Read the link a little and it will explain it some. Anyone know any more about this? There's no confirmed proof, so it's just questionable.
Hopefully, I would think, that our government would have the run down on this, but it is fairly worrisome. I tried searching for other sites about
this, but came up with nothing really.
This has been conjectured and spoken of here at ATS for sometime, though not in detail.
Here are some threads that may or may nor be relative to what you are looking for?
The above threads have and are discussing such conjecture(s) as Al-Qaeda having potential suitcase nukes to nukes to possible radioactive materials.
Well worth looking at them.
"This question leads to a set of interrelated topics. In the pages below I have collected a series of essays that treat different aspects of this
question: the feasibility of terrorists building or acquiring nuclear devices; the claim that ex-Soviet suitcase nuclear bombs represent a real
threat; the feasibility of suitcase nuclear bombs; and what is known about Osama bn Laden's efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.
Can Terrorist Acquire Nuclear Weapons?
Alexander Lebed and Suitcase Nukes
Are Suitcase Bombs Possible?
Could al-Qaeda go Nuclear?"
(All four above are linked to separate articles)