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NWO is responsible for concert pitch A-440hz

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posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:19 AM

See the last table on link, having the CIA crack.

Is that page available translated?
Looks interesting.
Mi German is a bit rusty.



[edit on 28-8-2008 by CHiram_Abiff]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by CHiram_Abiff

See the last table on link, having the CIA crack.

Is that page available translated?
Looks interesting.
Mi German is a bit rusty.



[edit on 28-8-2008 by CHiram_Abiff]

The German SS translation to English is on:
and refers to:
Search on above 2 links the value 540.

Now why is C# set to 540 Hertz ? See page 42 for the CIA = 540 crack

[edit on 28-8-2008 by hawk123]

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 03:54 AM
Bobby (aka Maya432) please let us know how you play the # (Sharp) frequencies in the 432 Hertz music range.

All examples I now have are disharmonic. (Pyramid related music)

I also checked Project 432 but could not find the harmonic answer.

[edit on 30-8-2008 by hawk123]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 06:05 PM
Can I ask a question.
Does 423 hertz have any significance?



posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by CHiram_Abiff

You need to study the works of Handel and Haydn.

This might be the explanation from the book CANON:
141 is the width of a vesica formed by two
circles whose united width is 423, or the side of a
square inclosed by a rhombus whose sides are 666.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by hawk123]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by hawk123

Hi hawk
sorry that I have not responded lately...
I`m not sure that i understand your question...
how do I play the sharps ??

What we have here is an Op that is a bit over his head when it comes to the science of all this... I do Apologize for my lack of academic skills.

to tell you the truth, i have been somewhat relying on sharp minds like yours
to try to figure this out......

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by Maya432

Hi Bobby

My warning on 432 Hertz crack

432 Hertz is cracked by OTO = CIA = 540

The good 432 Hertz range is:
432 = Sun Music (Dorian or Doric mode) = Harmonic
A = 432:384 = 9:8 (wholetone) (radius sun = 432 x 1000)
B = 486:432 = 9:8 (wholetone)
C = 512:486 = 256:243 (leimma, i.e. halftone)
D = 576:512 = 9:8 (wholetone)
E = 648:576 = 9:8 (wholetone)
F = 729:648 = 9:8 (wholetone)
G = 768:729 = 256:243 (leimma, i.e. halftone)
A = 864:768 = 9:8 (wholetone) (diameter sun = 864 x 1000)

The bad 432 Hertz range is cracked by the CIA = OTO = 540
It shows the range:

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by hawk123

ok ..i see what you are saying...

so far I have made NO adjustments or measurements to
see what my sharps and flats are when making music...

I don`t understand this "540

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Maya432
reply to post by hawk123

I don`t understand this "540

C# 540 comes from links:
540 hertz is disharmonic in harmonic 432 range.

540 = 100 + 440 (Applying Atbash cipher to it gives the code CIA)
See my previous posts on SOPHIA and BAPHOMET

And finally F# 740 comes again from pyramid, just like 440.
740 hertz is disharmonic in harmonic 432 range.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by hawk123]

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 10:54 PM
There's nothing wrong with 540 Hz as C#. Harmony is about relative pitch, not just absolute. 540 is a Just major third above 432.

For sharp frequencies, it depends on our tuning. Since we're mostly using 12-edo, we're pretty much going to be using...

A# = 457.69
C# = 544.29
D# = 610.94
F# = 726.53
G# = 815.51

[edit on 6-9-2008 by nscopheacriaaclters]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 09:49 AM

the math that is evident when tuned to a-432 show what I like to call
"the Plato Code"

Just like there are hidden codes writen into the bible.
there are also hidden codes in the 432 matrix.
432 is THE ONLY resonant frequency that is capable of natually
reproducing what is called the "Pythagorian Musical Spiral"
its the same sequence of growth that all life follows.
it utilizes the formula of "Phi" also know as the "Golden Mean"
and is also found in the "Fibonnaci sequence"

hey bobby sing me a 432 tune in Plato's cave...

tell you what...share with me why you call 432 Plato's code and I will share with you how Plato's code is connected to taking the legendary Riddle of the Sphinx to the next level...

It only takes us to a deeper understanding..

The Riddle of the Sphinx was a Greek riddle.
Though the Sphinx in Egypt is connected to this riddle in a most profound manner.



posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by CHiram_Abiff

How is the Riddle of the Sphinx connected to the 432 Hertz music ?
And is there a difference between the Egypt and the Greek riddle ?

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by hawk123
reply to post by CHiram_Abiff

How is the Riddle of the Sphinx connected to the 432 Hertz music ?
And is there a difference between the Egypt and the Greek riddle ?

Finally found the 423 answer some threads before
in combination with search: 423 The Solution To The Riddle Of The Sphinx

This gives:
4 3 2 is the wrong path by itself.
But the Riddle is closer to being solved if we see the two sequences 432 and 423, as representing the 2 orbits that both binary companions are on.
And the two companions are Sol and its Soul-mate.

Therefore 432 is the Sun (Doric music)
And it can be calculated by employing those esoteric symbols again, that our Sun Sol and its binary companion perhaps intersect or effect each other significantly 8 times in a 25,920 year cycle. I have marked those intersections with a backslash

Now which planet is crossing the Sun 8 times in a 25920 year cycle ?
The answer might lead to the 423 music.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 06:41 PM

1 hertz(Hz) is a "C" at A-432

It is the lowest possible note/tone/frequency/cycle (measured in cycles per second)
"C" is the root of ALL SCALES in Music, and natural harmonics in nature and science

The wavelength of this "C" is 186282.39705122 miles

The speed of light is 186282.397 miles per second.... (yes your reading it right...he he)

This is very strong evidence for the existence of a unified theory that
functions from a single resonance (singularity) and then to its harmonic counterparts.

this is very exciting .....

I also promised some numbers on heat to frequency conversion but have been so busy lately, but I did a quick search
and got these numbers so far.( I just punched in 432hz )I do not quite understand them but I know of a
couple lads here who might know what they mean.

HEAT: (results taken from )

Hertz to Kelvin
4.320000e+02 s/
1.000000e+00 K

Hertz to degrees Celsius
4.320000e+02 s/
1.000000e+00 s-A

Hertz to degrees Fahrenheit
4.320000e+02 s/
1.000000e+00 m.-kg/-s4-A2

..nscopheacriaaclters, Do these numbers make any sense??

.. Hawk and chiram
great stuff on the Sphinx and other hidden puzzles

I call it the Plato Code because It seems that he may be
responsible for hiding much of this knowledge, drawing from
Socrates and the works of Pythagoras..

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 08:46 PM
Mate I dont really understand you im afraid, im sorry if you have covered this before but 44 pages is a bit of a marathon.

I agree that we should go back to A=432hz, it has a much more pleasant effect i think. However i do not understand your use of vague numerology and psuedoscience, nor what you are trying to prove with it.

With regard to your last post, the wavelength of 1Hz at optimum environmental conditions is 1130 feet, not 186282.39705122 miles. You seem to be referring to electromagnetic waves to which pitch cannot be applied, and which have absolutely no relation to acoustic pressure waves. I also do not see any link with heat!

Even stating that 1Hz = C is incorrect, both because its outside the range of human hearing (and so by definition has no pitch), and that C0 at 432 would actually be 8.3Hz. Im just playing devils advocate a bit cos id like to hear a little more about where your going with this.

By the way your music is pretty good, quite sellable, do you make much money from it?

[edit on 22-9-2008 by Man_Versus_AntiMan]

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Man_Versus_AntiMan

all waves no matter how high they are, can be reduced to their
lower counterparts.

1 hertz is a C... it does not matter if it is out of human hearing range,
It is still a C.

as far as the 186282.397 ? thats the number that the conversion
calculator spits out...(I am also confused by this)

thanx for your compliment... I haven`t really started selling the cd yet,
except for I-tunes, but I plan on releasing it soon(I hope) lol...

here.. look at this color/frequency chart

Red 780-640 nm .. Orange 640-595 nm .. Yellow 595-570 nm .. Green 570-500 nm .. Blue 500-450 nm .. Violet 450-380 nm

in frequencies (Hz) this is
Red 3,85E+14 4,69E+14 .. Orange 4,69E+14 5,04E+14 .. Yellow 5,04E+14 5,26E+14 .. Green 5,26E+14 6,00E+14 .. Blue 6,00E+14 6,67E+14 .. Violet 6,67E+14 7,89E+14

D 288..... 2^41 6,333E+14 474 - Do -Blue
E 324..... 2^41 7,125E+14 421 - Re -Indigo
F 341..... 2^41 7,504E+14 400 - Mi -Violet
G 384..... 2^40 4,222E+14 711 - Fa -Red
A 432..... 2^40 4,750E+14 632 - So -Orange
B 486..... 2^40 5,344E+14 561 - La -Yellow
C 512..... 2^40 5,629E+14 533 - Ti -Green

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 12:37 PM
Absolutely if you reduce the harmonic content of any sound you get to the fundemental frequency, but that is not to say that you can just extrapolate undertones from any pitch, because then youd be inferring frequencies which were never there.

Im afraid i still dont get it. Especially the link between colour and sound, are you suggesting that these ultra high electromagnetic waves bear a real world relation to air pressure waves? Because they are totally seperate phenomena.

Although saying that there is an interesting condition called synesthesia where the senses seem to overlap and people can see the colour of sound.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Man_Versus_AntiMan

Im afraid i still dont get it. Especially the link between colour and sound, are you suggesting that these ultra high electromagnetic waves bear a real world relation to air pressure waves? Because they are totally seperate phenomena.

Just search on
> the pythagorean theory of music and color

And the works of James Furia with 432.

[edit on 23-9-2008 by hawk123]

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:55 PM
THE SQUARE ROOT OF FIVE!!! = 2.236067977 is the answer to all.
This is the connection between Music, Speed of Light, Color. Pyramid, Universe, Gematria etc.
Start on above page after "Sine Waves" (including 432)

And the Golden Ratio = 1.6180339887

The Tangent of The Speed of light in AIR ( 186234.09485 ) is again:
THE SQUARE ROOT OF FIVE!!! = 2.236067977
Radius Sun = 432 x 1000
Radius Earth = 396 x 10

Tangent of 432 = 3.077683537
Tangent of 396 = 0.726542528

Now Multiply both Tangents:
3.077683537 x 0.726542528 = 2.236067977.
This gives again: THE SQUARE ROOT OF FIVE

Now it is possible to make the perfect 432 Music. By using
THE SQUARE ROOT OF FIVE!!! in 1 million digits.
or even more:
THE SQUARE ROOT OF FIVE!!! in 10 million digits.

[edit on 24-9-2008 by hawk123]

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 08:03 AM
Hello all,

Though aware of the 432 thing for 3 years I found this excellent thread just yesterday ( on page 28 now).
Some of the info is mind blowing ( Hawk123, you rock! :cool
and it will take me some time to consume and digest.
I'm a musician and sound engineer and spend the good part of my time researching this, imo, very important subject.

Will join the discussion as soon as I'm done reading the thread and given links, so see you in a year or so


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