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NWO is responsible for concert pitch A-440hz

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posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:59 PM
I have read all the post,and would like to thank you for takeing the time to let us see what u are seeing.After reading this i begain to ponder the "What if" question,i mean isnt that what we human do best?
Anyway,I am a a beliver in intelligent design,and of a "god force" creator,but thats just personal and not for anyone but me.Upon this "what if" state of mind, "God" spoke and the universe was created, And his words or frequency echo through time as the "song of creation".One would
Wonder what frequancy that was, 432 perhaps,would be funny lol.And in that relm of "what if" there was some that remebered the song of "god",or what u choose to belive.How would the make man no longer hear or rember the song,MAbey it was powerfull in its own right.Mabey just Mabey,We can trick man,Bose Noise Cancelation head phones are examples of deafing of frequancy,anyway thats a diffrent tangent.
But Let say The information or the "song" Was hidden,Even after reading this fourm i can see it would be hard to find again.I mean it seem Many fight even the idea that this "What if" could be true.
It has been shown in all of the oldest of any civilization we Currently are aware of,that sound is of the divine,and is close to there "god".Singing chanting and other forms such as buddist drumming,gonging,chimeing ect,all follow the fundament of bring u closer to something divine.I would say that could be dangerous to a goverment or world order,To know that u are more then people with short lifes and nothing waiting to see next?
Sorry I degress,
Sound is the latest in weapons,hell they even play country music for pablo escabar back in the day lo.Also when dealing with matter and the bonds that hold matter togather to a form synthitic or organic in nature.That the Frequancy of the energy that bonds and creates form from loose atoms is the key to understanding ,and future replacation of say food,or clothes,or anything u can think of,all the element are around you,they just have'nt been played the right tune yet >>.
OK i Have departed into the realm of though to far,so thank u for the thread ,very intresting to contemplate it.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by CHiram_Abiff

See on this page the 199 days (mirror of 911) between the Venus transit on June 6 2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar. (December 21, 2012)

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by d60944
I think I know quite clearly wby this is in BTS! Nonsense referencing speculation.


Tell ya what Rob visit that site above to see even more speculation...

What you call speculation, many call the esoteric.
Sheeple and seegullibles only graze on and digest exoteric BS.

Pythagoras, Isaac Newton the alchemist, and Jung the archetypist would agree with Mi not Ewe...
Just the way it is...
Ewe have much to learn...though you do seem to know much about concert pitches...specialization though does not make one a wise Jack of all trades ... does it...

Take away a person's specialization ... they become dependent on others very quickly...
How will the specialists function when the plug gets pulled?

Yes the meek shall inherit the earth...not the geek like many had hoped.



[edit on 8-7-2008 by CHiram_Abiff]

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by CHiram_Abiff

Yes, See also my posting on Page 35 of this thread.
The Square of Lo Shu Diamond ('___') is also referred to as the Magic Square of Saturn
The harmonics demo (with animated GIF) can be found on link:

It is all ABRACADABRA however Aleister Crowley (The Wickedest Man In the World) replaced it with ABRAHADABRA

The Las Vegas showgirls show the same 432 show (Lo Shu)
Page 35 shows also the relation to 432 Hertz

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 02:46 PM
Sophia (Wisdom) translates with the Atbash cipher to Baphomet (528 Hertz
Baphomet 5+2+8 = 15 (Card #15 in Tarot deck)

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by d60944
I think I know quite clearly wby this is in BTS! Nonsense referencing speculation.

Anyway.... has anyone bothered to post a little of the history or Western pitch standards? Here is a little summary of some of the relevant facts (a book could be written on thr topic though - and probably has). We have tuning forks and organs from perdiods so we know what the case was. Pitch varied wildly all over Europe:

Handel's A=422.5; Mozart's A=421.6; London Phil Soc 1813-1820 A=423.5, after 1820 until the 1840s A=433.2, after 1845 A=454.7 (!); London Albert Hall 1877 A=455.1; London Crystal Palace organ 1888 A=c.452; in the 1880s: Steinway (New York) A=457.2, Erard A=455.3, Chappell A=455.9; "French Pitch" established before the 1860s A=435 and sort of adopted in other non-German/Russian countries. Vienna 1885 A=435.4; London Philharmonic 1896 A=439.

That's just a sample. Whence this obsession with the magic number you are all talking about?



BBBBBBBBXXXXZZZZZZZZZZZ wrong answer but thanx for playing...
um...sir... did ya notice that this is not in bts?
yes yes many many different tunings have been used..
and this means what to me?
you probably read a page or two of the thread and think you have the don`t....sir

the 432 community is growing..
what you think I`m the only one promoting this.
if you do then you are very mistaken.

the measurements of
all prove that 432 is indeed the center axis point...

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 05:01 PM
I was going to stay out of this aspect of the discussion because
of hawks amazing info, but when you start to insult us here is where I draw
the line..
hawk is correct. abrahadabra is supposed to be abracadrabra


religion taints all good things
and the solfegio frequencies are also equally tainted.....

I was really enjoying your input... but I`m not so sure now....

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by d60944

I forgot to add

58 stars and over 33,000 views on ATS... not bts

ya ..this threads a real loser huh?

[edit on 10-7-2008 by Maya432]

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 05:34 PM
judging from the recent offers and interest in the 432 movement
and PROJECT 432.
Project 432 will soon be going to reach a lot more people.
a world wide internet radio interview this saturday
on at 3:pm eastern time will be the first in a long series of
interviews for the 432 movement.

just like any other truth movement it will be faced with GREAT
opposition...but the truth will prevail.

we. the 432 community, are doing great strides in promoting
and its about to get even more mainstream ...
you can`t fight mother nature

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 06:27 PM
This is indeed a very good thread with a lot of great posts and I will try to do a bit of research myself soon when I have vacation.

starred and flagged.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 06:54 PM
There seems to be a huge amount of confusion in the parts of this thread that I've read, and a lot of references to works of fiction, too.. (seriously, the da vinci code?)

I'm a lifelong musician, and I also spent a lot of years studying physics, so I'm quite aware of a lot of things musicians don't even understand when it relates to things like frequencies, waves, harmonics.

For one thing, if you're going to talk about conspiracy in music, especially with regards to the frequency of notes, why aren't there more posts about the Tempered Scale?

If you take a look at a piano, you'll notice that all the notes are finite, absolute. A piano can't be adjusted in pitch whilst being played, nor practically at any time other than when it is being tuned by a professional.

The entire scale of music we currently used is based upon this fact, the fact that the piano cannot be adjusted. Before such fixed pitch instruments, it was more common knowledge that depending on the key you were playing in, notes could and should actually be quite different - thus a B flat in the key of F would be a completely different note to A# in the key of C#, even though on the piano this is an identical note.

In the end, because of the popularity of the piano, and the desire to pair it with other instruments, the tempered scale, which takes an "average" of each note, became necessary, and thus popular. A truly well educated and talented musician can take advantage of this fact - bending notes back towards where they should be in specific keys for a more beautiful or dramatic effect. In truth, while 440hz is a standard pitch for A, professional conductors can and will request a different pitch if they wish to for certain pieces, as someone else stated, different composers used a different standard, so again, someone who has made music their lifetime passion may change pitch to fit more accurately with what the composer heard. (I have a vague recollection of being in an orchestra where this was done, and I'm pretty sure it's fairly common practice)

Edit, forgot to mention..

Resonant frequency? 432Hz is far too high a pitch to resonate with anything in nature.. A resonant frequency is one which sets up sympathetic vibrations in other things - and 432 would only set up sympathetic vibrations in things which have a higher frequency than that.. Nature is made of slow pulses, not fast ones..

This theory sounds nice and all that, but it just doesn't jibe with what I know as a musician or as a physicist...

[edit on 10-7-2008 by Inannamute]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by Inannamute

There seems to be a huge amount of confusion in the parts of this thread that I've read, and a lot of references to works of fiction, too.. (seriously, the da vinci code?)

this is just a reference to the codes that are in the ancient Hebrew scriptures.
doesn`t matter if its davinci or not ,i was just using it as a comparison because the term was kinda popular and has to do with codes in ancient scriptures...

what i like to call the Plato code is based on the works of Pythagoras.
and is part of Plato`s theory of Everything.

For one thing, if you're going to talk about conspiracy in music, especially with regards to the frequency of notes, why aren't there more posts about the Tempered Scale?

yes, we have touched on the temperament a bit in this thread.
there are some guitar makers and companies promoting
other temperaments.

yes the piano is a great example because it will not follow
the rules of a eqi-tempered scale.
it relies on the NATURAL harmonic scale

Resonant frequency? 432Hz is far too high a pitch to resonate with anything in nature.. A resonant frequency is one which sets up sympathetic vibrations in other things - and 432 would only set up sympathetic vibrations in things which have a higher frequency than that.. Nature is made of slow pulses, not fast ones..

yes you are basically right on there.... BUT...
if you use the resonant frequency of 432 then yes...the sympathetic vibrations will vibrate all of the 12
harmonic nodes where as a-440 will only activate 8

the reason that ON.LY this resonant frequency can
accomplish is that it is in perfect resonance with nature
once you have matched the resonant frequency of this universe
well,............?????????(I don`t have all the

there is quite a bit of this 432 talk going around from several different sources..
look into it a bit if you want ....and thanx for your questions..

also look over these numbers and it may help to see the connection.

Red 780-640 nm .. Orange 640-595 nm .. Yellow 595-570 nm .. Green 570-500 nm .. Blue 500-450 nm .. Violet 450-380 nm

in frequencies (Hz) this is
Red 3,85E+14 4,69E+14 .. Orange 4,69E+14 5,04E+14 .. Yellow 5,04E+14 5,26E+14 .. Green 5,26E+14 6,00E+14 .. Blue 6,00E+14 6,67E+14 .. Violet 6,67E+14 7,89E+14

D 288..... 2^41 6,333E+14 474 - Do -Blue
E 324..... 2^41 7,125E+14 421 - Re -Indigo
F 341..... 2^41 7,504E+14 400 - Mi -Violet
G 384..... 2^40 4,222E+14 711 - Fa -Red
A 432..... 2^40 4,750E+14 632 - So -Orange
B 486..... 2^40 5,344E+14 561 - La -Yellow
C 512..... 2^40 5,629E+14 533 - Ti -Green
1hz =186282.4 miles

speed of light 186000 miles/second

432hz= 431.21 miles

432000 seconds in every 12hour period

radius of the sun is 432000 miles

3600 seconds in one hour ( completing the 360 degrees cycle/pulse/frequency)

86400 seconds in one day (864, one octave higher that 432)

and Bruce Cathie`s 144hz and 288hz findings.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 02:58 AM
oops sorry..
forgot to mention that the last chart is from the mathematics department at Birkley.

a strongly feel that 432 is the Primmer for TBT The Big Toe.
if you have studied physics, then I`m sure you are familiar
with this term.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by Maya432]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Inannamute
There seems to be a huge amount of confusion in the parts of this thread that I've read, and a lot of references to works of fiction, too.. (seriously, the da vinci code?)

The successor of the DaVinci book is expected this year as the Solomon key. However it was already clear in this thread that 1,2 x 440 = 528 Hertz = Baphomet code.

The Temple of Solomon has been called the Temple of Peace Among Men. In Latin this reads Templi omnium hominum pacis abhas (The God of) the Temple of Peace Among All Men, in short Tem Oph Ab, which is Baphomet spelled backwards.

Solomon asked God for Wisdom (Sophya) and got it.
However later in Solomons life the Wisdom code was changed by the Atbash cipher to the Baphomet code.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by hawk123]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by hawk123

Music in 440 Hertz shows indeed the same harmonics in Yard distance
0,125 mile = 220 yards = 660 feet
0,25 mile = 440 yards = 1320 feet
0,5 mile = 880 yards = 2640 feet
1 mile = 1760 yards = 5280 feet
6 mile = 10560 yards = 31680 feet

The circle of the earth+moon = Pi (22/7) x 5040 miles x 2 = 31680 miles.
72 Kaballah gods * 440 Hertz = 31680

Please stay tuned with the Mile = 432 x 1000 = radius sun.
The Yard must be from NWO.

And stop the NWO Metric system.

The yard has been around much longer than the 1760 yard mile. The mile was just extended to its present length to accommodate the 220 yard furlong.

The yard itself is a pretty natural measure (half a fathom, step/half a pace, etc.). To me, the yard isn't a corrupt division of the mile; the mile and furlong are poorly-chosen numbers of yards (though the 220 yard furlong may relate to the 22/7 pi approximation).

I'd prefer to have a 1728 yard mile and 216 yard furlong.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by nscopheacriaaclters]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 07:56 PM
something that should also be looked at, in a new thread is the Mile.

After looking into this for some months it seems to me that the mile IS based on fibonacci/golden ratio 1.618xxxxxxxx

the move to metric is a cover.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 07:58 PM
This doesn't make any sense.

Frequency varies in hertz. 432hz is a natural frequency, as is 440hz and 234234hz etc. The most unnatural sound that we have not recorded in nature without intelligent intervention is the square wave oscillator pulse. Notice I said "sound" and not "frequency".

Nothing nature has made creates this waveform, except synthesizers that mankind made (the legendary "subbass" on the Roland Juno synth is a perfect example of how it sounds and is most frequently used in techno/house music, and also why it sounds so wierd). I use it alot myself

But, frequency is a completly different thing than wave form. There is no such thing as an unnatural frequency, but there are waveforms that do not occur in nature and therefor called "unnatural waveforms". Even unnatural waveforms you can vibrate and play at 440hz. These are 2 completely different things.

What they mean by 432hz and 440hz is the division within the harmonic frequencies. It's alot simpler at 432hz than at 440hz and has less harmonic distortion. In simpler terms this means 432hz will yield alot less "exciting" musical sound, and could also be termed as "flatter". But I agree, 432hz is more correct, but could also sound more boring and not for "jazz" i guess

In any case, a track tuned at 440hz has no guarrentee it will be played back at 440hz master tuning. A vinyl record may be tuned to fit the beat of the previous tune etc. Uncalibrated motors will not spin at the right BPM either, so the record will spin at different frequencies on different players.

In any case, everyone can tune their instruments to 432hz whenever they want. There is no law against this. I will tune my next track at 432hz just for fun now.

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by nscopheacriaaclters

Originally posted by hawk123

Music in 440 Hertz shows indeed the same harmonics in Yard distance
0,125 mile = 220 yards = 660 feet
0,25 mile = 440 yards = 1320 feet
0,5 mile = 880 yards = 2640 feet
1 mile = 1760 yards = 5280 feet
6 mile = 10560 yards = 31680 feet

The circle of the earth+moon = Pi (22/7) x 5040 miles x 2 = 31680 miles.
72 Kaballah gods * 440 Hertz = 31680

Please stay tuned with the Mile = 432 x 1000 = radius sun.
The Yard must be from NWO.

And stop the NWO Metric system.

The yard has been around much longer than the 1760 yard mile. The mile was just extended to its present length to accommodate the 220 yard furlong.

The yard itself is a pretty natural measure (half a fathom, step/half a pace, etc.). To me, the yard isn't a corrupt division of the mile; the mile and furlong are poorly-chosen numbers of yards (though the 220 yard furlong may relate to the 22/7 pi approximation).

I'd prefer to have a 1728 yard mile and 216 yard furlong.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by nscopheacriaaclters]

The Mile is correct. If you change the Mile, then you never get the Radius of the Sun anymore as 432 x 1000 Miles and the Moon with 1080 Miles radius.

The Yard, Feet and Inch are the NWO measurements.
31680 feet = 440 x 72 = 528 x 60

440 Hertz and 528 Hertz is discussed enough in this Thread.
It is related to the Giza Pyramid, Stonehenge, Barbury Castle crop circle, etc.

There are 31680 Inches in half a Mile.

Another 31680:
22 days = 528 hours = 31680 minutes (coincedence ?)

[edit on 12-7-2008 by hawk123]

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by ravenflt

Frequency varies in hertz. 432hz is a natural frequency, as is 440hz and 234234hz etc. The most unnatural sound that we have not recorded in nature without intelligent intervention is the square wave oscillator pulse. Notice I said "sound" and not "frequency"

hey ravenfit
your missing the big picture altogether...

um......I don`t think I have ever used the term "unnatural wave"
I have said "unbalanced wave" in...not in balance with natures
resonant frequency....
you seem to be overlooking the MOST IMPORTANT part of this whole 432
thing. and that it IS THE ONLY "natural" resonant frequency.
(when I use the word Natural, it literally means Nature,,,meaning..
All of the non man made universe
or According to natures Law

the measurements of
and the relation ship between hertz and miles, then it becomes very clear that this 432hz resonant frequency is the center axis point of these systems that dictate our universe.

Not sure why you are talking about wave shapes(sine,square, sawtooth)
its not what we are talking about..

this goes WAY BEYOND the mere discussion about tunings or wave
shapes...if you start to see then you realize its not even really a musical a way....he he

do you realize that right now they have announced the vortex
technology for super computers...??

this tech is based on the Musical Logarithmic Spiral...
so its not about music ...kinda ..its more
the laws of music shape the growth and evolution of our universe

it is the most SIMPLE gesture that us musicians can make to help correct
an un-balanced environment..
just tune to A-432 instead.. its a little lower in pitch(singers usually dig that.
its a Fatter sound(because it lower in pitch).
there is much more depth and sustain
and it seems to give the digital a more natural and vinyl sound..
over all thumbs up all the way.

I have been working with radio station DJs and recording studio
producers and many many musicians world wide that know that
this research is sound , and together we form a small but
formidable and growing community .

this is real ....

if you view the above chart that shows the "NATURAL"
frequencies below 1000hz(a bigger chart is not necessary
because it just continues with the sequence), then you will see that
440hz is CERTAINLY NOT a natural frequency....

this chart is ROCK SOLID and comes from Berkley University.

and yes
there IS NO LAW against

I looked a little bit into what tunings were used in the most(the popular ones)
for the last 300 years and there were almost every that you
420 and 456 , what was odd was the total lack of any reference to 432 in this period....
this is a very real and virtually secret key to our understanding of the universe..

this is more about the "Music Logarithmic Spiral."
and its role in nature.....
they follow the same rules as our MUSICAL NOTATION. that sounds

life / creations grows and evolves with HARMONICS..
natural harmonic interaction......

waves.. creating harmonics and sympathetic vibration
are accessed on a quantum level.

in essence I believe that it is
The Ultimate Musical Contribution to WORLD PEACE

now the medium(MUSIC) IS THE MESSAGE

hope this helps ,,,if not ,,,please keep drilling the questions out
and I`ll explain the best that i can.

I edited out the word black hole,,,,,

[edit on 13-7-2008 by Maya432]

[edit on 13-7-2008 by Maya432]

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 04:39 AM
now convert this resonant frequency to things like particle moving over certain alloys, perhaps they will float?

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