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I am the Evil one the oil companies want Dead

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posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by ShiftTrio
I will meet your demands right now, I have the money and an investor with plenty of development money to:

1) Make this private enough to retain rights
2) Make it public enough for it not to disappear.

I have spoken with him and if you can deliver the working proto-type as you have mentioned was part of the deal. I can meet your demands today. We can even double your per unit fee.

Well I kind of expected to be deluged with messages and emails.

Its for real and I call, your first up. And I will hold you to double license fees are $550 and $50 and a 100,000 unit production minimum, in under 4 yrs. We will need to agree on what constitutes limited income. If I don't hear from you in 48 hrs deals off. The per unit license would of course be re-salable, and a few million units under a secondary would be fine if you were not interested in the actual production. No one is buying and burying though so be warned. I can go back to the car companies for that.

NDA will be signed and IP will be protected via counsel. I have previous obligations for the next 4 months. Prototype construction payments to be assigned as agreed upon benchmarks are met. US and overseas patents applied for and granted before final delivery of prototype, and assignment of license. Prototype to consist of existing licensed and DOT approved used vehicle with system installed and functioning.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 07:54 PM
Can we have patent numbers on your previous and current works, and the numbers of those that you say have been stolen from you by others? I'd be very intersted in reading these. What qualifications do you hold? You say you work from home. What exactly is it that you do?

Thank you for your time...

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by Illuminis
Its for real and I call, your first up. And I will hold you to double license fees are $550 and $50 and a 100,000 unit production minimum, in under 4 yrs. We will need to agree on what constitutes limited income. If I don't hear from you in 48 hrs deals off.

Gees, all these requirements, and you wonder why you haven't made a deal yet?

Do you always do major business deals over the web in public view?

Scuse me for saying, but this stinks to high heaven.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Hal9000
Gees, all these requirements, and you wonder why you haven't made a deal yet?

Do you always do major business deals over the web in public view?

Scuse me for saying, but this stinks to high heaven.

My guess is that he made a deal he figured no one on this forum would jump at to keep his cover a little longer.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 12:24 AM
Why not just enter the Automotive X Prize? Ten million bucks and all the publicity you could want. I doubt the automotive industry would be able to silence the winner of the AXP contest or shelve the technology.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Nohup
Have you seen the prices of solar panels? It would take me more than 10 years to just pay off the investment in the panels before I actually saw any return on my investment, that's without having to recharge a car every night.

Two words:

Im Practical.

The price could be drastically reduced when mass produced, and there becomes a significant demand. There is also advances which are being made in solar cells, so they will be smaller, bendable, transparent and incorporated into windows, and more efficient. Think of roofing material which is at the same time a solar cell, and also solar cell paint. Its not here right now, I'm sorry to say, even though it could've been here 50 years ago.

In all honesty I believe there's already devices which pull energy out of the air, and most of all these wind, solar, hydro stuff could all be eliminated. But thats just crazy talk I guess.

And to Illuminis, good luck
, you will be fighting an uphill battle perhaps a vertical hill.

[edit on 22-12-2007 by Freezer]

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 01:13 AM
Can I get rights to it for Australia and New Zealand?

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 01:24 AM
is a freakin picture too much too ask?

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by Illuminis

Most of my ideas have been stolen or given away to others. Some of you are exposed to them on a daily basis. Some every week. I received nothing from them. Not even a polite mention. People get them and run away as fast as they can to take full credit, like it was their work. As for giving it away free. Really? Would you? we could see the parts and pieces redesigned in a very short time to prevent it from being done at all.

First off... you'd be a moron to post anything revealing your drawings, patents, or plans.

Get some forward thinking venture capitolists with big bucks to bankroll your project , i.e. Paul Allen, Dyson types and keep it secret as hell! You don't need to be proving anything to anyone on this site if your invention works. A finished prototype will sell the idea and concept to the common man and then car companies will brown nose you throught the streets of Detroit.

There are plenty of "Green thinking venture Capitolists" that are waiting for the chance to throw pie into the oil and car companies to stop their strangle hold on the worlds transportation system. As we speak a "transition from oil revolution" is in full swing looking for the guy with the biggest balls and ingenius concept.

Build the damn thing and drive it across country with reporters in tow!!

Don't be daunted with their BS... pissed off people at the pumps will be your savior.

Stop being an whining inventor with his tail between his legs, find a way... do the damn thing!

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 05:43 AM

Baloney! Nothing for nothing. You deserve to be paid, mr inventer.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 06:07 AM
Again, I'm just going to reiterate what others have said. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. To make claims like the ones made here need some kind of support to be believed. With the lack of anything substantial, and nothing forthcoming, I'm left to no other conclusion than to label this an attention grabber. If we had a picture of this vehicle, maybe we would be more interested in it. ANYTHING is better than nothing, which is all we have right now.


posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by TheBorg

I'm not the original poster, but here goes;

Device consists of;

1. four basic parts, only one of which is unique
2. not patentable
3. parts cost about 2K
4. no co2 emissions, but device produces heat
5. some electronics involved, there is a diode array

And so, as G. Noory says, "Hmmmmm......."

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by pc is here

The point here bud is that all we have to go on at the moment is what this person's told us. With no evidence to back up these claims, we're all just spinning our wheels here (pardon the pun
), now aren't we?


[Edited for clarity.]

[edit on 22-12-2007 by TheBorg]

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by TheBorg
reply to post by pc is here

The point here bud is that all we have to go on at the moment is what this person's told us. With no evidence to back up these claims, we're all just spinning our wheels here (pardon the pun
), now aren't we?


[Edited for clarity.]

[edit on 22-12-2007 by TheBorg]

I don't know about the guy either, but I know myself. Personally, I will seek out corporate backing. Was just this week looking at contact info for Home Depot. Such a device assembly is not patentable, I believe, But a large company like home Depot could benefit from the free advertising, also might boost share value of falling stock. Feel free to contact them on my behalf. You are entitled to a 15% agent's fee. We don't need a signed contract. This constitutes an oral contract. PC

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by pc is here

And where you have this information from PC? (link?)

-> Not patentiable!? (perepetum mobiles are not patentable simple because thei are not working and already commun knowledge is not patentable..which one is the case here?)

I would be carefully to invest in something before you know the whole thing. Also it is a little strange to me to agree in conditions you don't know in ahead if they will match the value. I mean how you want to know before you know what the product is or will be? Without knowing the product you also dont know if there is a good marked for and what the production costs will be and what the sell price can be expected. Suddently 500$ can become over expensive.
You need to be sure the thing works. That means you need to know it in details before you pay. 200k dollar isn't the world. But 200k dollar for nothing is then a painfull experience.

What was given here are some very vague points where everyone creates his own imagination what this means. (from already existing electro cars up to perepetum mobile)

I wouldn't be sure here if this is not just an attempt to drag money out of good belived investors. The accept of the double price came much to readly for one that is not so much after money. 500$ 100'000 pices = 50millions a year in minimum. 100'000 pices a year is not such a small production by way to ramp up from nothing and will cost a LOT money. No private or public investor responded..Maybe they had reason because th thing does not add up. I would be very carefully. Just my thoughts.

The Op answers much too less posts here. Still I don't know what this threads purpose was? A search for new investors?

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Illuminis

Well I kind of expected to be deluged with messages and emails.

Ahhhhh ya think? You come here and make incredible claims and wont prove it. Im laying even odds you prob wont be on the site much longer.

Its for real and I call, your first up. And I will hold you to double license fees are $550 and $50 and a 100,000 unit production minimum, in under 4 yrs.

No your first up, provide something to the members we can research and verify you are someone who deserves our post points. We will only hold you to providing evidence, which is free to you. However, our time requirement is immediatly!!!

If I don't hear from you in 48 hrs deals off. The per unit license would of course be re-salable, No one is buying and burying though so be warned. I can go back to the car companies for that.

If we members dont see some evidence from you in like the next post from you [if that ever comes now]. Im sure we wont be giveing you any more of our time, So YOU be warned if you dont come up with something to verify your claims soon, your claims may be looked at as being a hoax. We can always go read John Titor, or the Drone threads for that.

Ill be the first...... I call YOU on YOUR claims!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Illuminis

Doesn't work that way, patents are simply control mechanism to gate-keep ya. You will suffer a untimely demise LONG before anybody agrees to anything regarding your invention (if they cannot shut you up with some peanut millions). Or you can just sit on the papers until you expire, and the landless zombie peasants will still be being milked and profited from with fossil fuels that NEVER RUN OUT...

I do not promote that philosophy but that is what happens all the time to anyone who has broken 'The Code of Un-Ethics' which is to give something away (especially energy wise)...

But don't take my word on it - go find out for yourself. Look at what happened to guys like Stan Meyer after he turned down an offer on his car (or really an offer to silence him)

Or look at Black Light Power that was given $25 Million to effectively shut up...

So the bigger question is who's side are you on??

But if something is released to the public (I mean totally released with full details so that it cannot be censored) - and it ACTUALLY WORKED - it would go viral so fast and be everywhere they would have to goto martial law right away to prevent it - and BEGRUDGINGLY have to allow it to market...

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by DeadFlagBlues

free energy ?sorry i just cant seem to frame the words correctly.the universe operates on fixed laws that never have a vehicle that powers itself without putting an external source of energy into it breaks the laws of gravity and inertia and thermodynamics.if there were a source of invisible "radio" energy out there that an antenne could direct into a receiver that could power up the motors and charge the batteries it hasnt been found yet.if we had a scanner like the ham radio guys play with and it locked onto a power frequency with enough energy in it to power just one car---that radio would self destruct--they havent found such a channel because if they had we'd all know about it.the sun plasma as an energy source?apparently that is edisons direct current not telsas alternating current----dont know how it would be possible to break into this d c circuit from the sun let alone how much dc each of us could tap off it.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Illuminis

i too have my own ideas for an electric car none much like this good read though

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 10:02 AM
Do like the poor man's copyright like what people do with music... You take all your plans/schematics, everything about the design of the vehicle, even pictures showing you make it or something... put in an envelope, mail it to yourself, and then never open it. The post office has record of all mail, it would prove that you had the plans before anyone else. But I don't know how effective this would work... it may work for music but against the team of lawyers car companies have AND the oil companies.. I don't know.

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