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movies prepare us for an arrival

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posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 05:55 PM
well, everyone has seen movies... especially movies with aliens. i think it's possible that maybe the big directors who make alien movies are really preparing us for some sort of encounter, either good or bad. like ever since movies came about there have been alien movies... and especially now today (meaning the past few decades) they seem a lot more relevant. what do you all think? sorry if there's already a thread on this, i looked but found nothing though.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 06:03 PM
you can also say that about tv shows that talk about ufos, crop circles, things in that nature. There are many movies about other subject matter such as ghosts and the supernatural, also about war and love, so are they preparing us for all of those things too?

I think that tv and movies are there to open our awareness to all things possible, but I do not think they are preparing us for an arrival.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 06:13 PM
if what you say that movies are preparing us, its all part of the process. its like droping a really hot object in cold water. it needs to be gradual otherwise it will break, just like the people. how could you tell people that there is nothing we are alone and then the next day turn around and say aliens are coming for us (or are here, whatever) disclosure will come. or maybe its all bs. alien movies do seem to bring in a lot of $ nowadays.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 07:51 PM
you could say that about tv shows like those, but not as many people see those as see movies. those tv shows i feel are just an offset of the media that spurred off from those movies. with the other genre of movies you mentioned worldwatcher i suppose you could say that they do in a way prepare us for those. in a movie about love and war (ie cold mountain) helps people relate to the atrocities of war and how it affects people on the homefront.

and yeah, this has happened gradually. these movies have become more and more pouplar since they started off. they make more and more money and more and more people see them

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:47 PM
I think in there way they are preparing humans you notice they have more and more cartoons with aliens for kids they are hitting all ages.
The Kecksburg case in PA. The Air Bases in England and elsewhere have been made into hour long TV VIEWING and they are right on.
Our government says they don't want mass panic and believe me it could cause mass panic.
But you must remember the lies started back when Truman was President then the secret Black Budget CAME INTO EXISTANCE THE SECRET GOVERNMENT WITHIN OUR GOVERNMENT. They have lied for so long I really think they believe themselves and if/when this comes out into the open don't you think they have to use golden gloves to cover there butts because there are going to be many people mad at the lies and cover-ups. I could go on and on.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:52 PM
50 years ago, women seen bearing thier breasts on television was considered an outrage. 50 years later its a norm.
Movies based on Aliens are simply to dilude all pessimestic emotions caused by alien phenomenom.
Were much more mature on this subject and can expect disclosure to some extent.
Alien sightings are just shrugged off, as an everyday event. 50 years ago this was different.
So, in a sense We have been disclosed an Alien presence in a very indirect passive way for decades.


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:57 PM
I've often wondered if Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey wasn't a semi-official disclosure of *the situation* and *our best assessment*

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:58 PM

I've often wondered if Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey wasn't a semi-official disclosure of *the situation* and *our best assessment*

I have never seen this movie. Whats the story?


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:59 PM
I think it's because people are interested in aliens, and directors want to make money.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 09:22 PM
deep, you really have to see (or read!!) that movie... personally, i like the book a lot more. it's by arthur c. clarke. pick it up sometime
btw, reading the book and the seeing the movie would help make the movie make more sense. also, there's a whole series. i'd suggest reading them all.

and i think that this mass interest in aliens is a good thing. by causing this interest, and increasing it time after time after time the forces guiding whoever makes these movies is slowly guiding the human race towards an acceptance... and i'm not saying ALL alien movies are done by this, but like all the major ones... ie. star wars/trek, 2001, alien, and other BIG name movies such as those

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 09:22 PM
The premise of the movie is that extraterrestrial intelligence had a hand in human evolution, and continues to.

In the first part of the movie an alien artifact, which has the appearance of a black monolith, is seen to have an influence on the development of primitive hominids, making them become more 'human'. Later, in the era of human space exploration scientists find a black monolith on the moon. Finally, yet another artifact is found near one of Jupiter's moons. The effect of these alien totems is to draw humanity slowly upward and outward into a new state of being.

Warning: The movie makes massive use of symbolism. If you watch it, don't interpret the images in a literal fashion. Ask yourself what it's supposed to mean. Don't expect the movie to answer questions about what aliens are; the extraterrestrial intelligence is depicted in a very vague fashion, no different then as if it was God.

The final image in the movie depicts a living human fetus floating in deep space - a symbol of future humanity.

[Edited on 8-2-2004 by Condorcet]

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
ie. star wars/trek, 2001, alien, and other BIG name movies such as those

Are you serious?

No offense meant, but I really don't see how all these different firectors could be in it for the NWO Alien Conspiracy, and not the money and to have some fun.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 10:09 PM
i didn't say anything about the NWO... i just think it's wholey ETs. and i know it's a stretch, and granted those movies are all fun... but they do give an idea of all the different types of life and technology that may be in the universe. so the movies are like preparing us for the "culture shock" of encountering these different species and their amazing technologies (or just different methods of the same technologies).

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
i didn't say anything about the NWO... i just think it's wholey ETs. and i know it's a stretch, and granted those movies are all fun... but they do give an idea of all the different types of life and technology that may be in the universe. so the movies are like preparing us for the "culture shock" of encountering these different species and their amazing technologies (or just different methods of the same technologies).

Sorry, from the way I read it, I thought you were saying that the film industry was in cahoots with the aliens/government/insert shady organaiztion to prepare us, instead of it just being a byproduct of entertainment.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 10:32 PM
it's all good... and that is how i mean it. just no NWO stuff. just aliens. and it isn't even that they're in cahoots. i think the ET's are doing something to help form the movies indirectly. it's really just a big idea/possibility i thought of

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
it's all good... and that is how i mean it. just no NWO stuff. just aliens. and it isn't even that they're in cahoots. i think the ET's are doing something to help form the movies indirectly. it's really just a big idea/possibility i thought of

Alright. Sorry about that, I've been getting into alot of NWO arguments lately

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 10:52 PM
I've been thinking about this, and it re-occurs everytime I see something like that...say an announcer throwing in a little joke, some T.V. show, a movie, etc. I dunno, it seems plausible to me...would make sense too, its a 'non' threatening way to prepare us..


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 11:08 PM
esoterica... it's cool about the NWO stuff, really.

and yeah, the alien sort of stuff is everywhere. it is a non-threatening way, and that's exactly what i think very well may be going on.

i really have no proof for this, it was just an idea that seemed really plausible to me.

posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 05:11 AM
This is how i see it:

USA shot down or recover damaged UFO at Roswell in 1947 it was in papers for 1 day saying they had got a disc craft, then next day all of a sudden its WHOOPS its a weather baloon lmao how gullable people were back then.

1952 UFO's hover above whit house for ages 7 of them i think whole city saw it it was in papers next day, Goverment say they were birds AS IF...... next day they return again and do same thing.....

1955's onwards Movies appear with UFO alien invaders, then later tv serious follow trend in Brain Washing us that UFO's are silly and to be mocked at..(Military achives their goal for mass people to mock UFO's as silly and be riddiculed)

Also when Reagan hope i spelt it correct was presidant he said on TV in some address, what if the Earth was attacked by hostile aliens and went on about it for a while.....

Now we come to Hollywood films:

Aliens invade we win as usual

and then onto films that prepare for contact

SIGNS is pretty good film on my FAV films but it sure does capture the felling of what would we do in such a situation....

i think there is an alien fleet on its way here, the goverments know about it, its a long way of though, could of been noticed by hubble or radio waves or something else, we do have time to prepare for it and i think we are, also they could know of it by capturing alien occupants of UFO's advanced scout partys (ie the UFO's we see today) they are preparing highly secret weps back enginered craft useing UFO tech i think, possible even that we made contact with friendly aliens that were running from evil aliens and they warned us about them, maybe they even left some of their technology to help us delay them or defeat them even, if they were friendly we wouldnt be shooting at them many incidents of military shooting ufo's, even some on live tv NASA space shuttle incident (google it) they then took that live shuttle stuff off air for ages.

Crop cirles could be navigation markings, or some new technology we made and we test it for what ever reasons in fields an ice and even forests, there does seem to be a military pressance behind crop cirlces ie blach helicopters, little glowing balls of light (they remind me of FOO Fighters of ww2 first reported sighting)

We do have Nuclear weapons that could render this planet useless, maybe they wont attack maybe they will but we sure will be ready i reckon.

Also there was an incident were something came from deep space and skimmed our atmosphere it was not an asteroid, or comet, it was metal and Norad recoreded it on radar and analysied it its an unknown object that actually slowed itself down but missed us and skimmed atmosphere and headed of into deep space past us, it looked like it was meant to land here or whatever possible alien probe dunno but it sure wasnt normal.

posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 05:35 AM
Perhaps an interesting read here?

"The Race for First Contact - Shaping Public Opinion for the Open Appearance of Extraterrestrial Races

There has been a worldwide suppression of a secret extraterrestrial presence on Earth for at least 50 years from the general public and most elected public officials. The official public disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence has long been speculated to be imminent. The repeated delays have led to much uncertainty over when the secret extraterrestrial presence will eventually be disclosed. However, rather than �when� being the critical issue to be decided, it appears that the more difficult issue is �how� the extraterrestrial presence will be disclosed. There appears to be a secret race to shape public opinion of an extraterrestrial presence in a way that prepares the public to accept a particular �first contact� scenario."

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