your members? How did you all meet?

The organization began when I saw this one guy walking, as odd as it seems I just walked up to him and started talking to him then at the end of the conversation exchanged screenames. A few months later after talking to him I basically saw he had some of the same ideas, and many more good ones, that I had. Soon we got together friends that we knew, and thought would be interested, and introduced them to a few of these ideas. Naturally, as we thought they would be, they were skeptical at first but then began thinking about it and decided to help. Soon we all began talking things through and began planning what it was we wanted to accomplish ect. ect. Now through all this, this didnt stop us from working, school, family, friends ect. ect. As for personal experience we all have very different backgrounds, which I think is perhaps why it was intriguing that this actually began to pick up pace and we actually all got along. His group of friends were very different than many people I knew, though I pride my self on being able to get along with pretty much everyone given my mixed background.

You mentioned that the organization has been around for 7 years. In that time, what have you accomplished?

Basically, while the organization has been around for 7 years all we have done was work out the plans, ordinances, ideals and get core members to start up, like I stated in the previous answer, while we have been around for 7 years we have been taking out time making sure we work everything out. At the moment we are about to ordain the second wave of members, slowly reveal ourselves, and begin one of the businesses we plan on opening to start us off. Creating the foundation for new acomplishments isn't all tea and crumpets you know.

How do you plan to make inroads into community and then government levels?

Good question, while I can't give away explicit details I will be happy to answer this the best I can. First off, knowing that knowledge is power, we plan on first educating those around us. Of course living in America, money is also power, hence why we plan on opening numorous businesses to help support us financially. Also, we plan on getting some of our members into politics i.e running for mayor, govenor, judges, lawyers and so on. Also fundraisers and charities for those who we deem most needing it that we know will actually benefit from, because as we all know that is not the case with all charities.

Are you here just to reveal that your organization exists, or will you be revealing more about the inner workings?

At the moment I am here just to give you guys a heads up as we plan to soon be able to big things which will soon be known to the majority of the public. So rather it be thought of secrecy and conspiracy we wanted to give you guys the hay right out of the horses mouth first.

I see you are already promoting a book. Did you write it?

Promoting a book, no not in the least. In fact the book is only allowed to be read once we deem you applicable to read it. I.E we know you don't plan on spilling details ect. ect. This however, is only momentarily, we may or may not have a more widely less detailed book written so that others may indulge in the readings, teachings, and beliefs of TSD. Like I said at the moment we are only interested in the core members. The less active members will be invited soon enough.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 09:36 AM
Hey Gabriel, just an FYI. I don't want to see you get into an inadvertent "issue" so you might want to take a moment & review the T&C for the site. There's a strict prohibition against "recruiting", and I'm not saying that's what you're doing but it can be a fine line to walk. Providing information is probably ok (but I'm not the expert). Just make sure it doesn't become a recruiting drive.

Just a heads-up. Welcome to ATS and Happy Holidays.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 12:41 PM
Yea this is just an informational thread, but thanks for the heads up.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 01:24 PM
First, in my humble opinion this
sounds like a cult.

But, (always a "but", huh?) I've
been wrong before.

Gonna jump to something that
caught my eye, first. Sorry it's
out of order.

Originally posted by Gabriel Monroe

Three things hold most people back in life. The fear of death, the fear of failure, and the fear of conscience

I don't fear death. It's a natural process.
I don't fear failure. I learn from it.
Conscience ? Mines in a box, in the
spare closet.

It is in human nature to wonder, think, and ponder new discoveries.

Agree 100%.

If there is one thing history has taught us, it’s that change is eminent, and people change is soon to come.

Please take no offense, but those words
in one form or another have been uttered
by everyone from Caesar to Hitler, to
every politician running for office.

I like meat with my potatoes.

We can
help u sever these boundaries,

Ok, losing me by substituting "u"
for "you".

which we can use to not only help ourselves but
the rest of Transcendent

Hold up. Ya'll need help ? I thought
you were "trancendent"; near perfect.

think it’s a conspiracy in its self, or even a cult. This, my friends, is wrong. This is just a heads up; this is neither cult nor a religion.

You conviently did not deny conspiracy.

You here at ATS are the first to know about us considering this is the first public announcement of many to come.

May I be the first to thank you.

Now more then ever, there is a paradox in society, especially America.

Ahh, now we're getting somewhere in
understanding your agenda.

and that is the fact that while there are so many choices for succession there are a near infinite number of choices that can lead to failure.

Tis why they are called "choices",
my friend. Free-will and all that.

Constantly wondering how you will fair in the real world,

Ok, admittedly nit-picking, but
it should be "fare", not "fair".
Guess "trancendents" don't
really worry about spelling.

These times have changed people. Companies, government and general society DOES NOT care about you.

I partially agree. To large corp's and govt,
the masses are just a quantative piece of
the equation.
Though I have a bleak view on man-kind
I do think most care.

A job that will eventually lead them to ponder about suicide?

Ummm....not sure where you got this

But know this, life wasn’t meant to be lived by throwing it away on things you hate doing.

I agree.
My Dad once told me, "When a job
becomes work, quit.".
I've always followed his advice.

You've peaked my interest.

But, as always I remain...


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